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Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
2. What's the most effective, reliable way to short hop uair with keyboard? I can do it sometimes, but for example, I can't really chain Uairs with DK because 60% of the time, platform-drop uairs and sh uairs will give me another jump when I don't want it.
This is a total guess, but perhaps you need to press up in the few frames after you press jump, but before you leave the ground.

EDIT: If I'm right, then you should practice with Link, since I think he takes the longest to leave the ground.

Oh yeah, and PI definitely makes more sense than DI.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
thats exactly the key. Buffering attack directions~

I use a D-pad which ultimately works the same way keys do vs Analog and the only way to SH Uair is learn to...some how already be holding up...pre jump... done in specific times where you have frames in which input isnt really being taken in.

This will forever haunt & hinder keys players...tis truth.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
yeah, actually after jumping you can wait a few frames then press up without it jumping again, most easily done with falcon imo. the problem is that it does not come out as fast, buffering is still the fastest way to execute it.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
i could probably show you more easily than explain, on keyboard, you can short hop, wait for the right frame window then press up and a without it doing a second jump (all this without buffering up). if instead you do buffer up, you can press a the moment you jump and the attack comes closer to the jump. what i mean is that the window to press up again occurs after a normal uair would begin.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
i could probably show you more easily than explain, on keyboard, you can short hop, wait for the right frame window then press up and a without it doing a second jump (all this without buffering up). if instead you do buffer up, you can press a the moment you jump and the attack comes closer to the jump. what i mean is that the window to press up again occurs after a normal uair would begin.
...Why does the attack come closer to the jump, just because you buffered up? You're pressing up DURING THE JUMPING ANIMATION in which you wouldn't be able to press A anyways, so it comes out just as fast. That's why you don't double jump, you're in the jumping animation and any inputs cannot make your character do anything during this short time. The only drawback is it can be a little hard to time with characters with quicker jumps like Pika and Fox.

For platform drop upairs, as well as fastfall upairs retaining your second jump, you have to press DOWN, UP, AND A WITH NO SPACE IN BETWEEN THEM. The timing in between each press is similar to the timing in between C and the first B for Fox's double lasers. If you want to delay the upair in the fastfall upair method, you have to press down, let go, then do the method above. I know all this sounds difficult, but it's really not all once you get used to it. I can do them pretty much 100% consistently.

You can also do upairs without wasting your double jump, and dairs without fastfalling even when you aren't rising from your jump, if you aren't already holding the direction. Both are done the same way, pressing down/up and A at the EXACT SAME TIME. It's pretty difficult IMO and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're in a situation you REALLY need it, but having more options available is always a good thing.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
as i said, this is not pressing up during the jump animation, but there is a window you can do so afterwards.
also, i can ff uair without pressing down and straight up without the second jump, but to do that you have to be close enough to the ground.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
What everyone else said.

Buffering is the easiest, but you can't buffer spontaneously.
Same-frame up and A is theoretically the most versatile, but it's hard to get every time.
Jumping/platform dropping and then using the dead window afterwards can also work, but the timing changes for each character (for jumping, anyway), so unless you're maining someone, I wouldn't go to the trouble of mastering this one.

Personally, I just use the first two.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
as i said, this is not pressing up during the jump animation, but there is a window you can do so afterwards.
...wat. When are you pressing up? Pretty sure it's impossible unless you press up and a at the exact same time. Maybe you're doing it with a character with a slow jump like Link, and you THINK you're pressing it after?

also, i can ff uair without pressing down and straight up without the second jump, but to do that you have to be close enough to the ground.
Don't really know what you're saying here.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
I think you just have to hit twice, slide from c to b, then press b when the first lazer comes out. I'm not sure though, I can't manage to do it.

Anyone can answer my previous question? (cheat to have infinite shields)


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
If you do it right do you only have to hit B twice, or do you just mash the **** out of it.
Different people do it different ways. IIRC, Boomfan and Isai only press it twice. I mash the **** out of it, but I'm not very good at SHDLing.

There seems to be a pattern here. :p (I've practiced just pressing it twice, but I still haven't gotten it down)

Sangoku: I don't know if there has been an infinite shield cheat developed.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
If you do it right do you only have to hit B twice, or do you just mash the **** out of it.
Some people mash, I recommend just hitting b twice. The timing isn't really that hard, but you can practice the timing easily anyway (just do full hop double lasers and make sure you get that PEW PEW sound in your head to help you remember the timing).


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Some people mash, I recommend just hitting b twice. The timing isn't really that hard, but you can practice the timing easily anyway (just do full hop double lasers and make sure you get that PEW PEW sound in your head to help you remember the timing).
exactly what I did, went into training mode and practiced only hitting it twice for 10 minutes every night before i went to sleep just to get it imprinted in my head. I dont know how long it took but i can do it easily now. Only 10 minutes guys

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
That reminds me of an article I read about muscle memory being more effective if you sleep soon after you practice something.

And a little bit of time of practice done regularly is definitely better than a large amount of time at once, irregularly.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I have seen people use their second jump --> immedietly charge big punch --> cancel it --> upb when knocked off the stage as DK.
Does this sequence actually gain any horizontal distance? or is it just for show? (I know this technique can turn you around, but im talking strict horizontal distance.)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2010
Quick question. When in training mode, does grabbing someone, even if it is impossible to get out of, make the combo counter go down to 0? I think I have a combo that does this but I forget if the counter does that or if my combo is not actually a combo.

How can you tell?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
any sort of grab or contact with wall/tornado will reset the combo counter. its unfortunate, but its pretty ez to tell by watching the combo if its escapable.

now a few questions of my own.

Does yoshi have any aerials that, when zcanceled into an opponents shield, will guarentee a grab. I know his grab is trash, but it would still be nice to know.

Also, does anyone have any tips for nair shield breaking with yoshi? I can DJC really well normally, but somehow when I do it on a shield, my speed drops significantly and opponents are easily able to escape.

Though I know the timing for the DJC is different on a shield than normal, im not missing zcancels, it just seems im going slower....any tips or ways to practice this?


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
any sort of grab or contact with wall/tornado will reset the combo counter. its unfortunate, but its pretty ez to tell by watching the combo if its escapable.
I disagree, when the difference is just a few frames, it can be hard to tell, especially when it's a grab.

Does yoshi have any aerials that, when zcanceled into an opponents shield, will guarentee a grab. I know his grab is trash, but it would still be nice to know.
I'm not sure, I think s2j made a video about shield breaking, but I think with Yoshi he said "just break their shield and do something else."

Also, does anyone have any tips for nair shield breaking with yoshi? I can DJC really well normally, but somehow when I do it on a shield, my speed drops significantly and opponents are easily able to escape.

Though I know the timing for the DJC is different on a shield than normal, im not missing zcancels, it just seems im going slower....any tips or ways to practice this?
It's not that attacks are different on a shield, it's that they're different when you use them on your opponent, whether they're shielding or not. When you attack someone, after each connecting hit, you get some attack stun. This is why attacks like drills, Mario's down-B, and Samus' up-B look so much slower when they're hitting someone compared to when they aren't.

So yeah, you are going slower, therefore your timing window is much smaller.

As for tips to practice, just be sure to practice on characters, not on the air. :p

I suck with it too. :(


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
to the shield question, If I am not mistaken, f-air works if properly timed. But I haven't really protected it
Aug 6, 2008
Can fox perform the SHDL while moving forward or backwards? It seems like the short hop does not come up nearly as high when he is merely stationary.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
tambor (who does tas) said you can still do running shdl, that is what i was talking about.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
ah, well thats all i know then lol...

can be done without TAS or something a bit to crazy?

not only that but can you actually consistently do it in game, in the desired situations that you want to be using it?

I need dat guy you said!

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
It tried it in training mode
and I could only do it like 1/5 times (though I did it four times in a row once somehow).
Aug 6, 2008

not only that but can you actually consistently do it in game, in the desired situations that you want to be using it?
With the c-stick to B button method, you can do it fast enough. You just need faster fingers. Which can be done with enough practice I say. After seeing some of the stuff people are able to pull off in melee, I can completely see it
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