There's no such thing as best Peach. Peach is a lie. Such a bull**** character.
Anyway, jokes asides... every time I see Armada play I just learn something new to do. He's really smart and technical; what a deadly combination.
I feel I didn't do good at all in singles, because I enjoy more teams an I think I did pretty well there. Could have done way better at singles but got stuck in the second round of Pools. I had Vidjo (peach dittoes suck!) there and suicided in our match right at the start but still managed to almost beat him in that match... Then I had Waffles doc, ****! I hate Docs match up srsly. I asked Armada his impressions on the match up (since he lost a match to Shroomed's Doc) and he said its kinda "bad" match up (more or less). I also beat the Fox Vidjo lost to in that round of Pools (Zoso). Still didn't make it out because of some mistakes but im pretty sure I would have reached the bracket if I had put more efforts.
Also, why do you guys in US love so much dittoes. OMG they suck! Im starting to get better at it since I had so many ditto matches at Pound 4 LOL!
My overall performance in teams:
1. HDL + Eval 8-0
2. Trademark + Mikemoney
3. Crismas + Sanuzi
4. Crio + Ziggyredbass
64 man bracket
HDL + Eval's performance
Winners' bracket
Defeated Pakman + Mogwai
Lost to Reno + Cactaur <- close but Sheik + Fox gay'd
Losers' bracket
Defeated Kels + watty
Defeated Chillin + DOH
Lost to Tope + Cyrain <- close but Sheik + Fox gay'd again lol
Overall placing: 17/64
I didnt get to prove myself at Pound 4.

Hopefully for the next big event Im gonna be more prepared. Pound 4 just reinforced my will to practice even more! See ya on the next big tournament I hope!
PS. High five Vidjo. You are mad cool and nice to chill with. He sat on my lap on the way back to the hotel in the shuttle along with the Europeans and M2K. Im not the same anymore... it was clustered as **** ahahah! Hopefully you will read this. LOL!