You got lucky.
Both the series and the edited movie are ranked much higher than Bake on MAL, for what it's worth. 4chan also seems pretty certain on which it prefers. Eh, Seif and I can run through it sometime soon.
Eden of the East, Brotherhood, Eva 2.0, Summer Wars, and Spice and Wolf 2 are other contenders from 2009.
Interesting results from previous years would be Aria season 1 over Mushishi in 2005 and Spice and Wolf season 1 over the last Aria season in 2008. I always got the impression that one was considered a masterpiece and the other simply well-loved by 4chan. Idk. Oh yeah, and Tatami Galaxy beating Iron Man in 2010. Wtf is up with that???
Hey Asthmatics, today Brett told me I looked really healthy. Joke's on him, this is the worst shape I've ever been in my life loooool
The wonders an extra layer of clothing and short hair can do.