Monochrome Like A Panda
"Tsukiakari no Michishirube" by Stereoponyyo NKB what song is that on game 2 of chu vs korn?
It translates to Signpost of the Moonlight or The Moonlight is my Guide/Guidepost.
ROFL! Ophy is too goodz!NeverKnowsBest is the best in this crew on the basis that he has really fast and precise fingers and can leadshot which means HE CAN SEE SOMETHING BEFORE ITS COMING WHICH MEANS HE CAN PREDICT WUT UR GOING TO DO (gunz did this to him OHSHT)
I am sooo happy to see someone else from GunzFactor got into the smash scene =D
I always felt like I was talking to walls when it came to talking about brawl on GzF.