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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Just started Skyward Sword. Looks a little dated, but it's not a problem. The controls are good, the music is great, and Zelda is mostly endearing - and somewhat a ***** :p

Here you go VTS

vidjos (lazy formatting)

Winners Bracket

Toast [Falco] vs ACE [Marth]

Iori [P3] vs ACE [P4]

BunBun [Sheik] vs Arby [Falcon]

Losers Bracket

The March Hare [Sheik] vs ManBearPeach [guess]

Talon [Fox] vs LlamaSensei [ICs]

Winners Finals
Iori [P2] vs Arby [Falcon]

Losers Finals
ACE [P1] vs Arby [Falcon]

Grand Finals
Iori [Peach] vs Arby [P3]

BunBun's Falco combo thingy



Arby & ACE [Red] vs BunBun & Iori [Blue]

Yoshiman & The March Hare [Green] vs BunBun & Iori [Blue]

The March Hare & Yoshiman [Green] vs Arby & ACE [Red]

BunBun & Iori [Blue] vs Jartravious & Super Kenshin [Red]

Grand Finals
BunBun & Iori [Blue] vs Arby & ACE [Red]
I got manhandled, or womanhandled as it were :(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
The last thing my Brit Writers class covered was Virginia Woolf's "The Mark on the Wall," wherein I discovered something interesting.

"I wish I could hit upon a pleasant track of thought, a track indirectly reflecting credit upon myself, for those are the pleasantest thoughts, and very frequent even in the minds of modest, mouse-coloured people, who believe genuinely that they dislike to hear their own praises."

And sure enough, Wiki proclaims this the source of their name. Triviastic!

Um I might be available tomorrow. Classes are finished, but I still have work... just call us and find out then.


Smash Cadet
Nov 15, 2009
Right beside you
At Barcade edition I've managed to run into a smash player that plays melee and he also lives in the UALR dorms.

Should I notify them of your existence or allow them to stay in their dorms?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Collapse that picture Yoshibro :glare:

Listening to the Pixies got me thinking about the Velvet Underground again, and then I read this:
I've heard it said about The Velvet Underground that while not a lot of people bought their albums, everyone who did started a band. I think this is largely true about the Pixies as well. Charles' secret weapon turned out to be not so secret and, sooner or later, all sorts of bands were exploiting the same strategy of wide dynamics. It became a kind of new pop formula and, within a short while, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was charging up the charts and even the members of Nirvana said later that it sounded for all the world like a Pixies song.

Kurt Cobain: "I was trying to write the ultimate pop song. I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies."
At this point, the Pixies have gained a pretty significant reputation because of their influence and the subsequent strength of their music for those interested. The same could be said for the Velvet Underground/Lou Reed. But would you, or your sample size, know the Pixies either Seif? It's not a condemnation that you don't, because somehow or another many important and popular things pass under all of our radars. But there is a problem in the implication that the cultural awareness of a small group of people determines how famous something is ;)

PP won $110 in a two set MM against hpuff since puffnstuff can't be there tomorrow for TO7 bracket.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Wow, I haven't been on here in forever.

First off, WOW that Leffen makes Yoshi look gooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Iori where you at??

Also, Arby, you should have beaten Iori but you choked. Nevertheless, pretty solid play the first match. I didn't watch anymore.

Annddddd thirdly I wanna play sometime but the last time I played was with ya'll soooooo

Also, Arby. How's SS coming? I want to play it, but I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate all things motion controlled.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I didn't choke. I am clueless against Peach, and he is both a better player and noticeably more focused/with it than he has been recently.

This combination means I got ooowned :D

Well, I've only played an hour or so. Though I also hate motion-controlled nonsense, it actually feels good here. Definitely serviceable - the quality that should have been standard from launch. Haven't really gotten to the meat and potatoes yet (actual involved Zelda storyline?!, those hyped-up dungeons), but everything else is good stuff so far. Music is great as ever.

Try it out! http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~msandbot/pokemon/

Some of these decisions hit me pretty hard...

Seel only came up once wtf, and I had to eliminate Lapras, Jolteon, and Charizard early on :mad:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
I didn't choke. I am clueless against Peach, and he is both a better player and noticeably more focused/with it than he has been recently.

This combination means I got ooowned :D

Well, I've only played an hour or so. Though I also hate motion-controlled nonsense, it actually feels good here. Definitely serviceable - the quality that should have been standard from launch. Haven't really gotten to the meat and potatoes yet (actual involved Zelda storyline?!, those hyped-up dungeons), but everything else is good stuff so far. Music is great as ever.

Try it out! http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~msandbot/pokemon/

Some of these decisions hit me pretty hard...

Seel only came up once wtf, and I had to eliminate Lapras, Jolteon, and Charizard early on :mad:

This crap is flawed. Delibird didn't show up until the end. Wth.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
In other news, Jason and i got 1st and 2nd at a local eating contest. Jason ate 22 and 1/2 hotdogs in five minutes. I ate 22 hotdogs in five minutes. Our closest contestant ate 11 hotdogs.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Oh SEC. I love living in the south sometimes. Onward to the first national championship rematch in BCS history. Take it nonSEC teams. You all suck.

Hmm, I'm not sure what my limit on hotdogs would be, but it might be a little less than 20.

My difficulty with the hotdogs was the time limit. I could have continued eating for at least another 20 hotdogs. :)

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
SEC is too good. I almost wish OSU would have gotten a crack at LSU so they'd get destroyed and quit whining about how overrated the SEC is. Tell you what other conferences, schedule us during the season and get a little SEC defense on ya(courtesy of Bama/LSU, Arkansas has offense) and back that talk up!

In other news, my Pokemon top ten consisted of something along the following:

(didn't know how to post the picture...)

1) Cloyster
2) Machamp
3) Golem
4) Kingler
5) Persian
6) Golduck
7-10) Graveler, Charizard, Blastoise, and Scyther or something like that

also, I realllllllly wouldn't mind if some people wanted to go to Memphis this Friday and Saturday...VTS/Arby? Think it's possible? I wanna get to see those guys before christmas, and it'd be a good chance for us all to get to play some smash. Jack owes me some matches. I wanna see how I'd stack up now vs Linguini and Chaddd's Ganon.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
The favorite pokemon machine is busted...


I left the page and can't get the last three entries 'cause it reset.

Charizard, Onix, and Chansey are the only high rankers. Props to Lapras though. He's aight.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending

About 7:30 in. With one or two different decisions he could have had it. In any case, it seems to enforce his positive views on the Falco matchup, which leaves... Fox as Ganon's worst? Idk, Fox Sheik Falco Falcon all seem like 60-40: undeniable advantage but by no means dominant. Falcon might be with Marth though in that he has an advantage, but Ganons generally feel better about fighting him than spacies or Sheik.

I guess Sheik could be the worst, but Ganon's chaingrab to death (out of throw even) is a pretty good argument against that imo.


The favorite pokemon machine is busted...
Ethan, Kevin, Seif, Will, and I had a lot of fun with it by going through a rotation. Since everyone has different favorites, there was a lot of betrayal and hate going on. All the favorites were gone long before top 10, and somehow Kevin's Sandshrew won.

Also, Abra is amazing :063:

Not meaning to beat a dead child, but I thought this was interesting (and informative):
"I mean, even WE'VE been influenced by the Velvet Underground... I'll tell you exactly what we pinched from Lou Reed too. You know Stray Cat Blues? The whole sound and the way it's paced, we pinched from the very first Velvet Underground album. You know, the sound on Heroin. Honest to God, we did!"

- Mick Jagger, 1977

Following influences: David Bowie, The Cars, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Stooges, Talking Heads, Joy Division, R.E.M., Brian Eno, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Nirvana, The Strokes...
Bleh, now I'm reading how the Velvet Underground was more influential than the Beatles. Both sides have no idea what they're talking about! The VU supporters claim the Beatles didn't actually revolutionize anything and only made (solid) pop songs. The Beatles supporters don't know the first thing of what the band did for music and make too many concessions as a result. Now it's one thing to not really care about this stuff, but to actively engage in an argument bearing full ignorance on the subject? Hubris, I say!


Hm, what's the tally...
Velvet Underground: punk, alternative, grunge, indie
Beatles: everything...........

Summary of innovations:
-included lyrics with album for first time
-first rock album (Rubber Soul) without artist name on the cover (this trend towards an emphasis on the music is huge for the history and development of popular music, and they spearheaded it)
-related to that point, they insisted on playing their own music in the early days, which completely revolutionized the business model; no longer were artists forced to regurgitate mass-produced hit singles (although where are we now...); creativity and expression of individual spirit could now mean true commercial success, which is obviously a BIG deal
-as a natural result of their overwhelming popularity, introduced the modern stadium concert
-popularized the concept album (Sgt. Pepper)
-broke the 3-minute hit formula with Hey Jude
-first hidden tracks ever (Can You Take Me Back, Her Majesty)
-inclusion of mixed meter and polymeter/polyrhythm in rock music (All You Need Is Love, Happiness Is a Warm Gun, Mean Mr. Mustard); this was really important in terms of how complex you could make music that was meant to be successful on the charts
-invention of a bajillion things in the studio which have all long since become standardized: eight track recording, microphones close to instruments (big scandal at the time), multiple tracks given to vocals, padding and covering of drums, multiple microphones on drums, speaker recording on bass, fuzz box, tape loops, reverse effects, a thousand times et cetera; they did everything manually, "on the fly," in response to a need to express their boundless creativity; all of their techniques and tricks have been automated and simplified, which consist the modern studio
-general trend towards incorporating new sounds, leading to a number of innovations (seen above with the studio): synths in a rock song (Strawberry Fields), foreign instruments in a rock song (Love You To / Norwegian Wood), feedback in a rock song (I Feel Fine), reverse drums in a rock song (Strawberry Fields), reverse guitar in a rock song (I'm Only Sleeping), reverse vocals in a rock song (Rain), string section in rock song (Eleanor Rigby), record a rock song in waltz time (Babies in Black / I Me Mine), film a non-concert music video (Rain/ Paperback Writer), film and star in a mockumentary (the movie Hard Day's Night), perform a live global broadcast (All You Need is Love), open a song on a chord (Hard Day's Night), dog whistles and other oddities (e.g., A Day in the Life), All You Need Is Love in general (opens with French national anthem La Marseillaise on brass; closes with "She Loves You" refrain, which is awesome and still a cool trick when used today; first global broadcast [this is a crazy fact!, especially considering Lennon said he used the opportunity to spread a good kind of propaganda])
-the Apple business (sponsoring then-nameless artists like James Taylor); although a financial sinkhole, very noble of them and typical of their experimental nature
-lyrical content and general sound directly influencing many others, and indirectly influencing literally everyone who has come after or will (at least in the foreseeable future)
"virtually every rock experiment has some precedent on Beatle records" - Rolling Stone
-universal influence: just one example ~ "The origin of modern J-pop is said to be Japanese-language rock music inspired by The Beatles."
-consistency! They made over 200 songs in 8 years, the vast majority of which are truly quality. They never adhered to a successful formula or easy answer, constantly tweaking what had come before and inventing more. In this sense, they are very much like Beethoven. When they had come into the industry, they were expected to be a Haydn, churning out the same stuff over and over based on a proven formula. Their significance is as clear as Beethoven's. Neither was afraid to experiment, and neither failed because of it. At the heart of all these innovations was true musical genius. As for the songs themselves, just as an example Frank Sinatra said "Something" was the greatest love song ever written. How one band made so many classics in so short a time is beyond me (except Yellow Submarine - **** Yellow Submarine).

In short, they were highly creative and willing to take a risk, and in such a position that the fruits of their experimentation would serve as a lesson or a warning to the rest of the world.

I don't care if no one reads this, I wrote it for catharsis/boredom!!!


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
:glare: Why he quote the lugia movie then talk about Mewtwo, or we he talking about pokemon movies as a whole?

I hate the beatles, bad music was/is bad
I don't think your OPINION matters, because it sounds like you are being bias and close minded. If you can give me some good reasons why I shouldn't like them, I might be inclined to think about it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I hate the beatles, bad music was/is bad
Put on your Shellder of Knowledge, slowpoke! Why do dark-skinned people feel compelled to also live in darkness... embrace the white, it feels so right.

I posted a link about this topic a few days ago, but it's gone now. Smashboards is eating my posts!

This account is supposed to be a well-documented representation of me in college, which I can later look back on in shame and mortification like a xanga profile. Posts can't be disappearing like this :(
Is the biweekly tonite?

Eh, wouldn't have worked for me anyway. Finals week. Maybe next Tuesday though?


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
I'm off new monday/wednesday/friday

Also new controllers should be in on monday :).

That gives me 3 weeks before apex to break them in.

Ace you going to apex?

it's jan 6-8th , NJ


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Help with sync would be nice. I didn't get wise and record the microphone seperate until later on in the day I'm actually pulling it from the live stream video, pulling it from there, then lining it up with the better recording on my computer.

This guy's a champ. Livestreams, records, rips audio from livestream and manually syncs to remedy an early mistake. This is how it should be done! We still don't have losers and grand finals from that big midwest tourney :( And a lot of that tourney was lost because a certain midwest ICs didn't mark the videos for preservation. whine whine livestreams complain whine baww :p

I guess my problem is that these people make their livestream the focus of the tourney tech-wise (instead of a central recording setup), then don't follow through on the videos. Maybe it's just community growing pains, but I wish we hadn't lost so many good matches over the last year because of it.
Alloy of Law = (30% Western + 40% Sherlock Holmes + 25% High Fantasy + 5% Awesome-Cockney-Timeshifting-Ninja-Thief)*5% + 95% Old-guy-trying-to-get-over-how-much-he-wants-to-have-sex-with-jail-bait.
As I read more, this characterization doesn't seem to apply. Strangely though, the situation has an exact parallel in the Sherlock Holmes side-series beginning with the Beekeeper's Apprentice (very good). ~50 year old man meets a woman half his age possessing every desirable trait. But they make an easy couple. If you want the above exactly, you could maybe write a fanfiction? I'd read it, though it would be quite creepy.

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
I don't think your OPINION matters, because it sounds like you are being bias and close minded. If you can give me some good reasons why I shouldn't like them, I might be inclined to think about it.
I'm going to say that the opposite is true. Not being raised listening to the Beatles or even knowing they existed until I was well into my teens, I can have a more objective view on their music than someone who has heard them since they were young and may have nostalgia or memories tied to the songs.


the caucasoids have created some good music in their time... However Beatles music is not numbered among the good.

It's ok to like bad music but people liking it and it being actually good are two different things.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
There's snow outside wtf?

I'm going to say that the opposite is true. Not being raised listening to the Beatles or even knowing they existed until I was well into my teens, I can have a more objective view on their music than someone who has heard them since they were young and may have nostalgia or memories tied to the songs.
I hated the Beatles and music in general until I was 15, for no good reason. Maybe I was the ultimate ****** hipster, I don't know. I do know a big part of why I disliked the Beatles was because they were so popular, and I couldn't understand why. I'll note that my entire perception of their music was vague images of the Ed Sullivan Show and stupid pop love songs, so my opinion didn't hold much weight. Anyway, one day I heard Eleanor Rigby on the car radio, and it just opened the flood gates. I googled the lyrics when I got home, almost died when I found out it was the Beatles, and never looked back. The same day, my mom bought me a collection of all the Beatles number 1 singles ("1") and the Queen greatest hits, and I bought Dark Side of the Moon. I was feeling a little mollified for hating something because it was popular, and figured Dark Side must have some merit for being the second-best selling album ever and staying on the charts for 15 freaking years. Yeah... it was pretty good LOL. Anyway, I don't listen to Queen or Pink Floyd all too often anymore, but the Beatles are still my favorite band and probably always will be.

tl;dr: I was the ultimate hater for most of my life but now love the Beatles regardless.

Just wanted to dismiss that line of thinking because it struck me as a parallel to my own life. And if you have a more objective reason for disliking them, then what is it, exactly? Besides "they're bad."

I would also wager Yoshiman did not grow up with the Beatles, no more than I did. My mom hates them btw, and she doesn't have a reason why. She doesn't think she needs one, which is fair enough. But she doesn't think they're bad. I want to know how/why you do feel that way.
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