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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Im learning triss and boom but I can absolutely see triss and font

font and boom seems too far fetched but they're both absolutely good enough to go for a full theatre all in, boom has done nothing but obsess over the fonti slot and that reeks a bit of dedicated bus tactics

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
GroupScum rateImprovement
All players25.76%
Players identified as flailing28.71%11.5%
Players identified as flailing by town34.92%35.6%
Players accusing others of flailing34.65%34.5%
Players accusing town of flailing42.25%64.0%
triss has accused both me and fonti of flailing

use your reads of our two slots and go ahead and do the math, mafia scum did the research for you


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
Yeah, I'm down to kill Trisscar first for the reasons you outlined. Also, they've got the option of disabling the double vote themselves by using the claimed visit or wasting it by just voting for Red Ryu or someone immediately and switching off. Instead, they're steadfastly refusing to do it despite it having caused a premature lynch yesterday (allegedly accidentally) and despite them not being trusted by pretty much anyone currently.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Triss, Boom, and Fonti all have to go, preferably in that order, fonti gets to file an appeal if boom flips scum and obviously if they both flip scum we just yeet probable SK red ruy for the W

my triss broom order of operations rationale should be apparant from my re-read notes, I think boom actually has some instances that feel like legit scumhunting but the slot is hella shady for many, many reasons. also accidental hammer on our ****ing jailer like come the **** on


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Triss, Boom, and Fonti all have to go, preferably in that order, fonti gets to file an appeal if boom flips scum and obviously if they both flip scum we just yeet probable SK red ruy for the W

my triss broom order of operations rationale should be apparant from my re-read notes, I think boom actually has some instances that feel like legit scumhunting but the slot is hella shady for many, many reasons. also accidental hammer on our *ing jailer like come the * on


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Honestly, if Boom's redirect ability were real, I don't know why he would be worried about a roleblock, because he could just redirect that roleblock onto the person he thinks is most likely to be making the kill.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
....Aight, time for a wall of quotes apparently.

/Start droning robot voice.

triss Im sorry but your slot needs to go like its really not personal but wtf
I cannot explain the thought process of my predecessors with any kind of accuracy beyond that of anyone else in the thread with the information that the slot is town and a double voter. Notes were not left.

triss obviously not reading here, even a glance at EoD1 makes it obvious that I was screeching like a spoiled child for the UP lynch and no one would give me the time of day, characterizing my push on the slot as "going for an easy lynch" is literally spreading FUD
There is an inherant bias accrued when being targeted for something unpleasant by another person, against said person. This can affect opinions on their behavior, and may result in the disregarding of behaviors that would otherwise be looked upon favorably.

oh the irony of being told I was flailing by this slot lmao
It is common practice in other versions of the game of Mafia, that if a 3rd party has been found, and the uninformed group needs to ensure they have the majority at the start of the next day; then that 3rd party should be voted out so as to ensure the lack of a doubling negative effect on their majority.

triss what did you mean by this?
Because Vicarin vanillizing a target as scum, without a kill occurring, would have required a high level of planning and coordination between the mafia team, in terms of not using a (presumably non-mandatory) kill that night, it would be a complex plan ala a seemingly losing strategy in chess. It is unlikely that it would occur, but would be interesting if it did.

if triss is scum and it is true that everyone else on the wagon is town, scum would be salivating to have their double voter "accidentally" hammer the jailer to get free tempo back at the trade of essentially condemning that slot to being pilloried the next phase
This would not be worth it. The jailor cannot protect every confirmed town member in this game, additionally losing a mafia member for one town member is not an efficient or worthwhile trade. This is basic math.

I'm putting remaining Mafia team as Fontisian and Trisscar given PoE, and I'd like everyone else to say which remaining people they think are mafia as well.
I shall return to this momentarily.

hey guys remember when that slot that flipped scum was deliberately trying to troll/annoy me?
That comment was not directed at you. The surprise that you would take it as teasing is immersurable.

Yeah, I'm down to kill Trisscar first for the reasons you outlined. Also, they've got the option of disabling the double vote themselves by using the claimed visit or wasting it by just voting for Red Ryu or someone immediately and switching off. Instead, they're steadfastly refusing to do it despite it having caused a premature lynch yesterday (allegedly accidentally) and despite them not being trusted by pretty much anyone currently.
I have already explained why I do not want to do so. It appears you do not agree, however no one but you has asked for it either.

/End droning robot voice


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Vicarin said:
I'm putting remaining Mafia team as Fontisian and Trisscar given PoE, and I'd like everyone else to say which remaining people they think are mafia as well.


Tbh Fonti / Frozen still looks like theater at the moment. Admittedly I am saying this from the position of knowing my role, and that is likely coloring my perceptions.
Still feel that if Ryu is 3p, then that is the best vote due to mathematics. Of course they're unlikely to claim that, and it's mostly what their flavor is that's causing me to look at them that hard. Also I assume they've either been busy, or don't post much in general, theoretically.
The Vicarin thing is weird, and again I have little basis for my suspicion beyond role flavor, though the abrasiveness at the start of toDay wasn't helping. They do appear to be attempting to get town to make a decision however.
Boom seems as busy as I am. I'm not certain why they're trying to pseudo-gladiate Fonti tbh, though I may be missing something in terms of logic or town focusing there. He makes good points on Fonti. I'd like him to come back on tomorrow and chat.

So I guess I'd say Frozen and Fontisian atm. Watch as I get pocketed by boom because he's be nice or something. XD


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Vicarin said:
I'm putting remaining Mafia team as Fontisian and Trisscar given PoE, and I'd like everyone else to say which remaining people they think are mafia as well.


Tbh Fonti / Frozen still looks like theater at the moment. Admittedly I am saying this from the position of knowing my role, and that is likely coloring my perceptions.
Still feel that if Ryu is 3p, then that is the best vote due to mathematics. Of course they're unlikely to claim that, and it's mostly what their flavor is that's causing me to look at them that hard. Also I assume they've either been busy, or don't post much in general, theoretically.
The Vicarin thing is weird, and again I have little basis for my suspicion beyond role flavor, though the abrasiveness at the start of toDay wasn't helping. They do appear to be attempting to get town to make a decision however.
Boom seems as busy as I am. I'm not certain why they're trying to pseudo-gladiate Fonti tbh, though I may be missing something in terms of logic or town focusing there. He makes good points on Fonti. I'd like him to come back on tomorrow and chat.

So I guess I'd say Frozen and Fontisian atm. Watch as I get pocketed by boom because he's be nice or something. XD
Name 3 good points Boom made about me.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
“You and me...”

Vote Count 3.2:
BoomFrog(1): Eido
Fontisian(1): BoomFrog
Trisscar(2): FrozenFlame, Fontisian

Not Voting(4): Vicarin, Malakandra, RedRyu, Trisscar

With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Name 3 good points Boom made about me.
Fonti, because she pushed Laser and wam hard D1 and was wrong about laser maybe wam. And she had this whole complex night action plan who's net effect would be no result but required keeping her and Bessie alive. And her reaction to Bessie's claim was very off.
I dissagree. You can't try and read Fonti on tone. Once Bessie pulled the "I'm going to be stubborn" card she can't undo it without looking further suspect. If Fonti is town then what, it's just wam-Trisspianrar? That's a suspiciously boring answer to this puzzle.
But, your role only interacts with three people and provides basically no actual info besides confirming the watcher and tracker are watcher and trackers. If Bessie had claimed watcher your role would do basically nothing. It doesn't make sense in the setup without more investigatives.
I've been cautious of Fonti since I replaced in because she just royally played me last game and proved she can fake a townie tone. I'm really surprised that LaserGuy thought she was townie even as he was being passionately yeeted. So far my mental list is:

Scummy points for Fonti:
Pushed LaserGuy and wam yeets, both town.
Calling me wolf repeatedly as OMGUS for my suspicion. (I do think fonti should think my suspicion is reasonable.)
Role doesn't make sense with the setup as we know it.
was both verbally suspicious of Bessie while enacting a plan that would keep her alive. Feels like distancing someone who was likely to be shot soon while still trying to save her.

Townie points for Fonti:
Claimed role last and after Red announced that he was definitely (and defiantly) going to shoot Bessie. If Fonti was buddies with Bessie it's weird for her to tie her role so closely together. That's high risk is Bessie is shot, and the smarter play would be to cut her lose.
Not attacking me immediately D3. Scum!Fonti knew I'm coming for her, knows I made a persuasive case last game and would expect me to not back down. The only good defense would be a strong offense against me before I can make my case on her. I was trying to goad her into it at the start of the Day, but she didn't take the bait.

I still think there's pretty good odds Fonti is scum, but I'm going to look back and see if a Maven-Saboysscar team is believable. Scum has to be 2 of those three though. Frozen's attack on Bessie was ligit and not bussing. Ditto Red. I'm not willing to yeet Vic today, but I guess I should include him in the analysis.
Cool cool, there it is.

Vote Fontisian

I followed you D1 because you were likely town, the comment was mostly just a reference to last game.

100% do not let her wiggle out of this in any way. Let her get her final reads list out just in case we all suck, and then auto yeet her. This was exactly her MO last game. Hard town-read everyone except a group that is just the right size to fit a mafia, then after a missyeet reevaluate and find one more possible scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ruy what did you mean by "I have shrouded in darkness"
i paraphrased what was from my role pm what it says my totem did. I asked the mod and all it is, is a BP that I need to activate using the item. Thought it might involve all actions outside of lethal but lethal would break the totem but mod cleared it up.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
And yes, even non answers can be useful, like FrozenFlame's non-answer to this:
FF town
Or your reads align with fonti’s, not fonti's align with yours.
talking to UP/triss
Like really? He’s not pushing very hard, he’s pushing very carefully. But perhaps he will push harder now, now that he sees it meets with your approval.
talking about UP/Triss

Vote: Wam

@Wam Claim or die.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
Vote: Laserguy

My life for Xivii.
I think the Laser flip is necessary to figure out the game.

I also think Boom's behavior is towny regardless of Laser's alignment.

I'm ok with a hammer.
Never yeet Maven. Look at Bessie if I die.
Bessie and Wam. Maybe Ryu.

Wam and Bessie. Maybe Ryu.

Maybe I branch out more if Laser flips town, maybe I focus in on specific people more if he's scum.
Likely scum.

If Bessie is scum, then we're fine. Well, not "we" as in "you and me" but rather we as in "me and the town."
Is it just me or is font looking like a bessie scummate here?


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I'd like Vic to respond to this:

And this:
In the first chain, he brought up the investigatives question and then when asked his opinion on it played the "it's not productive for today" card.

In the second, his reasoning doesn't make sense at all. Why would someone investigate the protective role and why would the IC die if he was scum who controlled the kill?
Xivii come back to us 😭


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away

This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

You'll be more sad when I flip town.

Or more accurately, I'll be more sad, because I'll have to devote time and energy to getting Boom yeeted so I can clear myself, when I could have just coasted to the win from here.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
eh, if you flip town we yeet boom next.
I, uh, can't let myself get misyeeted. I'll flip out and post 10000 words explaining everything I have ever posted before I let it happen. I have hit the character limit doing this before.

Can we just yeet Boom and Triss is it doesn't come to that?


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I just keep thinking to who would want Xivii dead. Not Ryu. I feel like Boom feels like he can out fox Xivii or would want to try, Fonti is analytical and makes that kill. Plus the info copy role doesn't sit right with me to be a town role in this setup. Like unless scum have more info powers it doesn't add up plus using it on Triss of all people seems kind of like a waste since we confirmed their double voter thing before so they likely wouldn't have an info ability.

Then there's your over all play that is keeping a working PoE going the revolves and lets people in as you need with you pushing for people that keep the important info ones alive for longer. For instance Boom wanted a him v Fonti yeet since yesterday, but you wanted to flash that to Maven earlier because if we get a boom v Fonti and you convince us to yeet boom and boom flips town then you are under the bus there, but Maven lets you go onto Boom next.

I also trust Wam's read on this, as last game in the hood I was vouching for you while he was suspicious of you so I think Wam might have some kind of super sense for Fonti.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I, uh, can't let myself get misyeeted. I'll flip out and post 10000 words explaining everything I have ever posted before I let it happen. I have hit the character limit doing this before.

Can we just yeet Boom and Triss is it doesn't come to that?
I'm open to changing my mind. I would like the yeet to be Boom or Fonti today though as I feel like that always contains atleast 1 wolf. When Boom appears I'll get more info to work with.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
I just keep thinking to who would want Xivii dead. Not Ryu. I feel like Boom feels like he can out fox Xivii or would want to try, Fonti is analytical and makes that kill. Plus the info copy role doesn't sit right with me to be a town role in this setup. Like unless scum have more info powers it doesn't add up plus using it on Triss of all people seems kind of like a waste since we confirmed their double voter thing before so they likely wouldn't have an info ability.

Then there's your over all play that is keeping a working PoE going the revolves and lets people in as you need with you pushing for people that keep the important info ones alive for longer. For instance Boom wanted a him v Fonti yeet since yesterday, but you wanted to flash that to Maven earlier because if we get a boom v Fonti and you convince us to yeet boom and boom flips town then you are under the bus there, but Maven lets you go onto Boom next.

I also trust Wam's read on this, as last game in the hood I was vouching for you while he was suspicious of you so I think Wam might have some kind of super sense for Fonti.
I think Boom kills Xivii when Xivii just expressed doubts on me, because he thinks it's likely Xivii would swing back around later. Xivii's reads tend to swing a lot like that, and he's unpredictable. I don't know if I would have shot Xivii as scum? I might have, because I'd be scared of him catching me. But I didn't and I'm not, and I think you can see if my play that I knew Xivii was going to know I was town.

Re: Maven. I was thinking of killing Maven over Boom for like a few minutes? Literally as long as it took for me to keep reading and get from the parts I originally scumread Maven for to the parts I townread him for.

Wam was wrong. Use Laser's read instead. He knew I was scum in Things, deep down, and here, even though he was paranoid, he knew I was town tunneling him, and frankly that should have been my clue to get off him.

I can't answer things about my role, it's my role. Of the claimed roles, I had the ability to copy off of Bessie, Laser and Boom (Boom's self-watch) which is kind of weird, because that's two likely scum to get info from, so I think Boom's claim probably isn't true? Wait, related to that, Boom should have brought up the self-watch being something my role could see earlier, if he's town, because form his pov that's two confirmed town roles I could see, so there's no reason for him to think my role means Bessie has to be town.

Vote: BoomFrog

Sorry, this is convoluted. I am town. Wam just doesn't like my play I think, or something. Plus tilt from tunneling.

I don't think Boom really thought the me/him thunderdome was going to happen when I was on Wam. Like, I think he gambled on it not happening and him looking good for asking for it. Plus he was saying Wam looked bad while also saying that I would look bad for pushing Wam and it just doesn't make sense.

I'm mostly on Trisscar to appease Frozen anyway, because Triss is scum by poe + the she's treating me and Frozen the same by like ignoring what we're saying and just throwing her expectations onto us.

Also, also, if I were scum I'd be aware that Maven was probably getting mod killed and wouldn't keep pushing him through that? Like, what's the point?
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