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Arkansas Smashers Chat

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Arby, Yoshi, Memk, Tron, Seif, Ace, Chams, whoever else wants to come...you guys wanna have a smash fest sometime and have a set-up dedicated for me to record for my combo vid? I think having such a diversity of mains and me being able to consistently play new people I'd be able to get some good footage for it. Anyone down? I'm free pretty much all week besides class.



Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Arby, Yoshi, Memk, Tron, Seif, Ace, Chams, whoever else wants to come...you guys wanna have a smash fest sometime and have a set-up dedicated for me to record for my combo vid? I think having such a diversity of mains and me being able to consistently play new people I'd be able to get some good footage for it. Anyone down? I'm free pretty much all week besides class.

i see how it is g.vice you name everyone but me everyone!

this bromance is over!!!

i see how it is you secretly don't like me.

.........jerk (cry myself to sleep)


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
Vts needs acknowledgement from those who are better than him at smash.

Don't worry VTS, I acknowledge you. luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulz


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Vts needs acknowledgement from those who are better than him at smash.

Don't worry VTS, I acknowledge you. luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulz
all i remember is beating you in tournament and in MMs so thus idk how that makes u better than me :D


also gnw vs IC is like 70/30 stop trying it against people ><

fap 2 is dec 12th right?

i'll be sure to ask off for it


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
well, I don't know when arby plans on waking up. :(

Someone come play me at melee.

Vts, I'm downloading the warhammer trial. I've been watching all the podcast and it seems like it would be very fun and interesting.
t1 is fun as can be i'm on iron rock if you want to play destro there.

right now its pretty dead since its halloween most weekends its packed

in t1 u'll find people who made trail accounts and geared out there toons and can never die its mostly warrior preists and tank classes that do it.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
all i remember is beating you in tournament and in MMs so thus idk how that makes u better than me :D


also gnw vs IC is like 70/30 stop trying it against people ><

fap 2 is dec 12th right?

i'll be sure to ask off for it
I seriously don't remember the MM, but you did beat my falcon in pools

and yeah GnW is like 70/30 against IC's, it's soooo goooooooooood for GAME AND WATCH :p

fap2 is dec 11-12

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I seriously don't remember the MM, but you did beat my falcon in pools

and yeah GnW is like 70/30 against IC's, it's soooo goooooooooood for GAME AND WATCH :p

fap2 is dec 11-12
...You lost to Veets??

Yo no comprende.

(<3 sorry I didn't list you veets, I was thinking of everyone and just tried too hard)


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
...You lost to Veets??

Yo no comprende.

(<3 sorry I didn't list you veets, I was thinking of everyone and just tried too hard)
Well it's only because I'm awful.

And I didn't lose to that one guy (whose name I shall not mention) like VTS did. :p

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Well it's only because I'm A HUGE SANDBAGGER and I only try versus real opponents (aka anyone but VTS)

And I didn't lose to that one guy (whose name I shall not mention) like VTS did. :p
I thought so. Thanks for clearing that up :)

but that was kinda harsh....


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Well it's only because I'm awful.

And I didn't lose to that one guy (whose name I shall not mention) like VTS did. :p
yeah that name who shall not be mention also got out of pools and someone who imo was better didn't o well.

but doesn't that make u worse than him if you lost to a guy who lost to that guy?


the logic is so bad it might just work

also i'm still slightly sick from that tournament still hacking crap up ><


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
You can beat G.Vice though, you have many times before.
so has arby and arby lost to a ganon that couldn't l-cancel or wavedash.


then again i've lost to people who i should have never lost to...

like iori and chad

anyways we all have good days bad days and terrible wtf am i even doing here days like when at TO6 pools at midnight ><


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
Yes, as long as you guys let me have turns in this.
Alright, Yoshi, you're in. Also, because I have way to much time to kill at work, and in interest to give this brovents some kind of shape....but mostly because I have way to much time to kill at work, I have laid out some ground rules for our little shindigs. Feel free to debate 'em...

Without further ado, I present....

Little Rock Host Club

An occasional otaku orgy

  • VTS as Little Loli Lover
  • Seifersythe or Dudemanjones
  • Arbustos aka Barrell Darrell
  • Yoshiman the Shounen Sergeant

Rules of Engagement

  1. Each member will take turns choosing an anime series for marthoning, thereby becoming the host.
    See? That's where I got the name from. I am a clever man

  2. Every session must be attended by all members. No bro left behind
    There's no set schedule. Just whatever the next date that is convenient for everybody.

  3. The order of turns shall be as follows: VTS, Seif, Arby, Yoshi
    The order was already decided at Denny's. So I stapled Yoshi onto the end, because I am also a wise man

  4. All sessions will be held at VTS' house if possible. If unavailable it shall be moved to Seif's apartment. UALR is soft-banned.
    Mostly because these things tend to go into the wee night hours

  5. The host shall choose a series that is between 7 and 28 episodes
    We need to be fair here and maintain a decent pace. Sorry Yoshi, no super long shounen and LotGH.

  6. The host's choice must be a series that at least 1 other member hasn't seen yet.
    There's way to much crap out there to be rewatching stuff.

  7. If any member has completed the hosts choice they may veto it. This must be done before the marathon starts.
    Nothing will kill this thing faster than forcing people to sit through shows they don't want to see again. On the otherhand, we don't want to cockblock the host with the dismissive "Yeah, I tried to watch that and meh" excuse, hence the 'completed' requirement.

  8. All members must complete each series. No pussing out half-way through. Don't like it? Tough, give it a bad score on MyAnimeList.
    If you haven't seen it you get no say in the matter. Part of the goal here is to get people to watch stuff you know is good but can't convince them to watch otherwise, like My Bride is a Mermaid and Lucky Star was with me.

  9. The host shall make all decisions regarding the viewing of their choice. IE dub/sub DVD/fansub, fansub group, episodes skipped etc.
    Your choice, your viewing experience. This one is mostly to prevent my dub*** self from hijacking someone elses viewing experience.... Of course it wouldn't hurt to try an episode of the dub if no one's seen it.. >>

  10. If your choice is less then 7 episodes, then it will be followed by no less then two movies to be decided on by the group.
    This gives us some variety if we want mix it up.

So, whadya think? Any changes or additions?

Next up:

Seif presents

Showing this Tuesday night


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Arbustos aka Barrell Darrell

Sorry Yoshi, no super long shounen and LotGH.

I think longer shows should be allowable if two or more people are willing to give up their time slots. I'm also not sure about watching a series if only one person hasn't seen it, unless the other three see a wrong there that needs righting. Two out of four virgins seems fair.

lain and kiminozo are my only potential choices :(

I vote to exclude anything with "pico" or "sexual harassment" in the title from possible recommendation.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas


I think longer shows should be allowable if two or more people are willing to give up their time slots. I'm also not sure about watching a series if only one person hasn't seen it, unless the other three see a wrong there that needs righting. Two out of four virgins seems fair.
The host's choice must be a series that at least 1 other member hasn't seen yet.
4 people is more then 1 person, so completely new series is included. <3

I think longer shows should be allowable if two or more people are willing to give up their time slots.
Maybe, but 52 really should be the max. The good thing about a decent limit is, that if you absolutely hate it then you don't have to put up with but two sets. There's plenty of 26 and 13 episodes out their to fill up slots, but if everyone else agrees I'll make the addendum.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
Certainly. I have a whole backlog of older stuff that I plan to work through, but their are other, shorter, masterpieces that can make their way through our group right now.

Trust me dude, of all people I certainly have nothing against old stuff. I'm the one who showed you Gunbuster after all.

Also, have you guys started Eva yet? I'd like to get in on that since I'm free today.


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Certainly. I have a whole backlog of older stuff that I plan to work through, but their are other, shorter, masterpieces that can make their way through our group right now.

Trust me dude, of all people I certainly have nothing against old stuff. I'm the one who showed you Gunbuster after all.

Also, have you guys started Eva yet? I'd like to get in on that since I'm free today.
Not yet, arby took it upon himself to sleep 17 hours instead of watching Eva. I'm willing to start it today, but I need to put aside a few hours to study for my test.

Edit: Never mind, arby stays he feels terrible.:glare:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
4 people is more then 1 person, so completely new series is included. <3
I mean I don't know about watching a show when only one out of four people hasn't seen it. If that criterion flew, I could put lucky star on you guys again because VTS hasn't seen it.

Unless that one person REALLY needs to see the show.


Smash Cadet
Nov 15, 2009
Right beside you
memk, gvice is here and he wants to play you! you to tron.
Cant show up not during the week at least and my bike has been stolen so i really have absolutely no ride there or back

BTW tron doesnt get on here at all so he has an account for no reason


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2006
Friday or Satturday works best for me...I am up for whatever
ACE!!! You better text me or call me before you go to G. Vice's. I want to go but i always forget to check the boards, or I get so busy with other stuff. And i dont know anyone else anymore.
Everyone else. If you see ACE at any smash thingy, Tell him to text or call LVL 9. thank you so much. bye
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