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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
No memphis tournament this weekend for me i feel terrible

idk what it is but runny nose and head ache that wont go away :(.

been in bed most the day this sucks.

wasn't bad this morning but somehow its gotten a lot worse ><

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
yeah if you knew what it felt like also


close though iori close 80+ tournament getting 3rd is nice

but chad got 4th out of 107 so its like the same.

also iori and ihsb you guys owe me $12 for gas to MS tournament forgot to get it lol

might come this weekend to the vue and play in it just for some practice :).
Woah dude, I've won bigger tournaments than that. :awesome: you mad

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
vice, you got four minutes of footage out of that two hours we played. man that was fun.
Man...that's RIDICULOUS. Honestly Arby, did we get anything great? I know we got some good, some decent, but did we really make alot of quality progress?


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
i'm never going to have a combo video my character doesn't combo unless its really gimp stuff that works one in a million and somehow gets deleted randomly like my 0-death ganon on fd w/o chain grab never to be seen :(

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
i'm never going to have a combo video my character doesn't combo unless its really gimp stuff that works one in a million and somehow gets deleted randomly like my 0-death ganon on fd w/o chain grab never to be seen :(
If you would actually play the little guys you might get combos. It's like when Arby fusses at me for complaining about getting only one combo in all of a smash session of which I played 75 percent falcon, 20 percent fox, and only touch Ganon twice. Play your main, not your mediocre alts.

lol your IC's are good if you just play them <3


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
If you would actually play the little guys you might get combos. It's like when Arby fusses at me for complaining about getting only one combo in all of a smash session of which I played 75 percent falcon, 20 percent fox, and only touch Ganon twice. Play your main, not your mediocre alts.

lol your IC's are good if you just play them <3
they bad but guess only way to get better is to play them

gotta work on my hand offs

and normal combos

and movement

and di

and not johning trying hard to just shut my mouth when i play now.

think its getting to arby so i'm just shutting up :(.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
put it in the maybes

its nice but since you want someone crazy good this might make the cut.
Yeah, it's in the maybes. I don't know how much truly good footage we got. I know that I want between 3-4 minutes of solid stuff, that's better than Devour 1. I can't hardly watch that video anymore :/



I love this music. It's the only other fighting game besides Melee that I've taken remotely seriously, but no one ever played it much when I had it. But man, I wanna learn to play guitar almost exclusively for this intro. Gotta love DBZ, brings back some good memories.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
think its getting to arby so i'm just shutting up :(.
negativity turns me into a grinch :scared:
Arby if we need another combo or something for Devour 2 we could always use

1:41-1:47 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWv2sG_BZvc&feature=related

it's pretty cool, not the greatest, but still cool.
I took it out when it happened

I love this music. It's the only other fighting game besides Melee that I've taken remotely seriously, but no one ever played it much when I had it. But man, I wanna learn to play guitar almost exclusively for this intro. Gotta love DBZ, brings back some good memories.
that's one of a handful of games I played way beyond reason on the ps2. the original budokai was my first game for that system. I remember how excited I was about a new dbz game coming out when it looked like the franchise had been abandoned (ultimate battle 22? seriously? final bout? seriously???) now, there's a new one every six months :/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ9BSnaY27U i don't even know anymore lol

silly IC mains figuring out new ways to be gay :)

i like it lol
fly is a beast!

look at losers quarters. and he just 3-0 the pig falco in semis.

-pp won. beat mango's falcon first two games of grand, then lost the next two in falco dittos, then won the last ditto. I wonder where melee will be in a year...

edit: this is pretty much how I feel
i find doubles makes me want to win more. Theres a certain sense of pride that goes with doubles. Singles is great and all but the notion of having to team with someone makes everything more demanding because you don't want to let them down.

Doubles is about pride and honor imo. Singles is like...whatever lol.
not to say there isn't a great deal of pride in singles for most other people

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
DEHF over Lucky?? Really that's crazy... I think Chams got DEHF down to a stock or two at Genesis...

also, Fly beast M2K? And M2K is SOOO good, that just doesn't happen. No johns VTS, your character has the power. Where's the Ganons placing? No more complaining from you, only from me :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
apparently he 3-0 m2k's fox, peach, and fox again

hey, kage and linguini did just fine at their respective tourneys last weekend. ganon has the TRIFORCE of power, come on now.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
Laymen: "Hey, what's that game you're looking at on your computer?"
Me: "Oh, it's SSBM! It's like the coolest, deep fighting game ever."
Laymen: "Isn't that for the GameCube?"
Me: "Umm... Yeah, but it's still totally awesome! There are tournaments and everything"
Laymen: "Oh ok, so who's the best player?"
Me: "Um, it's this guy named Mango"
Laymen: "Mango?"
Me: "Uhh... yeah Mango. And well... There's another guy."
Laymen: "What's his name?"
Me: "Umm... ... Well, his name is Dr. PP"
Laymen: "Dr. PP?"
Me: "Yeah... Dr. PP"
Laymen: "Dr. PP? Really???"
Me: "Uhhh... Yep"
Laymen: "Umm... Ok... Well, I'm gonna go play my XBox. You have fun"
Me: T_T
Me: "Wait! There's one more guy I haven't told you about. I've actually played him before and he's magically risen to the third best!
Laymen: "Oh! What's his name?"
Me: "Umm... Well... you see. His name is Ihavesp... ... ..."
Laymen: "What? ... What's that name again?"
Me: "Umm... Heyy... DUDE is that new Halo! "I love Halo!" *Magically pops eleven collars from a shirt that previously had no collars*


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
more like even the 8th best in the game can succeed

who would you place them above?
falcon lol

just cus i'm a hater

or tie with peach/falcon since imo i think those 3 are tied for how good humanly u can be with them.

but guess i'll enjoy my own tier character.

i'm still waiting for c tier to win a tournament so i can have another in b tier :D

arby if i paint you a pink controller will you use it so we can be teams partners and be nana/popo lol

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Arby, I think we're ready to start cranking up Devour 2. There was enough plenty solid footage, and plenty of good stuff that Devour 1 just didn't have. I think it's already got better footage, ALOT better footage actually. So we can roll with what we have. It'll probably take a good month or so to make, maybe longer. We don't need to rush the making process, and I don't want you to infringe on your schooling in the least. I am not against more recording, but I don't wanna set the unbeatable bar here and have nowhere to go for future vids. So...

I got the songs lined out. The main song needs to be this. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVjRsXM6CL0

After we roll that, I got a really catchy song for credits/combos done on me by others mixed in with some of the other ones of mine that we can squeeze in. For now we'll play it by ear what goes in here, but just so you can get a feel for it ,check it out here ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL2texMaYjk

My little bro has the completely clean cut edited version of Presidential, and I'm getting the MP3 soon. And I already got the T.I. song on my cpu. Lemme know what you think about the songs, and if they will sync well. And if so we'll get started when you're ready.

Devour 3 recording can begin in the future. I feel like we'll have somewhat of a good series of combo vids here. I'm excited, and I owe you meals for doing this. I know it's not something that's fun.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
You mean a laptop?
with arcade sticks built in lol

nah like a cabnit with wheels and 19-22" screen with drop out sticks and what not.

though i should customize my laptop for now with a bunch of arcade games

we got enough arcade sticks to do 3 player battle toads if anyone is up for that lol

or bunch of other fun games

also fly timed out m2k lol

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Arby, I'm sending you the main song's MP3 via email. so if you wanna start working on it feel free. All the clips in that one folder are amazing, so use the best outta there for sure. The credit song can also feature some combos if need be.

Email is going to arbusto.ardiente@gmail.com
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