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King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
if you see someone who gets a % lead in a match and tries to win the match by stalling at the ledge, giving him a huge unfair advantage over his opponent, BAN IT. Even if you never saw this before, I am telling you from experience that it happens, and it's really ********. BAN IT. Make a rule so that they have to touch the ground at least once every 10 seconds from the point of which they grab the ledge, or an even better idea is to have the option of having a judge (like a tourney host or someone trustworthy, I recommend the tourney host) to be called over to the TV. Sheik and Jiggs could easily win matches in Melee this way, but everyone was too honorable to do it, because that ruins the point of the game, which is to be a fun FIGHTING game. Do you want people to travel to go to tourneys just to see THAT?

for those of you that aren't experienced in smash tourneys, this is a very cheap way to win, it's makes the game not fun to play... it doesn't even make it a game anymore, but rather an EXPLOITATION OF THE RULES. I remember Plank doing this to Eggm last year and him winning 2 tourney sets over him when he got a % lead. It's not to say he wouldn't have won, but it was done in a really dumb, boring way, giving a big advantage for no good reason. I tried this in 1 friendly vs chu dat last year sheik vs ICs in a friendly, I got a small % lead after shooting a needle then I ledge camped the rest of the time. Regardless if this was a friendly or not, I ended up 3 stocking him, while normally fighting properly it would be really close and at that time I probably would lose. King was ledge camping vs Forward in an OC3 match and Forward then said "that's all you have to do to win" and King responded with "yeah, it is" but since King is an honorable player, he finished the match properly by actual fighting.

Ledge Stalling needs to be banned, every Tourney Host needs to make sure that there is a ruleset that should have either 1) a 10 second rule for touching the ground of the stage or 2) a judge can be called over to prevent this from happening

there is no positive effect of allowing this at tourneys, all it does is ruin the game completely. We need to draw a line or else this won't even be a GAME anmore. And as far as I'm concerned, I like FIGHTING my opponents. Unless you want the future to be really boring and gay, I suggest you listen to my advice. Doing this will literally RUIN smash, so if you have any honor at ALL you should never resort to this.

Thanks for your time, and please do listen. I enjoy FIGHTING my opponents.

The sooner you do this the better, and remember - it can't hurt to be playing it safe, this will only help.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
I've always meant to ask.

Is Cinnaminson really a town? Because if so, I want to live there. It's like ****ing candyland.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
If you see someone who gets a % lead in a match and tries to win the match by stalling at the ledge, giving him a huge unfair advantage over his opponent, BAN IT. Even if you never saw this before, I am telling you from experience that it happens, and it's really ********. BAN IT. Make a rule so that they have to touch the ground at least once every 10 seconds from the point of which they grab the ledge, or an even better idea is to have the option of having a judge (like a tourney host or someone trustworthy, I recommend the tourney host) to be called over to the TV.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I've been saying this for four months, having lost to this against Rx- several times. Especially with characters like MK, there is nothing you can do.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
in the end... some people aren't picking up the rhythm of powershielding projectiles like it's a game of ddr/itg
Shbit should be banned forever.
Winnign like that is ****in dumb.

I know how to destroy it now, next time i fight danny hes done just like the bajillion other times i've beat him.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
No this really does need to be banned. There is literally nothing Wolf can do against and MK ledge hopper with a minor percent lead. And don't give me that he can edge hog the ledge **** when I've handed the controller to many smashers that were never able to pull it off with perfect frame timing where a smart MK would just react with an immediate up B anyhow.

Besides, the MK could tornado off the edge to the other side of the stage and grab the edge if possible and stall it even longer. The technique needs to get thrown out the window.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
barlw iz ab0wt t3ntz & $m0rze
u dont fite ppl bcuz datz dum
y fite wen u can hop up n down n win dat $$$$
lern2camp skrubz
>:( >:( >:(!!!!!1

soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
Down the street from Gigs
Reminds me of how I used to sound before I got over the "omg that's a lame way to win" mentality. Call me when you whine about something that actually breaks the game's mechanics, not something that's just hard to fight right now.


And don't bring up Meta, this isn't about one character.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
I actually agree with this.. Not because I have too much problem dealing with it (reflector lawlz), but because yes, it's blatantly avoiding confrontation... or in other words... stalling.

Like... yeah, there are weird ways around it, but to try to punish it puts your character in a great deal of risk when they're just hopping on their little ledge.

So yeah, I agree with banning it...just as a staller... but how would that be enforced? I mean... we're seriously going to have players counting to 10 aloud? lol

Idk... that will require some sort of discussion.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I think this is a good idea, but would you still be allowed to mind-game people by ledge-stalling just for a brief period of time (ex: stalling with DK's UpB)?


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
I actually agree with this.. Not because I have too much problem dealing with it (reflector lawlz), but because yes, it's blatantly avoiding confrontation... or in other words... stalling.

Like... yeah, there are weird ways around it, but to try to punish it puts your character in a great deal of risk when they're just hopping on their little ledge.

So yeah, I agree with banning it...just as a staller... but how would that be enforced? I mean... we're seriously going to have players counting to 10 aloud? lol

Idk... that will require some sort of discussion.
Even then, whats to keep me from stalling on the ledge for 9 seconds, then touch the ground for a second, and then start the whole process over again? Its an almost impossible rule to enforce

Eight 52

Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2008
Tempe, AZ
Even then, whats to keep me from stalling on the ledge for 9 seconds, then touch the ground for a second, and then start the whole process over again? Its an almost impossible rule to enforce
The only way to really enforce it is to have a judge actually watch the match. The only problem with that is there may not be enough judges. Sadly I've seen Rx-s matches with Equi where he just ledge stalls for five minutes. It's really gay and there's nothing he can do.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
the 10 second rule thing was just a suggestion, the main idea that I suggested is that if one person thinks the other person is ledge stalling, then they have the option of asking a judge to watch over the remainder of the match. It's pretty much common sense from there. Inui had a tourney with this rule and it worked out fine, i dont think anyone ever needed to call a judge on anything, but it's much safer with that precaution, and makes the game much less gay. So anyone that's grossly overestimating the time it would take is severely mistaken, i doubt it would make the tourney last more than 1 or 2 minutes longer than it has to in severe cases, especially with other matches running at the same time and having that end the match faster.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
I can kinda think this ruling is just an extension of the stalling ruling. The opposing player has to call a judge over to make any calls...

It's a flawed system, but even if they were to touch the ledge for a second, it's still stalling. I'm thinking this will have to be a judgment call for one or more professional players helping with the tourney.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
I think this is a good idea, but would you still be allowed to mind-game people by ledge-stalling just for a brief period of time (ex: stalling with DK's UpB)?
if the dk were to up-b spam edge... and the opponent is standing there not doing anything and watch him stupidly repeating it... it sorta constitutes as stalling until dk returns to the ground.

if it was a pit player for instance and he goes drop jump shoot and up-b and repeat for 3 times in a row and retreating to the other side and repeats over and over. would it count as stalling??? in some views it wouldn't...


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
Ledge stalling is easy to counter.....
It doesnt create an unfair advantage.
And if your that bothered by it... just dont get hit first.....
Its pretty simple....


Mar 16, 2007
M2K, you are a mystery to me. On the one hand, you run around the MK ban thread saying that MK is not that good, and anyone who says otherwise is simply not all that skilled, including some of the hardest-working, most well-respected members of the community.

Then you come here and complain about something like edge-stalling. Frankly, I don't know how you can think that MK is beatable, but ledgestalling isn't.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Have some of you watched Plank play?

I'm neutral on the MK shenanigans, but excessive ledge stalling should definitely be banned.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
Desu beat me in two matches by doing this :-P

i dunno about a ban, because it would be pretty much impossible to enforce.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
athens, ga
i can think of three easy solutions:

1 - eliminate time limits. (not practical, but would be funny)

2 - quit going to tournaments. like, everyone quit going. let these kiddies' community dissolve. and stick with melee.

3 - if a game goes to overtime, then the players quit the match, start another one with one stock each and no time limit, and the winner wins. (this makes b!tches who Plank with 2-3 stock lose whatever advantage they had. of course it could be the case where a losing player decides to camp, which breaks this otherwise effective method)

Even then, whats to keep me from stalling on the ledge for 9 seconds, then touch the ground for a second, and then start the whole process over again? Its an almost impossible rule to enforce
possible solution

they do it once for any duration D1, and its a warning (where duration D1 is specified in tournament rules)

they do it again for any duration D2, and they lose the match (where duration D2 is specified in tournament rules, and suggested to be less than or equal to half of D1, and D2 is decreased by a factor of 1/2 for each instance of a stall as determined by a judge)

they accumulate MAX number of Strikes and they lose the match, where the second instance of stalling is counted as the first strike

D1 = 8
MAX = 3
Strikes = 0

MetaDousche stalls for 8 seconds -> opponent calls a witness. (D2 = 4, Strikes = 0)
MetaDousche stalls for 3 seconds and says "it wasn't 4 seconds lulz tornadO!" ->
if witness cites it as a stall then (D2 = 2, Strikes =1)

MetaDousche stalls for 3 seconds -> loses match.

additionally (to handle the gayy case of a *****-player hopping up from ledge, touching stage, returning to the stage and running to the other ledge, then flying beneath and grabbing the opposite side, then jumping up and striking his opponent once before grabbing another ledge and repeating the process)

they make no approach / attempt to damage the opponent (which means a non-projectile-wielding character has to physically approach) in a 4 second period (this means that they are explicitly running away .. which a decent player can distinguish from spacing. spacing would mean staying within range to attack your opponent, seeking to land a blow or defend incoming attacks.

they incur a Strike for stalling. 3 strikes ftl

Yea it's extremely silly. i'm 22 years old, a college senior with much better **** to do and i don't even play brawl (hell i can't even justify watching these 6 minute, 3 stock tournament finals matches), yet i'm drafting a method to prevent children (or grown man-boys, as is my case) from running away from one another in a fighting game. lamez.

Maybe thats the problem when you don't have a game with any flashy technical **** like melee has. Everyone really had something to show off during/in between stocks. and there were, you know, combos. i guess i can stop right there.

My personal solution was to give a big thumbs up to the brawl players and go back to melee. if they want to ledge stall, i'll shinespike them into oblivion, or dair them through the stage. with the advent of a wavedash hack in brawl, i'm likely to try to pick the game back up... at least until falco's *****-league dthrow chaingrab breaks the game (which is sure to happen).

So i'm not gonna say come back to melee.. because eventually everyone who wants that adrenaline rush will come back. until then, i hope the brawl community does find a feasible solution to eliminate ledge stalling in tournament settings. honestly it probably only takes 1-2 months of tournament usage before some region will have a solid ruleset worth suggesting to MLG for their upcoming season.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
well lets say if MK is camping the ledge. Stay away from him on the other side of the stage since he has no projectile. If MK just stays there (longer than 10 seconds) than that could be considered stalling. Just get a feel if you think they are realllllly stalling to win.

Not sure about Pit and others since they could be considered just racking up damage from the edge, which can be a strategy in a way.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I don't really care if it gets banned or whatever, I'm just more interested in the idea that people don't want to fight, lol.

All I want to do is hit your character with my character!


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
lmao@stingers... devaluing this thread in the first 5 seconds...
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