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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
Yeah most of the servers are down right now

Go to this server
It's the galaxy backup server

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this...

I've been trying to play Smash 64 online for a while and I can't figure it out. I followed all the directions in the smash index and I have project 64 set up and everything. Single player works fine, and the server lists in netplay show up fine, but I can't connect to ANY server. It will just say 'connecting to server' forever.

Any idea on how to fix this? Or what the problem might be?
The version of PJ64k that I downloaded had an outdated address for The Galaxy server. This is the current one just in case you also have this issue:

You would obviously have to click the "Custom IP" button in the bottom left corner to enter this (again depending on the version).


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2012
Wow 3 replies in an hour. You guys are awesome, thank you.

Anyway I restarted my computer and now I have a different problem. When I click on any server or type in a custom ip or click on any of the server lists, p64 crashes and windows closes it. Hopefully it's just my computer being weird. I'll try again tomorrow I guess.

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
Wow 3 replies in an hour. You guys are awesome, thank you.

Anyway I restarted my computer and now I have a different problem. When I click on any server or type in a custom ip or click on any of the server lists, p64 crashes and windows closes it. Hopefully it's just my computer being weird. I'll try again tomorrow I guess.
I'll be honest man. Stuff like this kept happening to me and it was like a year from when I first downloaded PJ64k to when I first played online. The solution I came up with was just to download it like a thousand times from different sources until one of them worked. Obviously if you are good at this sort of thing my methods could be referred to as "sub-optimal" but whatever works, right?


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Wow 3 replies in an hour. You guys are awesome, thank you.

Anyway I restarted my computer and now I have a different problem. When I click on any server or type in a custom ip or click on any of the server lists, p64 crashes and windows closes it. Hopefully it's just my computer being weird. I'll try again tomorrow I guess.
Random idea, make sure that your firewall is not preventing the emu from accessing your ports. CPU might be doing this to "protect" your computer.

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
What's up with smash clans?
- How active are they?
- What are the major ones?
- What big name players are in them?
- What is their purpose? (Do they host tournys, sponsor players, just exist for fun...)

Ever since I started player online I've been wondering about this


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
they're more or less completely inactive

major clans are like V, ixi, and PPS (IDK if all or any of those still exist)

PPS is boom's clan, there are some sorta good people who are/were in V

no they don't do tourneys or crew battles or anything. There was like one crew battle back in the day


Smash Cadet
Jul 7, 2011
Toronto, ON
Hey guys,

I was just wondering if there was a technique to grab-breaking very quickly, especially against DKs. I feel that after they grab me in the **** tent i'm screwed unless they mess up. By watching others, I know that I have some hope of escape whenever a DK utilizes a forward throw (I'm on his back), but by just mashing buttons it only works a fraction of the time.

Is there something I can do to consistently break DKs fthrow?

Thanks a lot

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
Hey guys,

I was just wondering if there was a technique to grab-breaking very quickly, especially against DKs. I feel that after they grab me in the **** tent i'm screwed unless they mess up. By watching others, I know that I have some hope of escape whenever a DK utilizes a forward throw (I'm on his back), but by just mashing buttons it only works a fraction of the time.

Is there something I can do to consistently break DKs fthrow?

Thanks a lot
I am literally copy and pasting from the indexed thread. These are not my own words or thoughts:

Escaping DK's Throw Trap:

To escape DK's Clasp, use the normal escape method: Smashing and pressing alternate buttons/directions. You can escape in 8 frames.

To escape the ITT you have to start by pressing Right+B as soon as you are on DK's back (you'll get some percentage), then follow that with Left+A etc... DK cannot grab you again if you do this. If DK grabs, it will go through you. If he turns around, you will be free to grab him. Even if the DK is perfect he cannot grab you.

If you cannot do the above method, then you should do the escape procedure, and mash A once you escape the first hold. If the DK player is 1 frame off then you will hit him before he can grab again. This method is easier but if the DK is perfect he will be able to grab.

1 frame off:

DK Can't Fthrow:

^The same for Kirby and all other characters


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
Iirc ness was like super good and **** and like in the top 3 for a long time and **** but then he dropped to like 9th or some bull **** after something happened and I don't remember what it is and we wanna know, so wtf was it that made him derp.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
from the smash index (just read it please)

smash index said:
Q: Why is Ness so low on the tier list?

A: We kid, we kid. Ness is actually still top tier, just below Pikachu, though some argue that he may be equal to or possibly above the electric Pokemon! His stellar hitboxes, recovery of unparalleled distance and excellent projectile game ensure he stays up to par with the rest of the cast. His only real poor matchups are against Samus and Link on Hyrule, because his PSI Magnet is unable to deal with their projectiles efficiently (although he can absorb Samus's, she can grab in the ensuing lag for an easy punish). There is a reason everyone who picks up the game instantly thinks Ness is a powerful character, and that is simply because he is one.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
The list with Ness at 3rd was some random dude on GameFAQs. And anyways he is a lot better at more mediocre levels. People were worse back then. As skill goes up Ness suffers, so that's where the change comes from.

He has the worst recovery in the game and a mediocre neutral game (decent defense but can struggle at approaching in some MUs). Decent punishment but nothing stellar. Doesn't really win any MUs except Luigi IMO.

It's funny how differently I post in Melee Discussion BTW, I would never reply seriously to a Varist post lol


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
The list with Ness at 3rd was some random dude on GameFAQs. And anyways he is a lot better at more mediocre levels. People were worse back then. As skill goes up Ness suffers, so that's where the change comes from.

He has the worst recovery in the game and a mediocre neutral game (decent defense but can struggle at approaching in some MUs). Decent punishment but nothing stellar. Doesn't really win any MUs except Luigi IMO.

It's funny how differently I post in Melee Discussion BTW, I would never reply seriously to a Varist post lol
maybe Samus, maybe Link, somehow possibly Jigglypuff (imo)


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
i asked cuz n64 is baller I played it last week and I just chose kirby and ****ed all my friends i was like get out my house ***** and they were like wtf thats not even fair so they took me to the pokemon stage and i was like no that stage is too swegg for me can't do this but the dude picked ness and i was like you ****ed up boi and samusd that ***** thru the hole


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2008
Champaign, Illinois
So with a lot of help and motivation from Ownasaurus I was able to identify the likely cause of the infamous "random person lags out after 15-20 minutes" glitch.

I'm currently testing a fix on a local server.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007


oh and I guess clubba heard it at the same time but he doesn't matter


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
So with a lot of help and motivation from Ownasaurus I was able to identify the likely cause of the infamous "random person lags out after 15-20 minutes" glitch.

I'm currently testing a fix on a local server.
sounds great, one of the major issues still

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
I've been watching all these Japanese vids lately and first off I'm very impressed. It's interesting to note their different style they play, regardless of the differences in the Japanese version.

I'm not totally sure how to phrase this: I notice they only use AT's when they actually need to. Now that I'm trying to learn to be a better player, it has taken me away from the basics of the game. For example, I almost never use dash attacks anymore and, upon watching how these Japanese players use every move when it's needed, have realized I do this to my detriment.

I'm not really sure what my question is here. I guess I just wanted to comment on my new (new for me) philosophy that being a "good player" doesn't mean exclusively using AT's. Do you guys agree?

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
You should obviously use the best move for the situation. If you're doing the hardest thing possible for the sake of it you're doing it wrong.

I might be misunderstanding you though.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2008
Champaign, Illinois
So I was just able to play an online game on a locally-hosted server for 45 minutes straight without a lagout before I quit. I'm gonna upload this version of emulinker to the NY server soon for people to test it out before I put it on the Chicago server. I'll make a topic about it when it is ready.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
So I was just able to play an online game on a locally-hosted server for 45 minutes straight without a lagout before I quit. I'm gonna upload this version of emulinker to the NY server soon for people to test it out before I put it on the Chicago server. I'll make a topic about it when it is ready.
just how many fat sandwiches can you eat?


Smash Ace
May 8, 2012
Training Mode (or Toronto)
I've been watching all these Japanese vids lately and first off I'm very impressed. It's interesting to note their different style they play, regardless of the differences in the Japanese version.

I'm not totally sure how to phrase this: I notice they only use AT's when they actually need to. Now that I'm trying to learn to be a better player, it has taken me away from the basics of the game. For example, I almost never use dash attacks anymore and, upon watching how these Japanese players use every move when it's needed, have realized I do this to my detriment.

I'm not really sure what my question is here. I guess I just wanted to comment on my new (new for me) philosophy that being a "good player" doesn't mean exclusively using AT's. Do you guys agree?
i'm just gonna explain this from my situation since i don't know if it applies to everyone. when i first started using AT's it definitely took away from my overall game not only because i couldn't pull them off smoothly but because i was using them more than i should. since i was using the moves at inopportune times i was getting beaten consistently by my friends who i usually beat. however, when i got some of the more basic AT's down i could incorporate them into my game naturally and the results showed.

i think you need to have AT's in your arsenal to be a good player, but that doesn't mean you have to use them exclusively. 'play to win' is a term that probably describes the way the japanese play (single elimination and i'd be more inclined to play that way too) and it could be simple stuff like bthrow > edgeguard with pika.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I still don't know what you guys are talking about. Can you give specific examples?

And I don't see how single elimination makes them more play to win... they're probably less so because there's no money on the line.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
I still don't know what you guys are talking about. Can you give specific examples?

im just assuming they mean a short hop/DJC aerial with z-cancel instead of a simple dash attack every time, or something, but i could be off the mark

i dont see how, say, a dash attack can really be replaced by an AT, unless you're doing pivot-turnaround-f-tilt or something completely dumb

Tom Bombadil

Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2012
Sorry about confusing people.

I was talking about the fact that instead of doing the best and easiest thing in a situation, my mind is stuck in "AT mode" from practicing so much and I therefore try to apply ATs when I should be doing something more simple and effective, a dash attack for example. Because of this, I have become slightly worse due to me getting "better". I'm sure that once I become fluid with ATs, I can go back to the basics and develop my own style. I was just commenting on the phenomenon that I am currently experiencing that I think many players probably have traces of left in their games.

It's kind of like the flashy foxes who overuse ATs when they could just jab > upsmash for the kill.

i'm just gonna explain this from my situation since i don't know if it applies to everyone. when i first started using AT's it definitely took away from my overall game not only because i couldn't pull them off smoothly but because i was using them more than i should. since i was using the moves at inopportune times i was getting beaten consistently by my friends who i usually beat. however, when i got some of the more basic AT's down i could incorporate them into my game naturally and the results showed.

i think you need to have AT's in your arsenal to be a good player, but that doesn't mean you have to use them exclusively. 'play to win' is a term that probably describes the way the japanese play (single elimination and i'd be more inclined to play that way too) and it could be simple stuff like bthrow > edgeguard with pika.
This is pretty much what I'm talking about. Also, I have to comment that your signature is perfect for this post.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2009
Lawrence, KS
I think that just about everyone is guilty of that, otherwise every Falcon would just upair x6 -> upb every stock, which becomes boring.

Depending on which character you're playing, you can pretty much never use dash attack and still be really good. The only chars which it's really vital for techchasing and whatnot seem to be Link and Yoshi. Kirby, Jiggs, Ness, Mario, Fox and Pika have good dash attacks which can be useful, but can often be replaced with something better. Falcon and Samus's are ok, Luigi and DK's are pretty much worthless.

I am much more guilty of being overly flashy in Melee than I am in 64, ****in Falco...


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
Sorry about confusing people.

I was talking about the fact that instead of doing the best and easiest thing in a situation, my mind is stuck in "AT mode" from practicing so much and I therefore try to apply ATs when I should be doing something more simple and effective, a dash attack for example. Because of this, I have become slightly worse due to me getting "better". I'm sure that once I become fluid with ATs, I can go back to the basics and develop my own style. I was just commenting on the phenomenon that I am currently experiencing that I think many players probably have traces of left in their games.

It's kind of like the flashy foxes who overuse ATs when they could just jab > upsmash for the kill.

This is pretty much what I'm talking about. Also, I have to comment that your signature is perfect for this post.
hmmm...maybe you're at the point in learning where you either like to wait or go in

waiting is "smarter" whereas goin' in will make you a cool kid

the choice is yours now that you know

I am much more guilty of being overly flashy in Melee than I am in 64, ****in Falco...
but...but...melee has no combos...(2-3 hit combo in a tourney setting? crowd goes bat**** insane!)

o ya falco pillaring/ez followups, those are fun


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
I think that just about everyone is guilty of that, otherwise every Falcon would just upair x6 -> upb every stock, which becomes boring.

Depending on which character you're playing, you can pretty much never use dash attack and still be really good. The only chars which it's really vital for techchasing and whatnot seem to be Link and Yoshi. Kirby, Jiggs, Ness, Mario, Fox and Pika have good dash attacks which can be useful, but can often be replaced with something better. Falcon and Samus's are ok, Luigi and DK's are pretty much worthless.

I am much more guilty of being overly flashy in Melee than I am in 64, ****in Falco...
Nah man I feel like Samus relies on dash attack more than most chars simply due to not having many other options for the situations that demand it.
I would also consider Pika's in the class with Luigi and DK.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
i'm watching knitephox's online tutorial guide thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oUBzXeRo-E) and at 7:44 he moves the z axis/rotation thingy, which then moves in accordance with his joystick after he calibrates. mine, however, do not. assistance? i am using the mayflash adapter with a normal 64 controller.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
i'm watching knitephox's online tutorial guide thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oUBzXeRo-E) and at 7:44 he moves the z axis/rotation thingy, which then moves in accordance with his joystick after he calibrates. mine, however, do not. assistance? i am using the mayflash adapter with a normal 64 controller.
mayflash zaxis move with the c buttons, it will make your jumps seem weird cuz the c buttons are axes

c buttons


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
mayflash zaxis move with the c buttons, it will make your jumps seem weird cuz the c buttons are axes

c buttons
so the axes will stay at either zero, fifty or one hundred? does that impede short hopping or anything?


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
so the axes will stay at either zero, fifty or one hundred? does that impede short hopping or anything?
i dunno exactly i haven't used mayflash adapters extensively but u get used to it in less than 1 game. its just like a button, at the end of the day really, it's either on or off
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