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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
well i guess i'm ready to host this tournament rather it just be all melee hehe.

i need to find a character i really want to get good with besides D3 cus he gets owned by olimar >D.

-peace vts

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
It's always melee time for me. I could care less for brawl. I'll just play for kicks and giggles. But yeah actually I guess the people I'm with sets whether any game is fun or not. But noob if you come down for melee yeah you bet it's a party! Bring Iori with you =D


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
If i don't start getting more people to show up when mephis people come then i'll stop hosting them it keeps getting smaller and smaller even if you arent coming to enter the tournament just come hang out instead.

I can understand if you miss a few but i was sick this weeken and still show up even though coughing up some blood once i got home wasn't cool i'm feeling little better now.

-peace vts

Roxas Org XIII

Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2008
West Memphis
Well im not positive but im pretty sure the pool house may start having bi weeklies soon... i think its ok with ino when i find out more ill let you guys know!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
WTF sho you said you would come. Well even tho you didn't it would have been a waste, since arkan sucks. Ace, Vts, the guys who showed are excluded.
Lol, I never said I'd show, I said I would see what I could do and talk to my bros. I was suppose to show up though but had car problems (what's new huh?). I'll tell my bros again about the next biweekly and see if they want to attend.

And you right, Arkansas people do suck......at not sucking!! Lol, corny, but still made me laugh. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

ONCE AGAIN!! I'll see what I can do, no promises.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
pfft you wish halo 3 has better online by far.

anyways i'm bored of this game already going to buy 2 rpgs soon so may not see me play much brawl (like i play much anyways).

btw the rpgs are Persona 3: FES (for ps2 yeah they still make games for it :psycho:) and The world ends with you (for ds)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
*Iori was so full of hope is all, sho. It just ended with me walking away with my head down.* I still want that bowser samus match, no johns.
Lol, aight cool no prob we can do that. Would this be on Melee or Brawl cause either works with me? I've played Melee twice since brawls release so I know i'm rusty in the game lol, so let me know so I can go ahead and get some playing/pratice in.

Also about Halo 3, I think it's nice what they did with it. n00b quit being a hader you.....hader!! I love the fixed mechanics on brawl from melee, it made **** more balanced between characters. I for one DO NOT! see everyone and their momma playing with Sheik, Marth, Fox, Falco, and Peach anymore and I love that! What they did with the character balance is very nice.

Probably two of the things I miss from melee to brawl are certain combos and L canceling. Wavedashing I can do without seeing how the fix the grabbing system so people can't just roll their way to victory anymore.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2006
Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Yeah VTS that sounds good actually, I've got a friend who is really good at Halo 3 who would probably want to come with us if we started up a team.

The only thing different from halo 2 and halo 3 is no BXR. Or the only thing that matters anyway. Other than that it just takes more skill to play, and it wouldn't hurt for them to speed it up a tiny bit. (Which I think MLG plays at 110% speed.)


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
alright sweet guess i'll hook up my xbox again >D.

My brother is pretty good and he needs a team so me and him both can play so it makes it easier for making sure team practice.

also whats our team name "Brawl sucks" , "Imperial Legion" , " Mindgames".

o well peace off to do more homework ><.


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
Saber, sarge, etc are you guys coming up to play melee in fayetteville anytime soon? Saber you need to come up here to get your **** name tag, and I heard you may be moving here for school next semeser sarge? Anyway I think brawl is a joke and would much rather play melee so if you guys ever find yourselves in fayetteville call me when you are over at jons or come over to my place.


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
with Iori's superior mind games I cannot say whether he likes or dislikes brawl X_x

anyways I think we can all agree haunter is the best pokemon.

I don't like brawl bc there aren't nearly as many combos as in melee. I don't like brawl bc throws lost their value for the vast majority of characters. In ssb throws killed, in ssbm throws comboed, in ssbb throws ummm ya. I don't like brawl bc of tripping. I don't like brawl bc of no wavedashing and no L cancelling. ya ya you can auto cancel : / I don't like auto sweet spotting. I don't like how dash dancing got *****. you may say blah blah it's only been out X amount of time it will be 1337 like melee just give it time, well I don't think it will. And I can only judge the game by where it is at right now and right now I think it is a horrible excuse for a fighting game. I think the only reason people play it is because it has super smash brothers in the title. IMO it's the 3rd best smash brothers game out.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
haunter is the best poke'mon any day :laugh:

brawl is horrible melee is amazing.i think that brawl isnt to bad its just not as advance as melee eventhough its a new game it still has time to find new stuff, it took halo 2 a few years to find out BXR(LXR for me cus i play boxer), double shot, double melee, and Double double shot (quad shot is you want).

i believe by the time the first year of Brawl is over we will have 1-2 Advance tech, but it may not be that useful at first but with skill it could help.

restarted poke'mon pearl so playing that, also saturday night Stage 2 Games is going to have a midnight party for Mario Cart!!!! i may be there might go to a hardcore/emo/punk/gay show with friend from school.

-peace vts


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
I'm just saying I have at least 7 fighting games in mind I would rather play than brawl...imo it's not a good competitive fighting game... fighters I would rather play aka sfa2, sfa3, CvS2, melee, ssb, MvC2, T5dro, sf2, ggac, etc


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
I think it's an awesome competitive fighting game. From what i've seen I can make this comparison of Brawl and Melee:

Melee: MvC2

Brawl: SFIII 3rd Strike

Not as flashy looking and the combos aren't as long, but the mechanics are still there. That game is all about the timing and mindgames to come out on top, not the 0-to death or almost death combos from Falco, Marth, and others in the previous games. I also like it cause people ACTUALLY pick characters they like using, Not just the usual high tier (Fox, Falco, Sheik, Peach, etc). I know I stress the fact that it's just a new game and people haven't found out all the stuff in it, but i'm still gonna say it lol. It didn't take melee 2-3 years in the game before people even thought of playing it on the level it was being played on.

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
I think it's an awesome competitive fighting game. From what i've seen I can make this comparison of Brawl and Melee:

Melee: MvC2

Brawl: SFIII 3rd Strike

Not as flashy looking and the combos aren't as long, but the mechanics are still there. That game is all about the timing and mindgames to come out on top, not the 0-to death or almost death combos from Falco, Marth, and others in the previous games. I also like it cause people ACTUALLY pick characters they like using, Not just the usual high tier (Fox, Falco, Sheik, Peach, etc). I know I stress the fact that it's just a new game and people haven't found out all the stuff in it, but i'm still gonna say it lol. It didn't take melee 2-3 years in the game before people even thought of playing it on the level it was being played on.
Scrub I play m2 in melee and you played samus, we both played characters we liked. If you really think this game is good play me, nite, or nes noob and we will show you the highest level of this so called game. just wait sometime soon you will hate this game. (hehe <.<) :093:


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
I wouldn't get caught up in trying to compare it to other fighting games because they are just too different. For example 3rd strike has yun, ken, and chun way at the top. Others are viable but those 3 tend to dominate. If you were going to compare it to a sf you would be best off comparing it to sf2. anyway character choice has never been that big of a deal to me. We are talking about competitive fighters so picking your "favorite" shouldn't really be an issue. Out of the top characters in most fighting games there is enough diversification to at least find a character who suits your style, IMO. I didn't like melee just because of advanced techniques btw. I have been playing since ssb came out and I loved melee from day 1. You also posted about 0-deaths being a bad thing. I don't believe that. I say they are a good thing. It makes making a mistake that much worse. You can get away with so much more in brawl because the tools that are offered to punish are SO much less effective than in melee. Dumbing down the tech skill as much as they did was a killer too. Of course, I'm not saying there is 0 tech skill in brawl, but honestly it's not even close to melee. Yes I know in your head you are screaming, "It's only been out X amount of time!!!11!11" I get that. A majority of the things I don't like about brawl will not be fixed no matter how long the smash community plays it though. Hope you don't mind me arguing and if I come off sounding like an *** I don't mean to.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
I used to agree with you Shogun, but now I really don't care for Brawl anymore. *cries* The highest level this game is being played at is still so slow. It really feels like everyone's just picking at each other instead of fighting. Messing up in Brawl doesn't hurt you that bad, because nobody can punish you to any real effect. This game is a prime example of Nintendo and other video game companies trying to appeal to the casual audience. It's kinda sad :(

In Brawl's defense, the same people seem to win all the time. Meaning that the game actually is somewhat skill based and isn't like playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It's still also a fun game to play and has tons of content. However, everytime I play it, I can't help but wonder what might have been if they would at least have kept L-canceling.

Oh ya, I had to miss last time, because it was my roommate's birthday. :( Sorry guys.


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2005
Memphis, TN
I honestly feel that those who hate Brawl are somewhat "spoiled" due to Melee. Yes, Brawl is the lesser game, but I still think it's fun. If you didn't have Melee and we had Brawl instead, what would you think? Regardless, I'm not going to jump on anyone for their opinions, but that's my two cents.

Also, hey Arkansas.


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
Coming up with random hypothetical situations has nothing to do with the simple fact that as competitive fighters melee > brawl


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2005
Memphis, TN
Well, I never meant to give the impression that I might have thought Brawl was more of the competitive fighter. If I did, I apologize.


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2007
No you were definitely talking about it from a fun perspective. I should have made my post longer by saying that you can't really argue fun though because it is completely subjective. I am curious as to what in brawl you find fun though? Because to me both games tend to have similar things for the most part except
+ tech skill
+ combos
+ speed
+ auto lots of things
+ easier for new players to pick up
+ easier to reach a "high" level at

I really do like how more people can play brawl, but what I found fun about melee was the technical skill involved, because it added layers of skill to the game. And the speed contributes to the difficulty of the game because obviously it's harder to do something fast than it is to do it slow. But what really makes melee waaaaaay more fun to me than brawl is the combos. I mean take captain falcon for expample. He basically cannot do **** on brawl, they ***** one of the most fun characters from melee. I think most players enjoy either using or at least seeing CF go off with his enormous flashy combos. So that is why I think melee is more fun. So what makes brawl more fun for you?

BTW I realize I said that fun cannot be argued and then basically argued why melee is fun :/
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