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Atlantic North Melee Circuit - Third Event TBD...


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
...then take less than 12 -_-

edit: regardless of what happens, this is absolutely a ridiculous discussion to be having AFTER a tournament has already been held and AFTER you have their money in hand


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
PockyD, its been one tournament. The money wouldn't go to chibo's pocket, it would all go towards a prize which would end up essentially in m2k's pocket no matter what.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
thx for laying it out jfox, a lot more organized now lol. even with corresponding letters lol

as for my plan A though, its a tad differ than what your saying. its not strictly, day 1: points tourney, day 2: anmc bracket. its a 2 day tourney with the anmc bracket at the end. for instance, day 1 consist of singles and doubles pools, while day 2 consists of singles doubles and anmc bracket (or something similar, perhaps move doubles bracket to day 1? idk). this would still heavily attract OOS and OOR because well, its a big fawkin awesome tourney lol. think georgia. its a big tourney. no amazing guaranteed OOS pot, no circuit tied to it. thats what this would be, an awsome tourney, but also the anmc bracket at the end.

However, I do want to incorporate idea B into plan A, so I vote for a mix of A and B

what if we did this....

big fawken tourney, singles and doubles pools day 1, singles doubles anmc brackets on day 2. however, we also have a special VIP Pass/Amateur tourney on Day 1 for all of those who are interested. Due to the location of tourneys, the tristate are those who have it the easiest making it to tourneys, so the vip/amateur tourney will be open to everyone who does not live in tri state (nj pa ny). The top 4 from this tourney will advance to the ANMC bracket, along with the top 28 from the points system.

So yea, pretty much a complete combination of ideas A and B


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
Chibo- I think thats the best thing that will realistically be offered at this point. I'm gonna support that. Oh and Chibo, what are you doin with doubles? Can't we just do a normal doubles thing? LOL too much complications as it is.

Hopefully one day we can do C, but right now it seems unrealistic cuz this already started.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
How do you make a thread poll? Do you need to be a moderator or have a paid account?

Also, I vote for Jfox's C tournament. The only thing the ANMC does is get more money for M2K and generate local hype. I would rather have 4 or 5 30-40 attendance tournaments and have a huge 100+ person OOS tournament, then 5 or 6 40-60 attendance tournaments.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
You need a mod.

I obviously side with pakman, who is siding with me. So I'm on my side.

Though I do find chibo's last idea to be the most realistic at this point. We could still give the poll a try though

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
You know, all this talk about money from a circuit reminded me:

I still have that $110 from the NJ circuit. (LOL) Perhaps instead of the 10%, I can just give this money and leave the pot alone.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
But.. I simply forgot about it! XD

Actually, it's sitting in an envelope inside a safe in my room.

If it isn't there, I'll just give it out of my pocket. It belongs to the smashers, after all.

I know. I'm silly. ;)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
assuming the tourney u run has like 50 entrants each at $10 a pop, yea thats like the same. but i digress, thats actually really cool, and a very nice gesture from u woz. although if your realyl generous you slip us a 5% from ur tourney :) lol jk

jfox - what do u mean with doubles, like how do we incorporate it with the amateur bracket? ummm.... we can either skip the amateur bracket idea for doubles or think of some way to incorporate it.

edit: what if we did a amateur doubles bracket, and the top 2 teams (so 4 ppl) are treated like they are ranked #13 14 15 16 on the circuit at the end which then we move on with the idea already in place.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Okay, well I honestly believe the qualifier tournament is good for those who can't make it to the events that DO live in the tri-state area, but live stupidly out of the way. There are also some who would just like to make it to tournaments but can't.

Examples - Tensai, myself(not saying I'm good, just that I don't have the available way to get to tournaments most of the time.), Shakugan, Toushi, Gomen ne, etc.

There's no guarantee any of us will make it to the finals, but at least we have a fair shot at getting in there. Please don't say anything about buses, trains, etc, because some parts of NJ seriously have a lack, thereof when it comes to Public Transportation, such as my area. Seriously...it's limited horridly. Also, you have players who are limited to the number of tournaments they can attend, usually due to money, work, school, or parents (depending on the age). I truly think that the VIP/amateur tournament is a good idea. That way people can't feel frustrated that they didn't have a way.

Also, if you guys truly want a big tournament, I have a place that should be able to sponsor one. So if you want, I'll talk to the guy. He even said that he'd bring people in, himself. Sponsors usually mean a good amount of money. So that means it'd give OOS smashers a good reason to come. He wants good numbers, and if you think you can bring somewhere in the ball park of 50, then he's game. Let me know and I'll talk to him. If Chibo or GOTM (more than likely GOTM, since I've actually got his number), or even JFox or Scar wants to be on a 3-way convo when I talk to this guy, go for it. Then he can really get an idea of what we're doing. He even said that if it was large enough, HE'D rent the hall out.

It's a suggestion, so please at least treat it fairly. I want to help this circuit out as much as possible.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
na spoc is definitely on the 13th. the circuit itself as a whole isnt being changed, were just discussing the final event

ame - how is it equally fair for everyone when most people have to attend like 6 or so tourneys, when other ppl can get in just for one tourney? were already trying to help ppl that cant attend many tournies with dropping the 2 lowest scores (which u get a 0 for not attending oneso that gets dropped). i mean, its a circuit, thats what it is. a series of tourneys where ppl prove themselves who are there entered in the final bracket. hearing/describing this description again makes me think there shouldnt be any amateur bracket lol. however, we were considering the idea of the amateur bracket to attract more players. it has to be limited in some way though, and while i thought the outside tri state was a nice way to limit it (since over 50% of the tourneys, actually, almost all of em minus 1 or 2 are in the tri state). we cant have an exception to that rule when like a small handfull of smashers (who are very inactive anyway) cant make it to that many. we drop scores, circuits are placed normally atleast a month apart (no johns and spoc being 1.5 months), so like what else are we supposed to do. we cant keep making exceptions for every single smasher in the entire US lol.

anmc final event: if u come from west coast, your automatically entered into the final anmc bracket!



Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
again ill repeat, don't change the current plan, if you want to change plans do it NEXT TIME, not THIS time
M2k who do you think you are that you can talk with so much authority. You should stfu and be grateful for whatever you get, you are gonna make tons of money either way.

Stop talking like you are important or something. If you have another argument, make it. Otherwise, your comment is noted, thanks for the input, now stfu.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
I'm just saying, Chibo, it's not that some people aren't making it because they aren't putting forth the effort. Some people can't get rides because they're too far out of the way/have no true form of public transportation. It'd be fair to those people. Considering that most just can't get to them/aren't willing to help with rides. (trust and believe I don't blame you.) Still in all, that's that aspect. Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying...it's just that it's harder for some, than it is others.

My offer still stands as far as the larger scale tournaments.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
M2k who do you think you are that you can talk with so much authority. You should stfu and be grateful for whatever you get, you are gonna make tons of money either way.

Stop talking like you are important or something. If you have another argument, make it. Otherwise, your comment is noted, thanks for the input, now stfu.
in a vacuum, he's right. the "you're going to win anyways" argument sucks btw -_-

I'm just saying, Chibo, it's not that some people aren't making it because they aren't putting forth the effort. Some people can't get rides because they're too far out of the way/have no true form of public transportation. It'd be fair to those people. Considering that most just can't get to them/aren't willing to help with rides. (trust and believe I don't blame you.) Still in all, that's that aspect. Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying...it's just that it's harder for some, than it is others.

My offer still stands as far as the larger scale tournaments.
effort or not, tournaments are for those who show up, not for those who can't.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
how so? I was full on board with the "amateur" bracket idea

just didn't need a big list of johns or a sob story to justify it


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Whatever, we're for the same thing, so who cares? I'm just gonna be the bigger man and walk away from it. It's why I said I'm not touching that. Let's move onto the more important issue, which is about the tournaments themselves. I just need some feedback on my offer. I can talk to this guy soon as I get some.
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