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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
So, been reading around the time Bessie claimed (page 41). Ryker / Fonti / Frozen criticised her target choice, but Boom (& everyone else) didn't.

Mafia would have approved Bessie's claim and target behind-the-scenes, right? I'm thinking why would a team mate like Fonti criticise the granular details of the claim when Mafia designed those details to pass the Mass Claim test. It makes Boom look weirder to me overall.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
The only role that could affect is Tracker, right? So most likely the two aren't the same alignments.
massive shrug
I assume they had a plan, if they were being that vague and misleading with their info, but heck if I know what it is and heck if I can find it, so... XD
Also would like to note that a character named Mirage being a killing role would be weird flavor.
Hi, I hate this

This has been your local frozen knocking off font

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Here's the thing, scum isn't going to kill Eido/Ryker, because they can't afford to. If we yeet Bessie, they'll roleblock Wam and kill Vicarin and then Mala, or they'll kill Wam -> Vic -> Mala and use the roleblock elsewhere. Scum will go for the path to victory of waiting until we freak out about Eido/Ryker still being alive and try to kill them. This can only be avoided by either 1. Checking one of them or 2. Flipping two scum (presuming we're not dealing with a 4-man scumteam, which seems unlikely).
wait wtf wow

Fonti town? Or advanced powerworld wifom, literally opposite prediction for what happened N2


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Given that almost none of your posts this last IRL day or so have had any cohesion or explanation behind them other than "hey look at this thing, it looks susp if I shove it into my current idea", I still do, in fact, stand by saying that you are flailing. It makes me wonder why you even felt you needed to do this in the first place to be honest. At least Fonti was actually explaining themselves.

Your general tone of carelessness, and your choice of making direct statements with no indicated room for consideration, reminds me of several shock jocks who constantly push conspiracy theories on their listeners. I do believe I would call this "pushing a narrative", though I'm admittedly not certain exactly how that phrase is normally used in FM. Pretty sure my previous paragraph would be considered "OMGUS-ing" as well, though frankly I think that term is s*** and yall need to find a better one.

Also I think I would be more impressed with your rereading, if you weren't stopping to make sarcastic remarks every time someone posted in thread. Doesn't that severely screw with your concentration? How on earth are you getting anything out of it but what you expect or want to see, if you constantly interrupt yourself like that? Why would you not just ignore it till you're done, and put it in bigger posts so you aren't spamming things and pushing other's posts out? Are you even reading it at all?

tl:dr. What the h*** are you doing right now, and why do you think this is helpful? Do you not think it's helpful?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
triss writing all that again just to play self defense and attacking the WAY im trying to scumhunt and communicate reads as annoying and disorganized to her is very telling

Pretty sure no one else is the game is havibg trouble seeing my thought process

Fonti already tried to hit me with the confirmation bias angle and shes halfway to eating crow a second time so yeah you can stop trying to shame me by calling me a conspiracy theorist, just looks desperate

Why wouldnt you put effort into proposing an alternate scum team to correct my misapprehensions and convince other townies to look in the "right" direction instead of just trying to discredit the only slot who wont stop being a thorn in your side?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Oh you mean the stuff I've already done? Did you read it? Or have you not gotten there yet?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Then bloody well tell me when you have, and in the meantime at least try to condense your thoughts into more than one posts per, how about?


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
At this point, seeing as we almost certainly get by with a mislynch, I think it's be safest for the confirmed town to just decide who we're all voting for once everyone's put out their scum teams. Trying to get more information from voting patterns now seems very dangerous.
Personally against this. Info is always important and since you said we almost certainly get by with a misyeet we are in a prime position.

2 scum left, 5-6 town 0-1 neutral.
I doubt 2 kills is possible every night with the current game size. We misyeet and lose town we get 2 scum with 3-4 town putting us maybe into LYLO. I do think Eido should get his final reads out.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Well **** me I guess. Just don't yeet me before I can put out final reads.
I got through page 8 and I'm going to bed. Here's what I got so far:

Vic is probably town. This feels like Bessie throwing shade and she brings it up again later. She doesn't do that to a mate, she'd either not attack or attack more overtly.

Frozen-wan not aligned. This is an aggressive attack on wam and it's too early to be a bus from FF.

Fonti-wam not aligned. D2 confirms that. I'm comfortable that this isn't an elaborate bus.

Increased chance Xivii and Fonti are mates, this is a weak reason for a town read.

This is really early for a permanent vote. Town-Sabtopicar should be holding his vote until EoD or until he needs to prove his power. It's really odd that he does this so early.

Ryker is prepared to counterclaim a masons claim. This is real mason behavior, not scum faking masons.

Maven accidentally jokingly claims wam's role and wam reacts sincerely. Not mates. (good fishing technique though... :p )
really bothers me that Boom's first real substance post after the "**** me let me get reads up" post is just a bunch of analysis about certain slots not being able to be mates together, these aren't real reads, just convenient conditionals to explore

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
So basically, it's PoE.

Mala, Xivii, Vic, Eido, and I are all things I'm unwilling to pursue. Ruy is also incredibly high on my list of things not to chase. My one request is to make sure Fonti doesn't get inserted into this group, lest we forget that until it became clear there wasn't support from the other larger voices in town, Font was in favor of saving Bessie for another phase. That's on top of being the heart of the Laser wagon, which was the Bessie counter wagon. I have absolutely no desire to chase that slot right now, but Font has been aiming to end up in that group all game and doesn't merit it unless Boom flips scum. That's my tinfoil hat paragraph.

Anyway, that is a LOT of people scum need to kill off. The order doesn't matter as much to me. I'm willing to continue icing slots who's behavior I don't like. I'll follow Eido for once and Vote Wam.
this is an important post, and makes me a little more keen on yeeting boom before triss as much as I want the triss flip

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
BoomFrog is 100% scum. His avatar is a frog and yoshi is like a big frog, hinting to Laser that he's on the same team (probably traitor). They are putting chemicals in the water to turn the frogs mafia. He has an ability to change the mods answers in thread.

He is ignoring this.
Fonti isn't bessie's partner because she insisted on bessie outting her result on Mala.
I like this take from town!Xivii


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Malakandra Malakandra

OK with:
Mala / Frozen / Ryu / [Vic]

Triss / Fonti / Boom

Not ordered. Vic goes up and down, he's probably ok because he saved you. Leaning Boom the most right now.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
UP's content was ok with me. Trisscar plays really differently though, so I'm relying on the group for this slot.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Hey. I've got a 4 hour appointment with friends so I won't be around at deadline. I'm happy with leaving my vote where it is.

@Xivii about the night action planning thing, I don't think your context is right, but I'm not sure and don't have time to dig. If it is right, then I suppose I was thinking about strongman but no RB in that scenario. We iterated a lot at crunch time.

This is true, or even more importantly Fonti really believes it.
lmao he never even put up a reads list and he posts this ****

must've felt a little less "resigned to death" and "not being able to convince anyone" once he saw how popular the wam wagon was

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Let's think through the scenarios:

If wam is mafia and Vic is town then mafia intentionally withheld to give wam town credit. If he was town he'd have been RBed so he has to fake it. Bessie watched Mala and tried to kill Mala to cover her targeting and also see what other roles town has that are defensive, they see only vic. (Side note FF is not aligned with Bessie because he said "everyone targeted Mala" but scum knew that's not true). I would expect wam and Bessie to either show TMI about Vic being protective or to completely avoid talking about it.

If wam and Vic are both Mafia then the whole thing was a complicated scum gambit. It relies on town not having a way to disprove the claims. In this scenario Vic is a vannilizer who is voluntarily giving up using his power usefully all game in order to sell this story. Frankly this is a bold and elaborate plan that I don't think wam or Vicarian or bessie would go for. They are all more reactive players, something like this would require an aggressive player on the team.

If Vic is scum an wam is town then there's no way scum have a RBer also, so this just falls apart.

So no. Vic is town in all cases. You really don't need to worry about him.
is the bolded a TMI slip from scum!boom? I don't get what he means by "scum knew not everyone targeted mala." The only thing we know for sure about mala was that vic successfully targeted him

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@Xivii Eido Eido @#HBC | Ryker Wam is a bad yeet. Vote for me or Fonti.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame I don't agree with Fonti's dismissal of your read, but if Trisscar is scum then their partner is Fonti. Vote Fonti first.

Vicarin Vicarin Maven is town because his defense of Bessie is too shamelessly blatant. Most scum try to be subtle about helping their partners. Unless you think I-barely-have-time-to-even-play-Maven read the "art of powerwolfing" before game.
this is very strange posturing for scum!boom telling the towncore to pick him or fonti when a free wam misyeet is just sitting there hmmmmm

but I still hate how boom is like "re-reading" and giving prescriptive advice but still never delivered the read list he promised when he was in woe is me Im going to die mode


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
He assumed we were going to yeet Wam, and then he'd look better and I'd look bad off the flip.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@#HBC | Ryker @Xivii

UP liked about half a dozen ryker posts, some going directly after sabrar, in the first five pages. this means he atleast did start a re-read but didnt ever feel it important to carry those thoughts into the present and conveg what he got out of the interactions

how does this square with town!UP? Ryker why do you think he liked those early posts?
triss Im sorry but your slot needs to go like its really not personal but wtf

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
wam is going to ****ing track me down and kill me if its scum!font and we let her go to endgame like the man is latched on to the slot worse than Im latched to sab/UP/triss

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Wam is far more potentially duplicitous then I recall.

I still prefer Fonti, but I'm back down to only confident instead of certain. If wam flips scum don't give Fonti a 100% free pass though.
fontisian fontisian what is scum!boom's motive here?

obviously setting up a pivot to the popular wagon that he just gone done telling everyone to abandon in favor of thunderdoming you and him

however this borders on genuine suspicion of you which feels town. is he just trying to undermine your admission to the towncore for fear of the coalition becoming hegemonic?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
fontisian fontisian what is scum!boom's motive here?

obviously setting up a pivot to the popular wagon that he just gone done telling everyone to abandon in favor of thunderdoming you and him

however this borders on genuine suspicion of you which feels town. is he just trying to undermine your admission to the towncore for fear of the coalition becoming hegemonic?
Uh, I feel this is one of the more obvious scum!Boom motivations? Like, he wants us to misyeet Wam and he wants to be able to misyeet me. He knows if he defends Wam too hard when most people were agreeing Wam looked bad it might look awkward or tmiy, or, worse, it might convince me to spearhead a yeet on him instead.
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