Over exaggeration in the MU number if you ask me <_< I put it more at the 65:35 mark for Falco's advantage.
The at the bare bone pros and cons to the match are that DDD has a good weight, and Falco has little weight. DDD has a better recovery of getting to the stage, but I don't think that DDD has much to avoid constant edgeguarding with. Falco has a predictable recovery and a poor one. His killing abilites aren't the best, but neither does DDD have good killing abilites against Falco. Most KOs DDD would probably be getting are edgeguarding KOs and gimps. I dont see much that DDD has that can really kill falco easily. Smashes are slow, and throws are easily DIed. Only useful killing method he has are Utilt which relies upon baiting and fake-outs to land on falco.
Mkays thanks alot for answering my question with concrete facts and evidence and what not. I hope my post won't seem flame like, most likely because my knowledge of Falco doesn't go very deep xD, and it's a daunting task to find a good secondary whose worthy lol >.>
if you don't mind helping a fellow newb out lol what does CQC and er I think IAP stand for? D:
See the problem I'm having with this matchup is that, the way I look at it, it's just that l don't completely agree that D3 has terrible killing abilities, maybe I think you mean kill options or is that different? Because, you say DDD doesn't have good killing abilities against Falco, but he really kills Falco pretty early imo with a utilt, considering Falco's light and kept fresh, it can kill Falco early is the problem to me. Getting killed by your opponent early and you still trying to kill your opponent after taking some %s when hes at high %s means alot to me imo. Otherwise, l think D3's dsmash is pretty viable as kill move, but that's totally random LOL, might be just me being lucky XD. Besides all of that, unless your implying on HOW HE'LL GET the kill move, then you can somewhat exclude my whole wall of text T.T Other wise, l agree and understand what you said. Thanks bro.
Getting into the core of the MU, Falco out camps DDD with waddles, even gordo can be reflected. So because of this, DDD is more than likely going to have to approach. If he does, he will have a hard time getting past Falco's CQC game as his attacks come out faster than DDD can pull them out unless he spaces Falco at the edge of a Ftilt. The other issue is that DDD has a limited grab came against Falco as it cannot CG, but only tech chase. And Falco has a large number of Dthrow antics that can rack up damage on DDD easily.
Yeah CQC stand for again? T.T. and doesn't D3's jab or bair outrange Falco up close/mid range? I mean D3's disjointed and all , just asking tho. aside from that, l'll agree and understand what u say.
The general habits in the game are that Falco is going to want to get DDD to approach using lasers. Which DDD will likely do by using powershielding and any waddles that are on the stage to get by this. After that Falco will be either resetting the camping using phantasm, or try to punish DDD's efforts to attack Falco. Of which AAA is great for avoiding the grab at close range. At far range, Ftilt can hit Falco, but reflector I believe outranges the ftilt barely. Either way, Ftilt doesn't do much damage. Dtilt can punish the phantasm usage. All this works great at shutting down DDD's attempts to hit Falco, but Falco still has a problem with killing. So DDD is going to be living to insane percents.
I don't know, maybe because l have good tech skill in precision as if it mattered in Brawl, l haven't had much of a problem with Falco's lasers in terms of powershielding, esp with d3 lol, kinda easy imo, but then again this is just experience and doesn't tell a matchup theorycrafting (arghlol) >.>.
DDD's best hope is to just chase Falco down while avoiding as much damage as possible and try to get him off stage. If he can do that, Falco will have a hard time getting back on stage into a better position. Falco's CG won't be killing, but if done correctly will make damage racking on DDD so much easier and faster. Also, the spike is evil to DDD's UpB.
]So Falco will have to be strong staying on-stage and not get hit offstage or else he'll eat a ton of damage, and get gimped pretty much the matchup correct? And Falco will be camping with the lasers, and resetting the situation with his phantasm and punishing laggy moves by D3 with Falco's close combat game right? Idk, aside from that 0-80% or w/e, should it matter much to D3? I mean he literally lives forever with good DI so it seems like a 80% CG to him seems like 20% damage to a D3 lol. Idk, I'm thinking like a DK atm xD.
So all in all, really comes to camping, resetting and punishing and not getting hit offstage. Wow somehow.. that's a boring matchup to play lmao... So aside from the CG, @ the @ core of the matchup, it really goes go 6/4 Falco?
Meta Knight
MK vs Falco is more or less even. It's dependent upon if Falco can get that early CG to rack up damage quickly.
MK = recovery, gimps against falco
Falco = lasers, CG
MK's recovery makes it hard for falco to edgeguard him effectively, but with lasers it gives him the advantage during the ground game. CG will make it so that Falco can put MK from 0%-60% (if tech chased correctly). That's roughly half the percent need to KO MK with an upsmash. Add in another grab and follow up, you might maybe get another 15%. Lasers and phantasm adds up to fill in the rest of the percent. Next you just need to get the KO on MK which can be set-up with lasers or some other method.
MK has the advantage of speed, edgeguarding prowess and keeping the pressure on. If Falco does manage to slip up, MK can punish him, but if Falco is good enough to avoid the natural set-ups that MK has, Falco can avoid getting offstage and gimped and live to high percents.
Snake vs Falco is also evenish. People will argue it's someone's advantage, I say it's 55:45 as Snake simply can kill us faster than we can kill him. Live to longer percents. (This match-up is being brought up a lot)
To save time, Falco can punish Snake easily offstage and with the help of a CG can rack up damage most effectively. He has the potiental to outcamp Snake if he chooses to use grenades. Lasers/reflector can mess up snake's timing, and bounce back any grenades that aren't cooked enough. Crouching though is the problem. With it, Snake can react to anything you try to do, it's difficult mind you to keep up though because of the mix-up game that Falco has.
Snake however has the power (pretty much all his attacks do ~10% of damage), and surviability. So while Falco can rack up damage on Snake quickly, Snake takes so much damage before dying that he can pace with Falco for damage to get Falco into KO range.