The date for fts3 has been set to December 5th which is a Sunday, I'm fairly certain this day is the most convenient for everyone. Make sure you don't make any plans for this day. All perth peoples just say whether you can make it or not so I can get a rough idea on numbers. Bryce won't be able to come to this one because he will be in Japan.
If numbers are too much for my mum to accept or my house to handle, does anyone have any reasonable suggestions as to where we might be able to hold it? I suggested possibly Curtin uni, but thats up to ryan to organise =)
Remember, we are expecting around the 15 mark this time around. (Its always lower than the number I say). But spread the word so that people who do not check smashboards as often like tim and chris are aware.
Rules are the ordinary. Best 2/3 3/4 stock matches depending on time restraints and number of people, 7/8 minutes according to stock. First stage is random from fd, ps and k64, loser chooses the next stage out loud before any character selection proceeds, winner may change character, and then loser may change character, then the stage that was said out aloud is chosen to play on.
Dave's stupid rule applies (no stage can be chosen twice in a 2/3 set)
Counter stages can only be chosen from a list of allowed stages, just ask if your curious whether a certain stage is allowed or not, I have a typed list in a word document.
No items
No wallbombing, i'm looking at you mat =P.
No bryn
No messing around or playing up in an unacceptable manner during the tournament, please, if it is at my house, I will ask you to leave immediately. This applies mainly to the newer people who I am not so familiar with. I'm sure that if the venue is somewhere else, the same level of respect should be applied.
No sore losers/ bad sports/ johns/ complainers/ stealing/ people who resort to physically attacking the competitors/ rude comments or remarks etc.
While I trust all of you whom I have spoken to, I'm more concerned about the 'friends' some of you might want to bring along. Please let them understand this is a fun, but still a serious tournament and co-operation with the system and rules above would be very much appreciated.
We may even do a team tournament this time if we have the numbers.
Also some volunteers to bring extra gamecubes, mem cards and game in case we need it?
Mat ok to bring vcr?
Is it possible to tape 60hz?
Shall we get the capture card around the day of the tourney? (are we still splitting it 3 ways?)
I leave for Burma on the 18th of Dec, we are doing our christmas present giving/receiving on the 12th, other than that, If anyone is interested in just playing some smash, let me know.
People who I am hoping to see coming:
Me, mat, kenton, ryan, mic, chris, tim, kalamari, boognish, roland, evan and tim. Kalamari and roland are welcome to bring friends, but please inform me about how many, Members of the UCC club who are interested are also welcome, again I need to know numbers. If i forgot someone I'm sorry, its past midnight and I must sleep now z_z
Get practicing!