you think? idk how good her jungling is really but I've seen it done before and it doesn't seem like it's so bad.
so yeah I just carried w/ Nasus to victory hard just now. We lost three turrets at the beginning and I think only took one (top), then ppl voted to surrender twice but I'm like no **** that have faith in Nasus and well I basically got the enemy team to admit I carried by the end of the game LOL
One thing I'm doing now with him is instead of straight up rushing Triforce, I purchase defense items in between. First mandatory items on my first trip back are boots and philo stone, then I get a defense item based on who I'm laning against, then I kinda go back and forth between those items and triforce. Two items I'm liking w/ Nasus are Spirit Visage which gives back STUPID amounts of HP if you farm your Q good enough and Aegis of Legion.