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Ashley for SSBB Thread

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Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I hope they can, the first post is nothing like the second. But I guess they have to understand that or they can't do it.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
I think is the best idea i have listened in a while....im talking about deleting the first post.

I think mods cannot do it unless Nekogodot gives them permision to do it.

Hey vesper! add my drawing also! :D

Its from the ugly ice climber halloween but who cares is also ashley´s birthday so :p


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
I think is the best idea i have listened in a while....im talking about deleting the first post.

I think mods cannot do it unless Nekogodot gives them permision to do it.

Hey vesper! add my drawing also! :D
Link it here... I don't know how to find it :( and I don't think Nekogodot is getting on here anytime soon, he has no posts here except the first one, I don't think SamuraiPanda would mind, just ask him, I would do it, but I already PM'd him on a different matter.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2007
I think is the best idea i have listened in a while....im talking about deleting the first post.

I think mods cannot do it unless Nekogodot gives them permision to do it.

Hey vesper! add my drawing also! :D

Its from the ugly ice climber halloween but who cares is also ashley´s birthday so :p

...That's an amazing drawing o_O

May I call you God?


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
It's all updated, someone needs to PM a mod though, just to see if it happens.
This is my Grabs set if u want to include them also.

I dont have a move set Xd just grabs :p
Because of her uniqueness characteristic of having a morphing pal all the time, she can be very cool to use. Is not like the ICs, where both need to work together actively to survive.
In Ashley´s case..we all know that Red could be like an NPc solely for the use of Ashley.

My moveset will be something in this lines:

Ashley would be all the time when doing nothing with Red just slightly behind her, and always in the same distance.. Anywhere Ashley moves or jump..Red will follow her precisely (unlike Nana which almost always gets behind something). To prevent him to got stuck on walls or things like that, the time red gets a little far form her...he will just appear right at her side (think about the animation of Nana dissapearing when Popo dies).

With her standard attacks , she could do some attacks with her bare hands and magic animations , and others with Red. For exmaple.... think about a jab triple combo. Three hits with a little of magic to make her range a little bigger. But his forward tilt could be Ashley doing a forward stab with the rod and casting some ligfhting. Red would quickly transforms and return back to his normal form once the blow animation ended. Since we all know this kinds of things happen very fast.... Red would be practically in a transformation Frenzy thru all the battle , but this could be easy solved with quick appear and dissapearing animations posted above(ie Red dissapears and the animation of ashley´s rod takes place, then red reappears)... and it would be funny. Having red running behind ashley all the way would be so cool.

All of her B moves would pratically involve Red transforming into her rod and then Ashley´s doing her magic.

Her grabs!:
Ashley would get his opponent grabbed with her magic. Her standard A hit when grabbing would be a magic shock or something to the opponent.

Forward throw: ashley slams his opponent forward her with a magical firecracker explotion!

Down throw: Ashley slams his foe to the ground with magic..making him bounce to her back where Red is. Then Red does a headbutt on the wiggling opponent to send him definitely far away.

Up Throw: Ashley sends his opponent upwards, while at the same time she screams "Red" and points her finger to her foe. Red quickly Transform into a Ball of fire (think something in the lines of Kirby´s dash attack) and slams against the opponent exploding and sending him further up. Quickly Red will reappear behind ashley. This attack can star KO you in very high %.

1-Reds fly towards ashley and transform into a new witch outfit for ashley including a pumpking halloween basket XD .Then ashley says one of her famous lines.

2- Ashley does her famous pose with the Rod up in the air and do some of her magic.

3- Reds transforms into a magic book, while ashley is reading it on the floor and giggling some words in a suspicious way. A dark and demonic aura starts flowing out of ashley´s and up in the air the magic smoke forms the word "Ashley for Brawl" then she stands up and red appears again. (lol)


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
well before pming him i think we need to talk to neko gotodt :S Maybe when he come back and find his post erased,,, he can feel disgusted.

yeah i know he almost never comes on... he answered a pm from me like 4 days ago... so ill try and send him another pm explaining the situation.


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
well before pming him i think we need to talk to neko gotodt :S Maybe when he come back and find his post erased,,, he can feel disgusted.

yeah i know he almost never comes on... he answered a pm from me like 4 days ago... so ill try and send him another pm explaining the situation.
Didn't he say he was too busy or something?

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Good, all we need is a few more artist and we will have it all. I wish I could draw but no. :urg:

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
I have a question:

Why do people think Ashley is going to be in Brawl? Enlighten me. Conjecture is fine if it has supporting logic.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
I have a question:

Why do people think Ashley is going to be in Brawl? Enlighten me. Conjecture is fine if it has supporting logic.
We don't think she has a huge shot.

However, we are hoping for Ashley to be in Brawl.

She is not de-confirmed yet, and no character that is not de-confirmed has a 0% chance (no matter how little). Therefor, we have some hope.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
We don't think she has a huge shot.

However, we are hoping for Ashley to be in Brawl.

She is not de-confirmed yet, and no character that is not de-confirmed has a 0% chance (no matter how little). Therefor, we have some hope.
She didn't have a fan base until her music update, and music is no guarantee of a character's presence.

Here is a fact: K.K. Slider has music and AT Status. ROOBY ROO RITS A RUE! Anyone see the irony?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
She didn't have a fan base until her music update, and music is no guarantee of a character's presence.

Here is a fact: K.K. Slider has music and AT Status. ROOBY ROO RITS A RUE! Anyone see the irony?
Believe it or not, she did have a fan base before her music update. She was a favorite in Japan, and I'm sure she had some fans here as well, no character goes without having NO fans. The music update just made the people who weren't Ashley fans think about how it would be if she was in Brawl. Some liked the idea, and became fans of hers. I personally liked the idea of a witch character in Brawl, I love spell casting and I like witchcraft, so I became a fan of her's.

I honestly have no idea what your talking about when it comes to K.K. slider. He appears in the back of one of the stages doing a performance, playing his music. How does this have anything to do with Ashley?

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
She didn't have a fan base until her music update, and music is no guarantee of a character's presence.

Here is a fact: K.K. Slider has music and AT Status. ROOBY ROO RITS A RUE! Anyone see the irony?
lol, you do forget that some people supported her before the update came, (the person at the first post for example), but it wasn't hugh like it was a month ago. The update made more supporters than people attanded, that creating more fans for her, and as useually making protesters for a character. My guess is, a lot of people who didn't play Warioware Touch and Smooth Moves wouldn't know this character. And just as that update came, pictures of the Ashley came, almost millions of people say that is Brawl worthy, and thousands say that she is not. To see a support, you have to vist just about all the cities that is big in game to see it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
lol, you do forget that some people supported her before the update came, (the person at the first post for example), but it wasn't hugh like it was a month ago. The update made more supporters than people attanded, that creating more fans for her, and as useually making protesters for a character. My guess is, a lot of people who didn't play Warioware Touch and Smooth Moves wouldn't know this character. And just as that update came, pictures of the Ashley came, almost millions of people say that is Brawl worthy, and thousands say that she is not. To see a support, you have to vist just about all the cities that is big in game to see it.
Honestly Viper, I would have to say it's the other way around.

Millions say she isn't worthy, thousands say she is.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
It do seem like it, why?!
Because they don't like the character. To me, there isn't really a character that isn't "smash worthy" out there aside from those who never appeared on the Nintendo consoles.

Every character could be given some sort of move list (look at captain falcon). So to me, any character is able to enter the Brawl.
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