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Aura Malarkey in 3D .:. Lsgd


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2010
Canada, ON
Oh snap! You're Riley and Lucario's son!? ...I mean...YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW WEIRD I AMMMmmmm~ *runs away* XD


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
*stuffs alex's mouth*

Chocolate Vegetables are icky.

Chocolate Dipped Fruit is where its at.

Alex if you ever do something like that make sure I found out before alice.


Jul 22, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
I feel like setting a trap again.

AlexoftheAura, $mike, νοχ τωιz, "Zooboo", -Axis-, -BigSharkZ-, -Doom-, -Rei-, .decoy, .joel, .Marik, .PNOY., .Smoreking., .WC., 2link121, 8Bitman, :mad:, AceDudeyeah, Admiral Pit, adumbrodeus, agidius, ahchoomattchu, Aibou, airship canon, Akaku94, Alex Strife, Alex19, Allied, AlMoStLeGeNdArY, altairian, Alus+, Amaterasu, annoying1359, Arty, Asce, Asdioh, Atomsk_92, Aves, azianraven, Aznox99, B0NK, BarDulL, bballin, BBQTV, Bebi, BEHR, BetaBahamut, BigJiggs, BIGM1994, Bizkit047, Bl@ckChris, Black Jinjo, blackanese, Bloodcross, blowtoes, Blue!, Bnzaaa, BoomStick, BoredPeanut, br3compactor, brickman, Brodygs9630, BSL, BunBun, burntsocks, By-Tor, CalamityofCox, cam702, CAOTIC, Cello_Marl, Changeformlol, Chaosgriffin, charmander1065, Chill, chillindude829, Chuee, clowsui, Cobalt, Col Bol, Col. Stauffenberg, Colenstien, cooki, Cortez, Count, CRASHiC, Crow!, cutter, D. Disciple, D20, da K.I.D., DAftFlip, Dakaggo, Daniel_the_Seraph, Dark 3nergy, Dark Hart, Dark knuckles, Dark Sonic, DarkChris126, DarkLouis331, Darktoon, Dark_Ermac, dashdancedan, dealth0072, Dekar289, Delta-cod, derkapalooza, DewDaDash, Diatenshi, disfunkshunal, DJayS, Dojo, DOODE, Double_Edge, Douhneill, Dr Drew the Dragon, Dr Peepee, Dragoon Fighter, ds22, eighteenspikes, Eikelmann, ElPanandero, Emeril127, Engdrew, Enima, ephy_92, EraOfGames, ErikG, Esca, etecoon, Eyada, F1ZZ, F8AL, Falco400, falconpunch64, fatboi792, fear4, FightAdamantEevee, Fizzle_Boy, Flashing, flaw, Fletch, furiousduffmanx, FYC ChiboSempai, fZk, G. Vice, Gaia_x, Gardevior, Get A Load of This!, global-wolf, Gmoney_, GOD!, Good Ol' Tree, Gova, GPDP, Grand Duke Michael of Asturias III, GwJumpman, HappySun, Hazygoose, HazZarD, Heart Break Kid, Heartz♥, heitss, hichez50, Hilt, Hinryu, hippiedude92, HK Donut of the Blue Fire, Holy Lance, huMps, IcyDeath, improbable, Inferno3044, Insetick, Inui, Isaac!, IShouldBeStudying, istudying, Ixisnaugus, Jbandit, JCaesar, jeancarlocrusadefan, JesusFreak, Jiffyboob, JigglyZelda003, Jimbo Slice, Jimmyfosho, JOE!, Joe_Sumo, Johnwalt, JPOBS, junebug, KageMurphy, Kaiber Kop, kaleidoRuby, Kamui Ryu, Karcist, Keitaro, Kewkky, KillerJawz, King Willzarth The Great XXII, King~, Kirk, Kookie-Dragon, KORNNNNN~, KoRoBeNiKi, Krackshot Kroc, LashD094, Leaf., Lenus Altair, Link2thelost90, LooksLikePit, lordhelmet, LozanoGarbanzo, Lucas Perfected+, LumpyCPU..., Lunchmeat, Luxor, M15t3R E, madrush21, majora_787, Marc, Mariabattleaxe, Masky, Master Raven, MattDotZeb, Max113, MBlaze, MechWarriorNY, Melomaniacal, MenoUnderwater, Meta_Knight_777, Mewtwo_2000, midnacat, mikeHAZE, MiketheMike, Mink, Mister Eric, mitchikins, MK26, mkll, Moblin, Moooose, Moophobia, mosesrko24, Mr H, Mr. Doom, Mr.Weegee, MT_, MXXD123, MysticKenji+, narutoakatyrell, Nday, Neherazade, Neon Ness, nevershootme, Nice climbers, Nidtendofreak, NightSky, Nihongo-ookami, Niko45, Nix2100, NoBio, Notra, Nyjin, Ocean, OizenX, OmniOstrich, otg, outofdashdwz, P D, Patrack, PCHU, Pengie, PentaSalia, Perfect Chaos, Phiddlesticks, PieDisliker, PK-ow!, Poehlcat, PrinceRamen, PsychoMidget, PyroChameleon, PZ, P_wii, Q77, Quaz, R1OT, r3d d09, Raider 88, RainissoLink, Rajam, Ranmaru, Rayku, Redd, resTy, revel8n, Riddle, rise, Risque, roacherman, RockCrock, rockem7, Roman., Roxy, royalasian, rudeezy, RuNNing Riot, rvkevin, S l o X, Sage Osaka, san3711, sasukebowser, Segtendo, Sensei, Sephiroths Masamune, Seraph, Serrix, sffadsad, Shadow Moth, shadow1pj, Shady Penguin, Sharky, shehehe11, ShinGaruda, ShyGuy08, Sie Tao, Sieg, Sir Bedevere, skaterbaj, SkylerSilver, slader7, Slashy, sleak-, Smooth Criminal, Snipa4800, Solid Jake, Solidusspriggan, Sonic Storm, SoniKupo, SOVAman, SpaceFalcon, Spaceman_Spiff, spider_sense, Spire VII, Sraigux, ssbbFICTION, stabbedbyanipple, standardtoaster, Steam, stingers, Sunnysunny, SuperGuzzi, SuperMetroid44, Suspect, Swiss Army Brick, Syko_Lemming, SyOn, T3h Albino, Tahsis, Tambor, tarmacker, Te-Jay, Terios the Hedgehog, The Nameless Wanderer, The Real Gamer, TheAceLucario, TheCrimsonBlur, TheLifeRuiner, TheLightningViper, TheMike, TheReflexWonder, thesoviet, TheTantalus, The_Guide, Timotee, Tink, Tom, TommyDerMeister, Tommy_G, trahhSTEEZY, Turbo Ether, Twin_A, typh, UberMario, Ulevo, UltyBomber77, Underload, Untrust Us, ValTroX, Van Jones, vanderzant, verge, Vermanubis, Viperdev, Virtual Kruncher, VK-137, Vmage, volume, Vrael, Vulcan55, wakka444, WEMP, What's The Point, Wiggins, Wolfang, Wolfric, xXArrowXx, Xyless, xzax1337, Yoshara, yummynbeefy, Zajice, Zeborg, Zephron, Zeroxius, Zestablar, ZMan, Zolga Owns, Zook, _Fizzy_, _KuyaSombreo_, _OraNoS_, ~Firefly~, ~Twitch~, ~ZIO~


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
Sheesh, I go away for a couple of hours and I miss all the fun stuff.

Also, Alex, your quote in my sig has been replaced.
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