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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I've been talking alot of smack in the ganon boards. I'm actually feeling pretty confident, and pretty competent at the moment, although I haven't smashed but once with Arby in the last few weeks. We need to play again soon Arbs.
I have an open weekend, except for an hour or two lunch with my mom on Saturday.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Good lord Tatami Galaxy. I feel like I saw the first episode twice because of so much pausing and replaying (speed of the speech and depth of its content) - but it was worth it. AKFG opening, Penguindrum/Arakawa/Denpa Onna singer ending, Maaya Sakamoto female lead, Kaiba/Mind Game director, Michiru Oshima soundtrack. And all the hype about it dragging countless 4chan college deadbeats out of their slump. I'm mostly over that phase, but I can still relate a ton to this guy.

Heh, Oshima also composed Sora no Woto. What are the odds, eh Seif? The two shows I'm watching this weekend on a whim. Sora no Woto's soundtrack is beautiful btw. You should youtube some tracks, doesn't really matter which. Lots of horns and strings (surprise surprise), but I don't mind.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
I do luv me some Oshima. /a/ had a thread last night about "The 10 moments that most stuck with you" and amongst all the Gurren Lagann, FMA, and FLCL there was a ton of Sora no Woto stuff. Also a lot of Trigun which made me happy.

Anywho, I've became a lot more interested in the show over the last two days, especially after hearing it's version of Amazing Grace.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I heard my voice recorded...good GRIEF I sound like a hick.

Like seriously you would think i was uneducated and had a the IQ of the horse's I rode down at the old rodeo every weekend...

Dang :(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2010
Update on the Game Ever tournament on March 4th (Sunday):

From Noel-
"Hi, I'm the owner of Game Ever.

As you know, we're hosting a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament in a couple of weeks with the Arkansas Fighting Game Network.

I appreciate the concerns raised in regard to the tech being used to run the event - they're well-founded and completely legit.

In response, I've decided two things:

1. Contestants are permitted to use their own controllers.
2. Play will engage on CRT televisions, exclusively.
goal is to host a totally awesome tournament."


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Update on the Game Ever tournament on March 4th (Sunday):

From Noel-
"Hi, I'm the owner of Game Ever.

As you know, we're hosting a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament in a couple of weeks with the Arkansas Fighting Game Network.

I appreciate the concerns raised in regard to the tech being used to run the event - they're well-founded and completely legit.

In response, I've decided two things:

1. Contestants are permitted to use their own controllers.
2. Play will engage on CRT televisions, exclusively.
goal is to host a totally awesome tournament."
Awesome man. Thanks a ton.
1) Never refer to me as Sammy.

2) I'm from Bradley, get it right.

3) Warlock kick still sucks

4) I could literally benchpress you with one arm
Sure thing, Little Black Sambo :)

Watch out, there be tigers on the prowl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Get this craziness. I have a bunch of money but no time to go buy groceries. As a result I ordered a pizza and since it's been a while since I had pizza it made me feel disgusting. Just what do they put in them, Nicotine and laxatives.
At times I've been convinced there's some nicotine or other substance of an addictive quality in the stuff we eat. A lot of junk food is actually pretty tasteless or even disgusting when you step back and think about what you're eating. Doesn't make any sense.

as I reach into my bag of chips

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
At times I've been convinced there's some nicotine or other substance of an addictive quality in the stuff we eat. A lot of junk food is actually pretty tasteless or even disgusting when you step back and think about what you're eating. Doesn't make any sense.

as I reach into my bag of chips
I ate Taco Bueno for the first time in a while. I've been eating better...lots of oatmeal, chicken, and black beans and rice stuff like that. Man...I felt SICK after eating all that stuff. Fast food doesn't sit well with me anymore.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I ate Taco Bueno for the first time in a while. I've been eating better...lots of oatmeal, chicken, and black beans and rice stuff like that. Man...I felt SICK after eating all that stuff. Fast food doesn't sit well with me anymore.
Yeah, I feel the same way about soft drinks.

Wait... chicken, black beans, and rice? So what you mean to say is you've been eating at Chipotle a lot :bee:


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Unlike some other guys, I might count the hours till the will end. But it's not so I can rest, for me it's the time that best for talking to my friends.

I love this song so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Besides this pizza I had earlier, I've been mainly eating chicken and steamed veggies. Every now and then i'll cook some pasta to go along with it. YUM boneless skinless chicken breast.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Yeah, I feel the same way about soft drinks.

Wait... chicken, black beans, and rice? So what you mean to say is you've been eating at Chipotle a lot :bee:
I bought chicken, I got a rice cooker, and they sell beans to be bought at walmart.

...Yes :D



Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
You would.

wry you so lacist
I think this would be a good opportunity to let people know about our "Shoot The East Coast" tour. We're planning to swing through New York, MD/VA, AR and a few other spots known to harbor some key players in this community (I'll give you one guess why Arkansas - no johns).

It'll take about 2 weeks and should bring us up to at least 4 (hopefully 5) out of 7 major interviews completed.
Whaaaat. Damn Ace, this guy REALLY wants an interview.

Maybe we can have a meetup with Memphis (or move it there and hold a tourney) so he has more to work with than someone's apartment.

lol speaking of Led Zeppelin



Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
What kinda country folk bangin on pots, whistlin in moonshine jugs hillbilly music be this? Think I remember it from Deliverance actually. "I bet you squeal like a pig. Wheeeeee!"
It's called the transatlantic session, where all the major folk artist get together and jam.

Sorry, I've been hitting up the folk music lately. It's so much better than country.

These Ganon's are pretty fast. I actually think I play a slower Ganon than them.

Not sure by just me looking, but you guys tell me.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Nothing more boring than watching ganons play.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
It's called the transatlantic session, where all the major folk artist get together and jam.

Sorry, I've been hitting up the folk music lately. It's so much better than country.
Nope, sorry bro. I think you just have a fickle, fickle mind when it comes to being pleased by music. Because that doesn't carry nearly the musical or emotional power country relates.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
You sir are just jelly of my amazing tastes.
Lol, no. Not at all actually. If I had as many tastes as you did I would never be able to fully satiate any of them more than once. Like myself? I get to repeatedly satisfy my tastes and urges without exhausting a massive amount of time.

I rather enjoy having a limited scope of things I enjoy. Makes me have more time to do them instead of giving 2 mins to 100 things, I give 100 minutes to two things.

You're just a Red Mage.


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Lol, no. Not at all actually. If I had as many tastes as you did I would never be able to fully satiate any of them more than once. Like myself? I get to repeatedly satisfy my tastes and urges without exhausting a massive amount of time.

I rather enjoy having a limited scope of things I enjoy. Makes me have more time to do them instead of giving 2 mins to 100 things, I give 100 minutes to two things.

You're just a Red Mage.
But doesn't having such limited tastes mean that you are narrow minded. So set in your ways the you won't change when something is obviously better. *cough* purple stuff.


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
But doesn't having such limited tastes mean that you are narrow minded. So set in your ways the you won't change when something is obviously better. *cough* purple stuff.

Nah, I'm open minded. I just don't necessarily take a shine to everything that comes my way. If it looks interesting maybe I'll check it out. Maybe I'll go back to something I know that interests me.

The older I get, the more and more I'm finding out new games are horrible. It's been bad for about I guess 5 years, but it's getting worse. I'm pretty content to just lock myself in my room and replaying FF1-9 and other great classics that I grew up on. Smash is still able to keep up with modern games, and that's what blows my mind. Good thing I like it :D


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Since I have terrible arguing skills, I'll just leave this argument as is and let arby pick up the slack when he gets on. Im sure there are a whole lot of things wrong with what you just said, but I'm not sure which one I should grab and run with.

Arby I choose you!


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Since I have terrible arguing skills, I'll just leave this argument as is and let arby pick up the slack when he gets on. Im sure there are a whole lot of things wrong with what you just said, but I'm not sure which one I should grab and run with.

Arby I choose you!

Lol I'm horrible at arguing too...I'm so horrible I didn't even realize that we were having an argument...

also, it's just matter of preference. I don't think that either of us can say "this is right." There may be some topics where that's possible, but I don't believe this is one of them.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Since I have terrible arguing skills, I'll just leave this argument as is and let arby pick up the slack when he gets on. Im sure there are a whole lot of things wrong with what you just said, but I'm not sure which one I should grab and run with.

Arby I choose you!

He has a point Will :troll:

Actually just be aware he changed the argument (aka never really had one, like he says) every step of the way. I don't think the original claim that folk is better than country made it past the second post LOL. Saying such doesn't really make you open-minded though. In fact it seems quite the opposite to me. You just like something different than him. Personally, I can enjoy either one but am not invested enough to pursue them. Which is interesting for me to say, as music is one thing I do like pursuing. I spent probably 10 hours yesterday just listening to new artists and albums. Folk and country have that twang though... I can only take it in small doses.

Did some more research on local restaurants for lunch with my mom, and we decided on Boulevard Bread. I'm finally going! Really though, we haven't given too much attention to Kavanaugh. Fantastic China is another place to try over there. I'm interested to see if it's better than Pei Wei since they have near identical scores. I know the Korean restaurant is good from experience. Brazilian could be great just based on what we saw walking in, but who knows. There's also a Japanese place to consider that has great sushi (bleh) and a lunch buffet (hey!). It's a little more expensive though. Thirst N' Howl's got a great score, and it's the last burger joint we haven't been to yet I think. "My husband and I have visited Thirst N' Howl several times. Our favorite nites are Wednesday when they serve any burger on the menu for $4.00. These are 1/2 lb. burgers made any way you want them for just 4 bucks!! They are seasoned perfectly and are big and juicy. No cutting corners here." Sounds fantastic. And then this place has the highest score in town, but it's in a gas station? Idk, it must have some amazing food.

We're also going to Bar Louie because my mom's coworker loves their brunch (crazy, right?) Mostly the complementary donuts. Another breakfast possibility is B-Side on Rodney Parham, by Shorty Small's. Their star item is bacon-wrapped French Toast on a stick, which sounds delicious. The reviews are good: "Fantastic breakfast. Eggs cooked exactly to my specifications, sausage patties were thick and tasty, and biscuits were covered in luscious gravy. One reviewer said that the pancakes are better at Delicious Temptations, and I agree, but I think that B-Side's breakfast is superior to DT's overall." Funny enough, Delicious Temptations is right across the street. This place is also open at reasonable hours, not just 7-9 or something.

I was reading Lambert's reviews, and this is just unbelievable: "Free seconds on everything including the main dish. No one else offers this kind of a deal." But multiple reviews tell the same story. There's simply no way...

Their "pass arounds" these days include fried okra, fried potatoes, macaroni and tomatoes, black eyed peas, and sorghum and honey. Guess the mashed potatoes come with the meal.

Springfield location has this review: "You may consider sharing an entree but here is the best way to do that. You can pay $8.99 to share OR you can order a sides plate that comes with 4 sides for $8.99. That was a nice suggestion from the server. I split the chicken fried steak with my daughter and then split a total of 6 sides. Add the throw'd rolls & other things they bring around like fried okra and you have plenty of food. The ham my son ordered was the size of a fry pan and was some of the best ham I ever had. The sides were all excellent. My entire family went away satisfied & happy." Something to consider. And the wait is usually 30 min to an hour unless we catch a random time of the day, so who knows if we'll get to eat there. Depends on you guys, I'm willing to wait :D Oh and cash only, super old school style.

I guess I'm pretty hungry


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
So if you guys want to go to Lambert's next weekend we need to make a reservation ahead of time to make sure we can eat there when we arrive.

I realize you two have your hearts set on qdoba when you get here, but if you want to try some other great food let me know. Also, you guys will have to grab your qdoba before you get here, because I can't leave the building until Saturday morning. When you do, it would be awesome if one of you grabs me something and allows me to pay you back.

:/ just setting here in the office, 2 more hours until I can leave.
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