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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I think Yoshiman's combo video title could be better used. Imagine a Lord of the Rings parody fanfiction with Mario characters entitled "There and Back Again: A Yoshi's Tail."

I'd read it twice!

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Better read this twice, Arby.

There and Back again: A Yoshi's Tail.

In a hole in the ground, there lived a yoshi. This Yoshi was just like other yoshi's and had a tail. A big, fat, stupid tail. He wanted to swish it at people and make them laugh. But there were no other people in that hole in the ground. So the yoshi died alone, unloved, unmourned.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Sorry. He couldn't fit through his door. His tail was to fat, but that's another story. I'll Call it Taillowship of the Yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Maybe a sequel could feature a Yoshi romance. The Two Tails?

A third entry in the series might be called The Re-tail of the King, wherein Yoshi struggles at work with fellow employees and boss Mr. Saruma-rio the Red, who eventually leaves the company due to anger and stress. In time, Yoshi earns Employee of the Month and becomes the new manager, although as aforementioned he remains friendless due to his ambition and soon suffers an ignominious and lonely death.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
then a prequel needs to be made. It'll be called the Tailmarillion and will be the yoshi bible. It will be about how Yoshru, or lluigitar, created the eggiverse and the yoshinur, and how the first of his Yoshinur, MelBowser, betrayed him.....

I have a thousand of others quite unique ideas that could go into this one. I'm thinking more of a collection of stories to go into this work instead of one overarching one.


Oct 18, 2008
So I wanna throw some ideas around for my game(s) since programming class and few other things had me thinking again mostly but this time on machanics of the games
I could talk all day about game design.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
he said noobustos & it was very disrespectful, and not the christian thing to do.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
hmm i might diablo 2 again soon and replay the games lol

or start slowly working on my own game
You want to make a game and Will wants to write a story. By your powers combined, you could create something actually not mediocre!

Speaking of mediocre, the new Coldplay album :( I listened to Parachutes right after to wash the taste out of my brain, and holy balls they went in the wrong direction.

artistically, not commercially


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
hmm i might diablo 2 again soon and replay the games lol

or start slowly working on my own game
Hows that game you've been working on?

You want to make a game and Will wants to write a story. By your powers combined, you could create something actually not mediocre!
I've always had fun being an editor of sorts for Ethan's crazy imagination, so I'd wouldn't mind chiming in as well.

Also, yall three, Fate/Zero 5 is out. Any possibilyt you'd be able to swing by my place around 2ish so we could watch it before I go to work?


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Hows that game you've been working on?

I've always had fun being an editor of sorts for Ethan's crazy imagination, so I'd wouldn't mind chiming in as well.

Also, yall three, Fate/Zero 5 is out. Any possibilyt you'd be able to swing by my place around 2ish so we could watch it before I go to work?
slowly got some ideas but need the logical people to shoot them down lol.

Also arby you should post stalk me for IC board i think i pissed peef off...again lol

already watched fate 5 it's ok, love
think he's my new favorite :D


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
I've been waking up around 6pm everyday for a week now, so I'm going to go ahead and stay up and probably come over to watch fate/zero.

When You Don't Want To Think and Why

I'm paraphrasing a quote from HugS here, who was being very insightful about the mental aspect of this game. He said something similar to this:

"You don't want to use mindgames against somebody who doesn't have them, because they may catch you off guard with randomness."

The heart of this idea is that part of mindgames is knowing how skilled your opponent is. How good they are determines how you should think during your match.

For instance, why would you play differently against a computer than you would against a human? Simple answer: the computer does not adapt. No matter how many times you charge a forward smash, the computer will run into it. You do not need to think while playing against a computer because the same thing will always work.

Some people play like computers, and it is useless, even hurtful, to try and outthink them. If they do the same thing every time, and you know how to counter it, why would you even worry about outthinking them? Just wait for them to repeat a move and then punish them. If your opponent always throws scissors, would you suddenly throw paper just to mix it up? No! You'd throw rock until he learned that he has more than one move available.

Even as people learn advanced techniques, some still remain predictable. Maybe your opponent always tries to shield grab you. You always dodge right when you land, and he always tries to shieldgrab, and he always misses, and he never learns. You aren't obliged to mix up your strategy for the sake of being an advanced player. You cut to the heart of the matter and say "I know what he's going to do, and I'm going to do the same thing over and over again if he's never going to catch on."

As your opponent improves, your mental approach needs to change. Let's say your opponent catches on to your favorite movement strategy one minute into the match. If you can recognize his skill and anticipate when he is going to "catch on," then you can change at the exact moment he thinks he has you.

This mental skill is part of what makes playing this game so difficult. I can't just watch you and see how frequently you miss L-cancels or short hops. I need to watch you and learn--sometimes very very quickly--how you learn during a match. Some people are naturally good at this, and some people have to play a large number of opponents before they can recognize different skill levels. I will try and formulate ways to improve in this area, but for now all I can really do is identify it.

The ultimate example of this is a friend I used to smash with: he would often perform better against more skilled players than he would against newbies. This is because he always believed that his opponent would be thinking during the match as much as he did. He would complain that he just lost to a scrubby Marth or Peach who spammed the c-stick and was "incredibly predictable."

If they were so predictable, why didn't he just play to their level? Why didn't he play patiently and wait for them to do the same thing, then punish them, then do it a few more times until the match was over? The thing is, my friend was more interested in playing like a good player rather than being a truly skilled one. He didn't identify his opponent's skill, and he was unable to figure out how he should think during his matches. He placed poorly in a lot of tournaments because of this, and it made him incredibly mad.

The lesson is this: before you start trying to outthink your opponent, figure out how smart they are. If you don't need to think hard at all to beat them, either because they are very predictable or because you're too fast for them to touch you, then don't waste your energy thinking. If you only need to mix up your playstyle occasionally, then periodically switch styles. If you have to play like a different person every ten seconds in order to outfox them, then so be it. Your method of thought should be determined by your opponent's skill level.
I finally got around to reading this post from wobbles. I realize now that being able to gauge my opponent's skill level is something I need to work on.
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