A suggestion i've seen for Doomguy that compensates how he plays is an "ammo" system that justifies him being able to shoot many projectiles and have a variety of ranged attacks.
I'd imagine the weapons having a "universal" ammo where the pick up items are based off the ammo backpacks.
Said pick ups could show up in the stage at times but you could also use the chainsaw to gain ammo back.
Maybe the same could apply to health pick ups.
I also had some idea on his costumes being half the armor that's a hybrid of different iterations and then helmetless Doomguy:
* Normal Doom armor
* Ranger palette
* Quake 3 Phobos palette
* Commander Keen palette
* Doomguy without his helmet
* 3D BJ Blazkowicz palette
* Zombieman palette
* Either Duke Nukem or Doom 3 marine palette
I mean yeeeeaaaah... I’m kind of iffy on the ammo gimmick, but... if it’s a way for Doomguy to not be bottom tier on recovery, then I’ll take it.
Universal ammo would be cool. Although I don’t see a problem with having the four types (that I know of, bullets, shells, cells, and rockets) as long as it’s his only gimmick.
And I did thought of this. Certain conditions will have an opponent drop certain items.
Like for example, knocking opponents a particular distance will make them drop a particular ammo type.
Or maybe it’s opponent percentage dependent. (The higher percentage, the better the ammo
Could also be matchup dependent (e.g. Samus drops rockets or cells, Joker drops bullets, etc)
And although in my head this could make matches more interesting (because Doomguy wouldn’t resort to just one type of play style) I don’t see this working out well.
But yeah, universal ammo could work.
Love your idea for alternate designs. Although... Duke Nukem? As cool as that’d be, I can only
See it working as a color swap. Otherwise they’d need 3D Realms (or whoever holds the Duke Nukem rights) approval.
Multiple ammo types could still work and probably provide a lot more depth to his attacks. Personally, I'd have practically all of his attacks (Jabs included, throws excluded) involve a weapon of his, with the attacks changing once they run out of ammo; A-moves would be substituted by the Pistol (with charged Pistol shots for Smash attacks) while Specials would be locked out entirely. Ammo can be regained by a Chainsaw side-b or in small amounts from KOs. A complex set of multiple ammo types doesn't need a complex system of acquisition.
For alts, I highly doubt they'd go out of their way to create an entirely new Doom Slayer hybrid model (something which I think the Eternal Praetor Suit already pulls off quite well). For simplicities sake, I'd have 4 variations of the Doom Eternal Praetor Suit with default, Blazkowics, Commander Keen and Ranger colours respectively, with the last 4 being unique alts in the form of the 2016 Praetor Suit, the Doom 3 Marine armour, the Doom 64 armour and the Classic Armour (Doom 3 and Classic can be easily ported over from Quake: Champions).
A Rocket Jump would make an excellent recovery move (and yes, it
can work in midair thanks to the Remote Detonation mod from Doom 2016) and would ultimately pair quite nicely with heightened mobility. The only thing I'd do to weaken him would be to make him take more damage than normal from attacks, in order to emphasize the "you stand still, you die" mentality of Doom gameplay.
And yeah, Duke is actually considered to be a rival of the Doom Slayer, given that the latter is part of the Id Tech trio (Blazkowics (
Wolfenstein), Doom Slayer and Ranger (
Quake)) while the former is part of the Build trio (Duke Nukem, Caleb (
Blood) and Lo Wang (
Shadow Warrior)), both of which are named after the engines the games ran on.
For context, here's an entire moveset post of my own (which I plan to update with the release of Doom Eternal):