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Ashley for SSBB Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
It's difficult to give a goth a. outfits.
A goth should look like Ashley.

Black is possible, but yeah she shouldn't have black cloths, it should be .. purple-black (?)

Would be an awesome a. outfit.

Two questions:
1) What did Emily McIntosh wrote?
2) Are they any hidden messages (again) in the Brawl song?



Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
It's difficult to give a goth a. outfits.
A goth should look like Ashley.

Black is possible, but yeah she shouldn't have black cloths, it should be .. purple-black (?)

Would be an awesome a. outfit.

Two questions:
1) What did Emily McIntosh wrote?
2) Are they any hidden messages (again) in the Brawl song?


well the only thing i find in the sng is that they mentions ashley and the mansion :D
but thatsong was done before brawl! so is nothing important. The only weird thing to play that song in the wario ware stage is that..... they will mention a mansion,, but they are playing the song in some weird wario ware stage which has onthing to do with a mansion.
So if they are taking in consideration this details... maybe..and a big maybe here... the ashley´s mansion is possible.

About the ashley recolours.... i would love her in black... lol and in whiote also...

(why everyone wants all the characters with a black outfit?) :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
(why everyone wants all the characters with a black outfit?) :p
Everybody want to play all characters in their evil color.

Meta Knight's alt. oufit (this badass one) is awesome. Same like Dark Link.

Am I the only one who wants to hear new things from Emily McIntosh?

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I will say each character needs a evil color and a pimp color, (black and white), as they alt. color.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
What would Ashley and Red look like in black?
It doesn't matter, because AT's don't have alternate costumes.


Yes. Yes he did.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I will say each character needs a evil color and a pimp color, (black and white), as they alt. color.
Yes, I think I will play every character in those colors.

Well, I thought we should make a few moves with the bunny doll.

Something like a self-damaging move.

Or an idea for a new FS:
She turns her doll into a giant evil thing.
I guess it's a bad idea.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2007
...I wish I had something to say, but nevertheless, I support Ashley, and always will! She's #2 on my most wanted list (#1 being Earthworm Jim).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
...I wish I had something to say, but nevertheless, I support Ashley, and always will! She's #2 on my most wanted list (#1 being Earthworm Jim).
Just ignore him. Not like he's going to post anything intelligent.

An Earthworm Jim supporter, now THAT'S something you don't see to often XD.

I really disliked his games for some reason >_>.

Anyway, on topic of costums, I think she should have a witch costume as well. Or maybe like, a costume where she dresses up to look like Red and Red puts on a witch's hat to look like her or something :laugh:.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Just ignore him. Not like he's going to post anything intelligent.
You'd be correct there, actually. We already posted our points on why Ashley won't be in Brawl, but you simply denounce them as riciculous and continue to make stupid gestures about how Ashley will "MAGIC ALL ZE HATERZ AWAI" or something like that.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2007
Just ignore him. Not like he's going to post anything intelligent.

An Earthworm Jim supporter, now THAT'S something you don't see to often XD.

I really disliked his games for some reason >_>.

Anyway, on topic of costums, I think she should have a witch costume as well. Or maybe like, a costume where she dresses up to look like Red and Red puts on a witch's hat to look like her or something :laugh:.
Ah, just what I need. More *******es.

I think Ashley dressed up like Red would be a little...odd. However, we DO know she'll have to have a Blue and Green alt. Costume...For team battle purposes.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ah, just what I need. More *******es.

I think Ashley dressed up like Red would be a little...odd. However, we DO know she'll have to have a Blue and Green alt. Costume...For team battle purposes.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? He didn't insult you and you start calling him a "*******es" just because he doesn't think that the character you like will make it as a PC?

Well you sir are the "*******es".


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2007
What the hell is that supposed to mean? He didn't insult you and you start calling him a "*******es" just because he doesn't think that the character you like will make it as a PC?

Well you sir are the "*******es".
He DID insult me. People have their beliefs and people do NOT have the right to make fun of another person's beliefs. Like, what if I told you "Megaman isn't cool. You need your brain sold on eBay for thinking he is.", Hmmmm?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
You'd be correct there, actually. We already posted our points on why Ashley won't be in Brawl, but you simply denounce them as riciculous and continue to make stupid gestures about how Ashley will "MAGIC ALL ZE HATERZ AWAI" or something like that.
Thank you for saying I was correct. Yes I know I'm not ignoring you, so don't start the whole "I thought you were going to ignore me! Huh!? Huh?!" because believe it or not, I'm giving you another chance at maybe an actual debate.

And actually, I don't believe I ever made any sort of comment like that. Go ahead, look through all posts I have made in this forum against people who came in here saying she doesn't have a chance of being playable. I don't believe I ever once used it as argument. I may have stated it just joking around with the other members here, but that's really about it. Get your facts straight on who you are talking to, because not everyone in this thread is the same. I've gave lists of reasons MULTIPLE times on why I think she should be in, Brawl. And it seems as though no one really tends to argue back with me, maybe because they realize that I may be right? Maybe because they came in here with no knowledge of what they were talking about at all? Yes, that's a possibility.

I would just like to point this out to you. If you just carry on with your close-minded ways, then I'll just ignore your even here. If you are open minded to my thoughts as well, then go ahead, throw your arguments at me.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
He DID insult me. People have their beliefs and people do NOT have the right to make fun of another person's beliefs. Like, what if I told you "Megaman isn't cool. You need your brain sold on eBay for thinking he is.", Hmmmm?
I never said anything derogatory about the character itself. We merely posted [before] our thoughs on why Ashley wouldn't be in Brawl. I challenge you to find ONE post of mine where I called Ashley stupid. You won't find one, because there isn't one.

Stop making stupid crap up.

I would just like to point this out to you. If you just carry on with your close-minded ways, then I'll just ignore your even here. If you are open minded to my thoughts as well, then go ahead, throw your arguments at me.
How am I close-minded? Because I spammed one post a little farther up? That's hardly close-minded. And now that I know you're not like every other Ashley fan out there, then maybe we can have a decent argument.


[intelligent discussion] Why do you think Ashley deserves a spot in Brawl? [/intelligent discussion]


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
Ah, just what I need. More *******es.

I think Ashley dressed up like Red would be a little...odd. However, we DO know she'll have to have a Blue and Green alt. Costume...For team battle purposes.
Wow... are you serious?

In no way did I put down your character. I said I didn't like his games and I said that people who support him are rare. Try not jumping to conclusions next time, because I was actually giving you props for supporting a character that has a low fan base even though I dislike the game.

People have opinions, learn to accept them.

EDIT: Apperently it doesn't let you space after you include something with bold, italics, and underline. Weird...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
He DID insult me. People have their beliefs and people do NOT have the right to make fun of another person's beliefs. Like, what if I told you "Megaman isn't cool. You need your brain sold on eBay for thinking he is.", Hmmmm?
But he didn't... he didn't say "Ashley is t3h suxzorz" or whatever he said something about being an AT... which was more or less him just edging you on... not insulting you or her, just... you know (**** just made an epic story for a comic and now I cant think of anything to write).

Thank you for saying I was correct. Yes I know I'm not ignoring you, so don't start the whole "I thought you were going to ignore me! Huh!? Huh?!" because believe it or not, I'm giving you another chance at maybe an actual debate.

And actually, I don't believe I ever made any sort of comment like that. Go ahead, look through all posts I have made in this forum against people who came in here saying she doesn't have a chance of being playable. I don't believe I ever once used it as argument. I may have stated it just joking around with the other members here, but that's really about it. Get your facts straight on who you are talking to, because not everyone in this thread is the same. I've gave lists of reasons MULTIPLE times on why I think she should be in, Brawl. And it seems as though no one really tends to argue back with me, maybe because they realize that I may be right? Maybe because they came in here with no knowledge of what they were talking about at all? Yes, that's a possibility.

I would just like to point this out to you. If you just carry on with your close-minded ways, then I'll just ignore your even here. If you are open minded to my thoughts as well, then go ahead, throw your arguments at me.
What about the time I countered your post but then everyone just ignored me... I wasn't even being rude or anything in it but still...

And maybe if there were more Ashley supporters like you and Hydde (Or maybe its with one D and two Y's...) then I might start respecting the character a little more.

Now children play nice...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
And maybe if there were more Ashley supporters like you and Hydde (Or maybe its with one D and two Y's...) then I might start respecting the character a little more.
No, you got it right. It's "Hydde".

Now children play nice...
Awww, but Mom!


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Can you either help with discussion or not post at all? Sorry but even if people are debating over a character they don't have to hate each other...
Unless you're in the Waluigi thread. 0_<

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Legolastom; said:
Can you either help with discussion or not post at all? Sorry but even if people are debating over a character they don't have to hate each other...
You didn't have to say it like that. :( But I see your point. All I can say is a little chance is better than no chance at all, some people around the web says that Ashley has a good chance of showing up in the game as an AT or a PC than the other character from Warioware games, no one know's what's going to happen, but anything is possible.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
some people around the web says that Ashley has a good chance of showing up in the game as an AT or a PC than the other character from Warioware games, no one know's what's going to happen, but anything is possible.
Other characters from the WW games are most likely not going to get represented. It's not a big enough or popular enough franchise. *POINTS TO SALES*


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
I never said anything derogatory about the character itself. We merely posted [before] our thoughs on why Ashley wouldn't be in Brawl. I challenge you to find ONE post of mine where I called Ashley stupid. You won't find one, because there isn't one.

Stop making stupid crap up.

How am I close-minded? Because I spammed one post a little farther up? That's hardly close-minded. And now that I know you're not like every other Ashley fan out there, then maybe we can have a decent argument.


[intelligent discussion] Why do you think Ashley deserves a spot in Brawl? [/intelligent discussion]
I feel as though your statements were close minded because a lot of them I read were "Nope! She won't be in! She has no chance! FAIL!". I don't know about you, but to me that seems pretty close minded. But I'm not going to argue that, that's a thing of the past.

Okay, first of all I would start by saying I believe Warioware has a good chance of getting a second rep. So why does the Warioware deserve the 2nd rep? First, let's look at what Nintendo did, making Wario represent his own series. This obviously means they want Waroware to stand alone as it's separate game, and get it's own attention. What better way to make it get it's own attention in Brawl than adding another character that has nothing to do with the Mario series what so ever and is only linked to Warioware?

The most likely character that would get picked would be Ashley. Believe it or not, this little girl is actually pretty popular Japan. She was on the Japanese prediction site even before her song came up, and with the song added she managed to get a spot on the home page, right near Ridley, Kyrstal, Diddy, and many other big characters, this should just give you a clue as to how popular she is there.

Also, let's take into consideration what she will add to the game. Quoting myself from a previous argument:

Now, the arguments as to what she would add to Brawl. As we all know, Brawl is lacking female characters, and also lacking spell casters. Ashley happens to be a female spell caster, ding ding ding, we have a winner! Ashley would fill in spots this game lacks and do it in a unique style. With the ability to have a pet (Red) and the amount of things she can do being a witch, I guarantee you her move set will be quite different from any one else. Diversity is what makes this game so great, the ability combine multiple characters with different fighting styles is what keeps our interest and makes it fun for everyone, because everyone can pick their own character that suits them.
And don't say a character being female does not increase the chances of getting in. Sakurai said he is aware of the PROBLEM with not enough female characters. If he thinks it's a problem, then he's probably looking for more female characters to add.

So really, why wouldn't Ashley get in this game? She tends to promote the Warioware series more, meaning more sales for Warioware, as well as adds a unique fighting style character. Importance? That didn't seem to hold back Ice climbers from making it in SSBM, and I don't feel as though that is a good enough reason to hold back Ashley, and neither does Sakurai, considering he said himself he doesn't want only popular/important characters in the game, he finds it boring.

Although often overlooked, in my opinion, Ashley is a good choice for Brawl.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Sorry but never use retro characters as an example for anything.

Now I will let you and RDK get back to your conversation.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I feel as though your statements were close minded because a lot of them I read were "Nope! She won't be in! She has no chance! FAIL!". I don't know about you, but to me that seems pretty close minded. But I'm not going to argue that, that's a thing of the past.
None of any of my posts were like that. I don't randomly go around bashing other characters without supporting my opinions, unless it's Waluigi or something. You must be confusing me with someone else.

Okay, first of all I would start by saying I believe Warioware has a good chance of getting a second rep.
Lemme stop you right there. Just because Wario has his WW costume on in Brawl doesn't mean a thing.

Do you think Sakurai would have given him his bland yellow and purple outfit, which both Mario and Lugi have, just with different colors? No. He's going to put Wario in with his latest look, just like he did with TP Link and TP Zelda. I would've done the same thing.

So you can't just say that WW will get a second rep when they really didn't get an original rep in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
None of any of my posts were like that. I don't randomly go around bashing other characters without supporting my opinions, unless it's Waluigi or something. You must be confusing me with someone else.

Lemme stop you right there. Just because Wario has his WW costume on in Brawl doesn't mean a thing.

Do you think Sakurai would have given him his bland yellow and purple outfit, which both Mario and Lugi have, just with different colors? No. He's going to put Wario in with his latest look, just like he did with TP Link and TP Zelda. I would've done the same thing.

So you can't just say that WW will get a second rep when they really didn't get an original rep in the first place.
Wow, I said nothing about his costume.

Maybe you shouldn't have "stopped right there".


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Care to explain why....?
Retro characters cannot be judged by modern characters because retro characters are just there to represent the old age... not really Nintendo as a whole or their individual series but just the old days when all you did was jump on a log and climb ladders.

Or put in a better way... Sakurai decides retro characters in a different fashion to modern characters.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Wow, I said nothing about his costume.
I had to, because you assumed that the WW franchise was getting any representation whatsoever. It's completely false. Did you even read all of my post?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
Retro characters cannot be judged by modern characters because retro characters are just there to represent the old age... not really Nintendo as a whole or their individual series but just the old days when all you did was jump on a log and climb ladders.

Or put in a better way... Sakurai decides retro characters in a different fashion to modern characters.
Okay, that makes sense. I guess I never thought of it that way. Then yes, I can see how comparing a retro character with a modern one can be completely different.

I still don't feel as though importance is really enough to hold her back though. When Sakurai made that statement about how him not wanting just the popular characters in Brawl, that made me believe that opens the doors for almost any character, even if there is a low chance, it's still possible.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
I had to, because you assumed that the WW franchise was getting any representation whatsoever. It's completely false. Did you even read all of my post?
Funny, I can say the same thing to you.

I did not talk about Warioware and his costume, I talked about how he represented his own series. And I did not assume, I said "I believe Warioware has a good chance of getting a second rep". Believing something has a good chance is a lot different than assuming.

Go back, actually READ my argument (are you trying to prove my point of you being close minded?) and then get back to me.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
We all know the popularity issue leads to nowhere. Deoxys anyone?
Not always true. I consider it a factor in getting but it's in no way a deciding factor. Here are my guidelines for getting in:

1. Said character must have not originated from a videogame series that does not originate from an anime, manga, cartoon, movie, tv series, etc.

2. The character must have appeared on a Nintendo console before.

3. The character must have some significance in the series/game or, if applicable, significance in the game industry.

4. If the character is not the main character of the game it's from, the main character must be playable in Super Smash Bros. Brawl before it.

5. The character should have a fighting style that is not redundant if in and must not be similar to other characters already in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
^ I think Goroh and Lyn were victims of this.

6. In the case that a fighting style is not seen in one's game/series, there is a chance that they may receive a totally original moveset.
^ Captain Falcon and Fox are great examples of this.

7. The character should have an amount of popularity but it is not a deciding factor.

8. This is the greatest rule of them all: Sakurai must want them in the game. We have no direct influence as to who gets in and who doesn't.

Note, the only ones truly required are rules 1, 2, and 8.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Go back, actually READ my argument (are you trying to prove my point of you being close minded?) and then get back to me.
I'm starting to think that calling people close-minded is the only way you can make your arguments look good.

Yes, I read your argument, but I only addressed the first part, because everything else in your post was based on the ASSUMPTION that the WW franchise will get a character representation at all.

Believing something has a good chance is a lot different than assuming.
Again, your "belief" is only viable if WW gets any character representation at all. That's like saying "I believe Mario Strikers has a good chance of getting a second rep," because Bowser is in Brawl.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Megadio seriously GTFO if all you can contribute to this thread is "O great" then please no one wants you here.
Mar 21, 2007
Megadio seriously GTFO if all you can contribute to this thread is "O great" then please no one wants you here.
I don't think you should represent everyone.

Also i'm sure that more people would like me in here than you. I was contributing to the thread by trying to make a topic that we could discuss... Not all character threads have to be filled with arguments you know.
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