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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
So if you guys want to go to Lambert's next weekend we need to make a reservation ahead of time to make sure we can eat there when we arrive.

I realize you two have your hearts set on qdoba when you get here, but if you want to try some other great food let me know. Also, you guys will have to grab your qdoba before you get here, because I can't leave the building until Saturday morning. When you do, it would be awesome if one of you grabs me something and allows me to pay you back.

:/ just setting here in the office, 2 more hours until I can leave.
We can eat Qdoba in Springfield. We'll have at least three meals up there, only one of which might be Lambert's. Send us somewhere good.
Nah, I'm open minded. I just don't necessarily take a shine to everything that comes my way. If it looks interesting maybe I'll check it out. Maybe I'll go back to something I know that interests me.
Everybody is like that. It's just a question of how likely you are to let something make that impression, which is a characteristic of curiosity. I mean, I'm probably a more curious person than you overall, but you're more likely to take an interest in RPGs or popular music or whatever and then inform me in turn. *I only say I'm more curious because I was raised to love facts - anytime I wanted to know something from the time I learned to read, my mom sent me off to the encyclopedia or dictionary to find out myself. End result is 9 years of quiz bowl and a compulsive approach to new or existing hobbies (including music). And a history major.

Those Ganons are whateves. We played Mr. Blacky in teams at Apex (I know it's not much, but still) and I was not impressed. That Jim guy was pretty cool though. However, he was a little predictable from what I remember. But this is nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=IMvbnCT0tzA#t=79s. Warlock kick is a great punish on baited shield grabs, as I have found myself. The sooner you push them offstage, the sooner you can kill them and the less time they have to kill you. I've noticed people have terrible recovery habits against Ganon because they make assumptions based on his speed. Too bad he can cover anything if he knows it's coming, and most recoveries just on reaction. I am often guilty of this assumption as well, and it's why your waveland tricks and such are so good. But just double jumping out there and uair'ing a fox's illusion or firefox on a hard read will get you kills too. Clay in particular loves those hard-to-reach recoveries... a bit too much :p


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
We can eat Qdoba in Springfield. We'll have at least three meals up there, only one of which might be Lambert's. Send us somewhere good.
Cool Beans.

Bordino's - Italian (high rated in fayetteville, but haven't tried; High Class)
Pesto Cafe - Italian (my favorite; a little more casual but slightly retro)
Ed's Barbeque - Barbeque (haven't tried)
Catfish hole - Fish and chips (very yummy)
Hugo's - American (One of the best burgers that I have ever tasted. also one of the highest rated restaurants in fayetteville. If you go you better bring me something back. )

If I were going to tell you which one to go to I would pick Hugo's or the Pesto Cafe.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending

Boulevard Bread was really good, but I doubt you guys would ever want to eat there. It's filling, but you probably want something heartier than soup and sandwich. Those are my favorite foods though, so yeah.

We also stopped by ZaZa's and got the red coconut curry soup and a supreme pizza (both delicious). You may have already been there, but it's well worth revisiting. Its thing is wood oven-cooked pizza.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Arby that instance is very similar to that where you would forward B with Falcon.

I agree though, when I actually watched that video(before you linked me to that) that caught my eye.

How did you guys do vs "Mr. Black" in teams? Curious if he wrecked VTS since he says he's so bad vs Ganon, or if ya'll did pretty well.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Arby that instance is very similar to that where you would forward B with Falcon.

I agree though, when I actually watched that video(before you linked me to that) that caught my eye.

How did you guys do vs "Mr. Black" in teams? Curious if he wrecked VTS since he says he's so bad vs Ganon, or if ya'll did pretty well.
Yep that's true. If Falcon wanted an option which would push them off stage rather than combo (like raptor boost), he could fsmash like Mango does. If Ganon wanted a combo, he could forward b or dsmash and try to follow, or usmash if their attempted grab put them too close and hit em with the crotch rocket. Those things go zoom zoom fast.

Well you know my situation at Apex, but we still did fine. It actually came down to Vts vs Ganon on Yoshi's, last game last stock around 0% each. Vts thrashed him.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Yep that's true. If Falcon wanted an option which would push them off stage rather than combo (like raptor boost), he could fsmash like Mango does. If Ganon wanted a combo, he could forward b or dsmash and try to follow, or usmash if their attempted grab put them too close and hit em with the crotch rocket. Those things go zoom zoom fast.

Well you know my situation at Apex, but we still did fine. It actually came down to Vts vs Ganon on Yoshi's, last game last stock around 0% each. Vts thrashed him.
I'm glad my ganon practice has VTS trashing every other ganon besides me :)

and occasionally stock to stock, myself included.


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
first clip



quality control plz

edit oh snap I have a full section

Man it's like an actual combo video made up of fox bair edgeguards and up throw uair. Shames the character imo.
:urg: Is that green falco me?

And where is my marth? It's pretty protastic. Emphasis on the pretty.

I'm taking a liking to this song, lol. I do remember some of these clips.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Okay Arkansas,

Spyder$ense keeps telling me how he would "body" me in dittos. While I will give him that he probably has more experience in the matchup, and access to more high level players than I do, I am curious to know your opinions. I remember asking Kage, and he told me his honest opinion. It was an opinion that I was in favor of :)

What about ya'll? Arby, dissect the matchup. My strengths, his strengths. His weaknesses, my weaknesses(?) and then utilizing your massive brainpower calculate the prognosis of the set in a best of 5. I await your answer.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Who all from AR is going to Pathways?
Vts, Seif, and I are picking up Yoshiman and coming Saturday morning. This tourney is a good excuse for us to bro out with our long-lost pet Yoshi.
you would lose.

that is what arby would say.
After all these years, you know me not. Back in your egg.
Okay Arkansas,

Spyder$ense keeps telling me how he would "body" me in dittos. While I will give him that he probably has more experience in the matchup, and access to more high level players than I do, I am curious to know your opinions. I remember asking Kage, and he told me his honest opinion. It was an opinion that I was in favor of :)

What about ya'll? Arby, dissect the matchup. My strengths, his strengths. His weaknesses, my weaknesses(?) and then utilizing your massive brainpower calculate the prognosis of the set in a best of 5. I await your answer.
All of his videos are from a year ago, so there's not much to say beyond what you already know. He does (or did) like to shield though, because he's always throwing random tech routines into his match. This forces him into a bad position quite often, and shield seems to be his go-to panic option. Good information to know, as it's the easiest and most certain way to punish someone. Are they a shielder, jabber, dsmasher, spotdodger, roller, shiner, etc. And there's usually a whole bundle of habits associated with each of those tendencies. This is often related to how that panic option limits your follow-ups, e.g. shielders force themselves to then jump, shieldgrab, spotdodge, or roll, which obviously is a sucky position. Or wavedash OOS, which requires a hard read to directly punish but is still a commitment.
^that last one is the definition of a confident read

The man in question is a jumper it looks like. He just wants to hit things. That's the kind of flaw which can easily be corrected in a year (if he even wants to), so idk. It's definitely a playstyle which makes its weaknesses known, so if and when you ever meet I'm sure you'll be fine as far as reading him.


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
That's half the fun!
Right now that's all the fun I'm having watching the first 6 episodes. So far, nothing has really happened.

Vts, Seif, and I are picking up Yoshiman and coming Saturday morning. This tourney is a good excuse for us to bro out with our long-lost pet Yoshi.
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Seif is coming? Coooooool.

Maybe I should get a short anime movie to watch or something?

So, am I a jumper? I like to hit things.

You're gonna bring your recording setup right arby? I no longer have pinnacle studio on my computer since I had to reinstall the os.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
Right now that's all the fun I'm having watching the first 6 episodes. So far, nothing has really happened.
It's like most Sunrise shows. The first 10 or so are world building and then the plot kicks in. Also, it'll help immensely if you put on you're Toonami hat and get in a After School mindset for maximum enjoyment. I'd also reccomend watching the Toonami intros to build hype.

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Seif is coming? Coooooool.

Maybe I should get a short anime movie to watch or something?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Seems like me and Spidey are both jumpers...hmm should be interesting. Thanks Arby, you did pretty much exactly what I asked. I knew I could count on you.

Glad that you put Yoshi back in his egg too :mad:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
So, am I a jumper? I like to hit things.

You're gonna bring your recording setup right arby? I no longer have pinnacle studio on my computer since I had to reinstall the os.
We could watch Time of Eve since the three of us haven't seen it and you want to rewatch it. It's only an hour and a half long.

You're more likely to jump, just like me and Vice are. Obviously that's not all we do, but it's our favorite option. Like Vts' is shieldgrab. He plays characters with strong grab punishes, so it makes sense. And we play characters with fantastic aerials. This is all out of shield though. At neutral, your go to option is dashing or running away. Overshot aerials and running you down are pretty sweet, as is keeping you at the edge like Vice does. Yes, do please go to the edge versus Ganon :cool: Vice's habit is... still jumping lol. Mine is shielding, Vts' is shielding, but we do different bad things out of it. Watch the next like 10 seconds as I shield and jump 80 times in a row: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pLYKxSPPlVQ#t=139s. That set is a good example of terrible habits being exposed in general.

Clay likes to avoid moves, which still requires a commitment (spotdodge, jump to platform -> come down with attack, those random illusions to the middle). This falls in line with the fact that he is also a fan of automatic answers, i.e. fast responses to what he thinks is coming. But that's where baiting comes in. Ace is a textbook aggressive player: tech in place, as well as the various character-specific habits like immediate dair/shine with falco etc. The twins roll, spotdodge, and shieldgrab like nobody's business. Saber... I dunno. He's weird, at least against me. *Everything changes when you're playing well, we all know this. But the tendencies are still there, as they are for every player to ever touch this game.

My computer can't record anymore without auto dropping a million frames. Is confusing. Otherwise, I'd have some baller footage from the past few months.


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
We could watch Time of Eve since the three of us haven't seen it and you want to rewatch it. It's only an hour and a half long.

At neutral, your go to option is dashing or running away. Overshot aerials and running you down are pretty sweet, as is keeping you at the edge like Vice does. Yes, do please go to the edge versus Ganon

My computer can't record anymore without auto dropping a million frames. Is confusing. Otherwise, I'd have some baller footage from the past few months.
Do you have a copy of eve? If not I can probably torrent it and it will take forever to download. Well, since your computer can record bring a copy of studio for my computer unless you have another computer that you can record with.

As far as my neutral tendencies go, I like to think that dashing and running away are pretty neutral as long as I'm not going to the edge or letting you chase me down. Such as stopping on fox when he dashes at me.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Wow how did I not know about this. Check out the description, and that adult MISTY. Pokemon woulda been baller if it actually ended like this after the Indigo League.
You realize that Ash and Misty were going to get married and have a daughter in the original movie which was going to be the ENDING of the entire anime and game series.

But the game series were selling to well, and they were too lazy to invent a new protaganist, so they changed the whole storyline of the first movie halfway through, and that's why it's a convoluted mess.

I mean think about it, the characters realize that fighting pokemon is BAD in the movie, and then they completely forget about it afterwards and go back to fighting Pokemon in the very next episode.

The original plan was to have them realize fighting pokemon was bad and end the show on that note.

Their realization was to bring a whole new understanding and evolution to the pokemon-human relationship.

But Nintendo wanted more money so they ****ed the original script and threw away a bunch of animation for the sake of making money

It's Dragonball all over again! Ah, what could have been...

mmm that look at the end

Aw, the voice actress for Meowth and Lt. Surge died :( And Bill, Bruno, Magikarp, Farfetch'd, Magnemite, Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam... and Yugi's grandpa. Puzzle League shan't ever be the same again.

The comments are full of quotes. Dat's da finale, kid :( :( :(

I think I'll need to stay another semester to finish up classes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Trips baby, but this is too ridiculous
Socal went up to a Norcal Tournament

Scar WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i faced scar in a pretty epic bo5 set in winners and he ***** the **** out of me 5th match, he played ****ing amazing throughout the day and he ***** the **** out of me, oscar, dajuan, pewpewu, EVERYONE


also me and pewpewu ***** everyone in teams and some sets were sick as ****


i'd say personally, I need to get actual training buddies and try really hard to get better at the game now, probably westballz

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Triple post ftw!

Arby, you're young. If you need another semester in that place, then bro it's all good. I'd actually enjoy having you there still so I can have someone good local to smash with.

Since Yoshiman left us...

Will, me and Arby were actually discussing how we missed you night before last. I thought about how weird it sounded for me to say this...but..."I miss Yoshiman calling ups between our matches"



No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Triple post ftw!

Arby, you're young. If you need another semester in that place, then bro it's all good. I'd actually enjoy having you there still so I can have someone good local to smash with.

Since Yoshiman left us...

Will, me and Arby were actually discussing how we missed you night before last. I thought about how weird it sounded for me to say this...but..."I miss Yoshiman calling ups between our matches"

Lol, life must not be the same without anyone to laugh at. There's bound to be someone willing to take my melee raging/quake playing spot.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Lol, life must not be the same without anyone to laugh at. There's bound to be someone willing to take my melee raging/quake playing spot.
Lol, bro talk about a dismal way to take a compliment...

You're one of the gang man, and even if the role you filled was one full of derogation and "hate," that spot is not with us, and a hole is left there. In the midst of the raging, the blasting of horrible 70's music, and the bickering that I often initiated by not letting a comment go...there was love <3


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Lol, bro talk about a dismal way to take a compliment...

You're one of the gang man, and even if the role you filled was one full of derogation and "hate," that spot is not with us, and a hole is left there. In the midst of the raging, the blasting of horrible 70's music, and the bickering that I often initiated by not letting a comment go...there was love <3


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
$Mike is a really,really nice falcon. Arby he kinda reminds me of you when you're playing pretty well.
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