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Aura Malarkey in 3D .:. Lsgd


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
The every day life of Aurasmash.

Part 1. Disturbing Alex.

Alex Wolf: it's meh
Alex Wolf: moving suuuuucks :/
carlolopez77: oh it does?
Alex Wolf: yeah
Alex Wolf: and my mom won't take the AC
carlolopez77: AC?
Alex Wolf: air conditioner
carlolopez77: ah right
carlolopez77: so hows life?
Alex Wolf: hot and sweaty :/
carlolopez77: why?
carlolopez77: ah right
carlolopez77: hmm..... how hot is it exactly?
Alex Wolf: supposed to reach 100 today
Alex Wolf: not sure the exact teperature right now
carlolopez77: uhh........... mind converting?\
Alex Wolf: i don't know the conversion :/
carlolopez77: ookk...
carlolopez77: lemme look it up
carlolopez77: oh okie
carlolopez77: i gots it.
carlolopez77: ...... ow. thats sorta hot.
Alex Wolf: when you're not used to tropical climate it's very hot :V
carlolopez77: lol
carlolopez77: i guess so.
Alex Wolf: meh
Alex Wolf: i have winter
Alex Wolf: i win
carlolopez77: gah
carlolopez77: lolz. at least we dont have to shovel snow\
carlolopez77: hahahar
Alex Wolf: at least we have snow
Alex Wolf: hahahar
carlolopez77: least we dont need a heater hahahar
carlolopez77: lolz
Alex Wolf: <.<
carlolopez77: we also dont need to wear heavy uncomfortable clothes
Alex Wolf: i don't
Alex Wolf:
Alex Wolf: jeans and a hoodie
Alex Wolf: all i need
carlolopez77: lol
carlolopez77: i dont need to change at all
Alex Wolf: you can't enjoy hoodies
carlolopez77: i can if i want
Alex Wolf: you have to visit one winter
Alex Wolf: so i can throw a snowball at you
carlolopez77: i should make a snowball and keep it in the fridge. then throw it at you in the middle of july
Alex Wolf: please do
Alex Wolf: :3
carlolopez77: rofl

Part 2. Alex's getaway plan.
Alex Wolf: a snowball would feel good right now
Alex Wolf: if anybody asks why I'm not helping unpack
Alex Wolf: i'm going to tell them that i'm keeping up international relations with the philippines
Alex Wolf:
Alex Wolf: if i ever have to flee the country
Alex Wolf: you're the first person I'm contacting
carlolopez77: lol
carlolopez77: heck yes
carlolopez77: but flee from what?
Alex Wolf: idk
Alex Wolf: but as soon as major **** goes down
carlolopez77: lol naw its all good
Alex Wolf: :3
Alex Wolf: i'm getting the **** out of here
carlolopez77: roflmao
Alex Wolf: i'll have to assume an alias
carlolopez77: i got one already
carlolopez77: which ethnicity would you like to assume?
Alex Wolf: hmm...
Alex Wolf: whatever is easiest to pull off and least likely to get me kidnapped
carlolopez77: hmm...
carlolopez77: alexei borodin.
Alex Wolf: x3
carlolopez77: hmmm
carlolopez77: we could use an anagram of your name
Alex Wolf: nah I'll think of something
carlolopez77: okies
carlolopez77: im bored
Alex Wolf: i just need to know what accents aren't easily recognized over there
Alex Wolf: i'm craving turkey hill lemonade
Alex Wolf: so good
carlolopez77: hmmm
carlolopez77: pretty much every accent is
Alex Wolf: only available in central PA
Alex Wolf: <3
carlolopez77: i might have to teach you to speak our accent
Alex Wolf: :V
carlolopez77: oh come on. its not too hard
carlolopez77: its basically pronouncing things according to letters.
Alex Wolf: i've never heard it
carlolopez77: oh and uh.... read your A's like AH instead of aey.
Alex Wolf: i'd have to hear what it sounds like
carlolopez77: well, all the ones in the internet are just terrible stereotypes.....
Alex Wolf: i know
carlolopez77: hmmm...
carlolopez77: im'a gonna look for something]
Alex Wolf: gogogo
carlolopez77: ok nvm
carlolopez77: all i can find are stereotypes
carlolopez77: and stereotyping makes you more obvious
Alex Wolf: i'll pick up the accent over time
Alex Wolf: and hopefully the language
carlolopez77: language is easy. its the accent you will have to work on
carlolopez77: besides, we speak english anyway
Alex Wolf: not really a problem right now, so far nothing worthy of me trying to leave the country
carlolopez77: hmm.... you can accidentally cause an overdose of awesome through aura into your town causing a nuclear eruption
Alex Wolf: but it would probably be better to learn both languages though
carlolopez77: yeah. probably.
Alex Wolf: <.<
Alex Wolf: ...yet
carlolopez77: yet what?
Alex Wolf: not destroying it yet
Alex Wolf: i still like it
carlolopez77: destroying what?
Alex Wolf: i'm not destroying my town...
carlolopez77: you may never know
carlolopez77: it may happen
Alex Wolf: i'm not destroying my city!

Part 3: Kitamerby
Alex Wolf: i'm not destroying kita either
Alex Wolf: i like him
Alex Wolf: *dun dun dunnnnnn*
carlolopez77: you will.
carlolopez77: one day
Alex Wolf: <.<
carlolopez77: one day a massive wave of aura shall erupt from your body and destroy half a town
Alex Wolf: if i ever visit him
carlolopez77: why not join the yiffmobile
Alex Wolf: i may have to kill him
carlolopez77: if i ever have to visit, i WILL kill him lolz
Alex Wolf: i'd love to rife the yiffmobile
carlolopez77: lol
Alex Wolf: don't kill kita D:
Alex Wolf: at least not until i give the signal
carlolopez77: i will lolz
Alex Wolf: no love for kita
Alex Wolf: :/
carlolopez77: nope. no love for kita
Alex Wolf: oh well, he still has me and flamey
carlolopez77: i lost all love for kita ages ago
Alex Wolf: :<

Part 4 we be bored.

carlolopez77: im bored
Alex Wolf: me too
Alex Wolf: i can't wait to test out this houses shower :3
carlolopez77: cool
carlolopez77: ............ so whats for lunch?
Alex Wolf: no idea
Alex Wolf: not really hungry
carlolopez77: *sigh* i think ill just f around on GTA4
Alex Wolf: shoot some *****es
carlolopez77: lol i love the freedom GTA brings
carlolopez77: ill just go and incite a gang war
Alex Wolf: mow down the elderly with a tank
Alex Wolf: gogogo
carlolopez77: what i love best is killing helicopters by shooting the pilot inside
Alex Wolf: **** yeah, sniper
carlolopez77: lolz
Alex Wolf: flying tank cheats ;D
Alex Wolf: *
carlolopez77: rofl
carlolopez77: the tank is too awesome
Alex Wolf: crash it into the helicopter
carlolopez77: lol
Alex Wolf: pilot will never see it coming
carlolopez77: ooh ooh.
carlolopez77: motorcycle into helicopter. im'a try it
Alex Wolf:
carlolopez77: YYYYYYYYEEEZZZ!!!!!!!
Alex Wolf:
carlolopez77: oh yeah alright yeah!
carlolopez77: of course, i did get chopped up into little pieces
carlolopez77: heliblades go sliece sliece sliece
Alex Wolf: lol
carlolopez77: bored again.
carlolopez77: hmm....
carlolopez77: what if i sleep early with a little actual studying for this really important test tom?
Alex Wolf: invent something
carlolopez77: naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Alex Wolf: so americans and filippinos have the same studying habits
Alex Wolf: awesome
carlolopez77: lol
carlolopez77: i bet we do
Alex Wolf:
carlolopez77: im goofing off to a PS3 instead of studying.
Alex Wolf: yep, same habits
carlolopez77: lolz
carlolopez77: oh yeah, during CAD today, we were forced to work with pairs.
Alex Wolf: i'm about to stab my mom's friend's son
carlolopez77: ????
Alex Wolf: he's annoying
carlolopez77: how old is he?
Alex Wolf: 15
carlolopez77: lolz
carlolopez77: whats wrong with him?
Alex Wolf: he's annoying and he's a ****
carlolopez77: like how?
Alex Wolf: disrespect, arrogance
Alex Wolf: he's basically a neandrethal
carlolopez77: ahh.
carlolopez77: then go tell him to stfu
Alex Wolf: he doesn't listen
carlolopez77: then go away
Alex Wolf: actually i think his mom might kick his ***
Alex Wolf: xD
carlolopez77: then grb popcorn
carlolopez77: and watch
Alex Wolf: no popcorn :/
carlolopez77: awws
carlolopez77: get any food then
Alex Wolf: i swear he's gonna be in jail before he graduates
Alex Wolf: now they're arguing
Alex Wolf: ****'s gonna go down soon :V
carlolopez77: arging bout what?
Alex Wolf: <.<
Alex Wolf: she was going to buy his friend lunch
Alex Wolf: and he's flipping out
carlolopez77: then?
Alex Wolf: they calmed down
Alex Wolf: about food
Alex Wolf: sort of
carlolopez77: wha???
Alex Wolf: thank lucario they left
carlolopez77: all hail the great lucy!
Alex Wolf: he has answered my prayers
carlolopez77: too bad he forgot mine

Part 5: Aurasmash is actually a big *******!

Alex Wolf: thank lucario they left
carlolopez77: all hail the great lucy!
Alex Wolf: he has answered my prayers
carlolopez77: too bad he forgot mine
carlolopez77: im grounded again >_>
Alex Wolf: :<
Alex Wolf: what did you do <.<
carlolopez77: well, as i said we had CAD today
carlolopez77: so it was partner up boy and girl.
carlolopez77: it turns out i was partnered upw ith the kind of girl that likes doing all the work by herself.
carlolopez77: so of course we ended up arguing and fighting for control of the keyboard.
Alex Wolf: ah
Alex Wolf: <.<
carlolopez77: then the teacher had to shut us up, then she yelled go back to your videogames! then i replied with... the obvious answer
Alex Wolf: lrn2compromise
Alex Wolf: which was?
carlolopez77: get back in the kitchen
carlolopez77: so of course my teacher tells my mom
carlolopez77: and now im grounded.
Alex Wolf: too bad she doesn't share your sense of humor
Alex Wolf: not gonna lie
Alex Wolf: that story's pretty funny
carlolopez77: yeah.
carlolopez77: well, if the class didnt make such a big reaction i probably wouldnt have ben ordered to come for a meeting.
carlolopez77: but apparently 3/4s of the guys knew what i was talking about
Alex Wolf: umm
Alex Wolf: is that going to affect your scholarship?
carlolopez77: nah
carlolopez77: i didnt beat anyone up or anything
carlolopez77: just made a really sexist comment
Alex Wolf: did you say it to the teacher or your partner
carlolopez77: my partner
Alex Wolf: lol
carlolopez77: ugh
carlolopez77: now im grounded.
carlolopez77: but it was all worth it. i got the last laugh
Alex Wolf: you were victorious in the end
carlolopez77: yes.
carlolopez77: so i may be grounded for a month, made enemies with a girl who's acrually pretty cool and did not deserve that, and got the ast laugh =DDDDDDDD
carlolopez77: it was alll wooorrrtthhh it.
Alex Wolf: :V
carlolopez77: oh yeah, we later compromiseed on the computer too.
Alex Wolf: she could use it if she made you a sandwich?
carlolopez77: nah. proposal was denied
carlolopez77: instead,
carlolopez77: she made the rough sketch, and i was clean u
carlolopez77: up
carlolopez77: wah
carlolopez77: i haz no sandwhich
Alex Wolf: too bad you couldn't work it out before you royally pissed her off
carlolopez77: ugh.
carlolopez77: there goes another
carlolopez77: each time i have the chance to do good, i always end up doing something dumb instead
Alex Wolf: :<
Alex Wolf: you should probably work on that <.<
carlolopez77: the entire day was filled with stuff for potential grounding
carlolopez77: i have this gay classmate who likes to slap other people's *****. but then i put a joy buzzer in my back pocket.
carlolopez77: >_>
carlolopez77: and other stuff like that.
Alex Wolf: lol
Alex Wolf: time to try steal my neighbor's internet
carlolopez77: there was also this one time where i confused this poor girl simply trying to ask me what was written on the board.
carlolopez77: i spoke to her first in an indian accent
carlolopez77: then italian
carlolopez77: then german
carlolopez77: then decided "**** it" and spoke full french.
carlolopez77: poor girl. that was *******y. but i couldnt resist.
Alex Wolf: sweet, unsecure network
carlolopez77: lolz
carlolopez77: i think the last thing i did was target this unfortunate 11 year old. i started pointing at him and laughing. then got other people to do it..
carlolopez77: he was puzzled, confused, and scared.
carlolopez77: of course i apologized afterwards,
Alex Wolf: <.<
carlolopez77: but the teacher still threatened to tell mom >_>
Alex Wolf: we have to hang out
carlolopez77: definitely
Alex Wolf:
carlolopez77: oh well.
carlolopez77: she didnt. but she said she was only pitying me over my already terrible cases.
Alex Wolf: :<
carlolopez77: i just cant help it. im a nice guy, but there are days when i want to have some fun.
carlolopez77: i DID managed to make a get me a sammich joke before the day ended though
Alex Wolf: lol
carlolopez77: the really cute girl i liked asked if she could hitch a ride home.
Alex Wolf: when you're gonna **** with people
Alex Wolf: think first <.<
carlolopez77: i of course, replied with first, make me a sammich
carlolopez77: ah well. at least SHE has a sense of humor.
carlolopez77: she just laughd then asked me if she oculd seriously hitch
Alex Wolf: all my friends know when I'm joking
Alex Wolf: :3
carlolopez77: mine too. unfortunately the teachers dont.
carlolopez77: hmm... i think i wanna post this on the LSGD before leaving
carlolopez77: >:3
carlolopez77: hmm..... should i?
carlolopez77: ah what the hell.
Alex Wolf: do it!

yes i talk to another teenager halfway across the world at 1 am.
May 3, 2009
Meh, I can tough out DRY 120's, but if it's humid, my resistance drops to like the low hundreds.

Texas ftw, Virginia ftl.


Smash Ace
Dec 6, 2009
Guys. How do I get rid of my Agrocario. It's always getting me killed. I suck at camping and I really to get with it quick. Learning that i can't be manly all the time with Lucario.


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
I'm having that problem too lately.

basically tell yourself this.

"Why the **** AM I approaching?"

and just camp.

camping isn't just a lot of BAS/Charged AS.

Camping is getting them to come to you, and then trying to hit them in the openings of their pressure.


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
You should watch videos of people camping then if you're truly beginer mode status at it.

or yanno,

pick up someone with a stronger aggro game for singles.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas

Flamey ignores me for a day saying something happened, I ask him what's wrong and he says he'll tell me the next day. He doesn't tell me the next day, and won't answer my calls. The day afterwards, he comes back and continues to ignore me. I try to ask him what happened and he doesn't answer. I wait longer and try to break the ice by asking if he wants to play wifi and he calls me an idiot and blocks me on AIM.

Jeez, I'll never understand women.


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
brax just look at the video thread LOL.

also uh.

try starting to camp by running away.

and then go from stalling to punishing people for trying to catch you.

this won't work on better characters though or people a lot better then you though


Smash Ace
Dec 6, 2009
Its just. I late match up EXP. I have all the EXP in the world on D3, Snake, and MK. Everyone else I just lose too. Where the hell do I get the experience I need? AiB isn't helping with its herp derp only 2-3 matches


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

To play Brawl at the highest competitive level (aka camp like a *****), you have to have some enjoyment for frustrating people and then making a trollface.

Only then can you truly camp. Like me. I can camp ****ing META KNIGHTS.

EDIT: Got 502'd and used New Tab to check the thread and make sure it got through.
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