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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
Well, guess I'm just looking at Fontisian and Trisscar as scum then. Red, Frozen, and BoomFrog all went after Bessie one way or another.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Well, guess I'm just looking at Fontisian and Trisscar as scum then. Red, Frozen, and BoomFrog all went after Bessie one way or another.
Dude. On Day 2, Ryu said he was looking to shopt between Wam, Frozen and Bessie. I told him that if he shot Wam and Wam flipped town, I'd kill him. I did this so he'd be forced to choose between Bessie and Frozen. Then Frozen made a really town post, so I told Ryu to shoot Bessie, and he did immediately after.

Meanwhile, Boom was trying to convince Ryu to listen to the votes and shoot me or Frozen.

I did more to get Bessie killed than Boom ever did. Use your eyes.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
#HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame Are Boom / Ryker familiar with each other?

#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Bessie isn't a valid option right now. Pick between LaserGuy and wam
Laser and wam town reading each other has me feeling like they are both town. If High Judge Mala decides to pardon them I think we should look at the coasters: vicarin, FrozenFlame and redryu.
If wam visits the nk but is caught by a watcher we will be able to sort things out.
@bessie I know you are at work but you are the compromise yeet. Anything you want to say?
Wow, she has not posted a lot.

@bessie Why have you not posted a read list or done any real scum hunting?
How can you think wam and Bessie are scummates?
I think Bessie is about 50/50 here. So you're right, it comes down to my LaserGuy read.

I think laser believed Mala would clear him.

Vote Bessie

that's L-1

His language EOD1 is weird. Was he caught off-guard?

Locking Bessie out as an option is off. The "Wow" reaction looks off. Bessie being "50/50" makes me think he doesn't believe his vote. Then there's his plan with Ryu's shot and his attack on Fonti the moment he replaced in (like a vendetta), that all leave a bad impression right now.

What's Boom been like in other games? Anyone can answer this. Especially those who don't find him sus.

Vicarin Vicarin Trisscar Trisscar ^ Please answer if you can.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
What's Boom been like in other games? Anyone can answer this. Especially those who don't find him sus.
My experience (that I actively recall, apologies boom if I have forgotten a game or two) was the second or third game I came into this format on, when I claimed VT in my second post because I was bored ( I was actually vanilla town, and figured that it would cause less attention to be given to PRs by mafia).
Boom spent the next two or three game Days being loudly and distressingly confused as to why I had done that.
I suspect that experience is not representative of their normal play. XD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
UP's content is what turned the slot around for me. I wasn't a fan of Sab.

Triss' content I'm unsure of.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dude. On Day 2, Ryu said he was looking to shopt between Wam, Frozen and Bessie. I told him that if he shot Wam and Wam flipped town, I'd kill him. I did this so he'd be forced to choose between Bessie and Frozen. Then Frozen made a really town post, so I told Ryu to shoot Bessie, and he did immediately after.

Meanwhile, Boom was trying to convince Ryu to listen to the votes and shoot me or Frozen.

I did more to get Bessie killed than Boom ever did. Use your eyes.
tbh I was going to shoot bessie likely no matter what town told me to do but I wanted to see what content we would all get out of it.

Might have considered someone but Bessie trying to bait me to shoot her early when she went, “you don’t have the balls” made me think she gave up so there is that.

still regardless of that I seem to recall you trying to point my gun at frozen or someone else a lot more unless my memory is off.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
UP's content is what turned the slot around for me. I wasn't a fan of Sab.

Triss' content I'm unsure of.
I do not like most of triss’s posts because most seem extremely unsure to commit to anything. Some stuff point to voting me.

there is considering options but then it seems like there is no effort to limit down or think about what is likely.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
This does not mean that all the maf are doing this, but i have noticed a tendency for mafia teams to have a couple outspoken members, and a couple in the background ones. Ala picking roles in MOBAs or what have you.
How much Mafia do you believe were on the Laser / Wam wagons?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
tbh I was going to shoot bessie likely no matter what town told me to do but I wanted to see what content we would all get out of it.

Might have considered someone but Bessie trying to bait me to shoot her early when she went, “you don’t have the balls” made me think she gave up so there is that.

still regardless of that I seem to recall you trying to point my gun at frozen or someone else a lot more unless my memory is off.

Iirc, I was looking at Frozen as an alternative to a Bessie shot, out of a feeling that the game would be very easy if she was scum, but very needlessly difficult if she was town, when we had abilities to confirm her. I talked about that feeling vying with the feeling that Bessie was just obvious scum and we'd be stupid to not kill her asap, and Frozen being clearly town tipped me over.

I think I believe you when you when you say you were always going for Bessie, and that you acting like not was a bait, so. The scumteam's probably just Boom/Triss.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Iirc, I was looking at Frozen as an alternative to a Bessie shot, out of a feeling that the game would be very easy if she was scum, but very needlessly difficult if she was town, when we had abilities to confirm her. I talked about that feeling vying with the feeling that Bessie was just obvious scum and we'd be stupid to not kill her asap, and Frozen being clearly town tipped me over.
You devised a plan built around Bessie's claim being true.

Why didn't you switch to Wam Day 1 and hack Laser?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
You devised a plan built around Bessie's claim being true.

Why didn't you switch to Wam Day 1 and hack Laser?
? to the first part.

Because I (correctly) thought it was likely Chaco had thrown in a normal investigative role (like tracker or watcher) in on the scum team specfically to **** with the person who got my role.

You'll notice that I did in fact unvote Laser and vote Wam when Laser claimed, because I wasn't certain. I also repeatedly told Wam to stay on Mala and not randomize his target so it wouldn't mess with my results.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
The plan believed Bessie had a role you could hack and a result you could verify.

I'm curious why you didn't lead a wagon on Wam instead (your other wolf) and use your hack to gain info on Laser.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Going by the meta of town doesn't care about being nice, and mafia wants to make sure everybody likes them, Fonti or Boom would be the play today.
I wasn't going to comment but you brought it up a second time. I assure you I will be nice to you regardless of my alignment after you made it very clear that you did not appreciate the aggression in our first game. Also, I don't think I was confused why you claimed VT after D1, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. I thought I correctly agreed with others town reading you for trying to be tricky in a townie way.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020

Final Vote Count of D1:

Wam(1): UtopianPoyzin
(2): LaserGuy
Bessie(4): RedRyu, Wam, Eido, FrozenFlame
LaserGuy(8): Bessie, Vicarin, Maven89, Fontisian, Malakandra, Xivii, BoomFrog, Ryker

Not Voting(0):


End of Day Vote Count:

BoomFrog(2): RedRyu, Wam
(1): Vicarin
Wam(7):Fontisian, Xivii, Eido, Malakandra, Ryker, Trisscar
(1): FrozenFlame

Not Voting(2): BoomFrog, Maven89

(maven is blue here because they seem to not have been around to vote regardless, or that's the impression I've gotten)

......Hey Chaco Chaco why is UP only counted once on Wam on D1 vote count? Oversight, or shenanigans with earlier votes?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
I wasn't going to comment but you brought it up a second time. I assure you I will be nice to you regardless of my alignment after you made it very clear that you did not appreciate the aggression in our first game. Also, I don't think I was confused why you claimed VT after D1, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. I thought I correctly agreed with others town reading you for trying to be tricky in a townie way.
Mate we almost spent as many posts arguing as giant fight between Xivii and Ranmaru (which tbf was a lot of posts, i just think that the topic we were discussing got the closest out of any to that number). "Loudly and distressingly confused" was my way of paraphrasing an awful lot of yelling. XD


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Thank you though, for avoiding that. I'll keep in mind in future that it's not a thing I should be reading you for (shall be nice for me i assure you).

Edit cause that made no goddamn sense as written, apologies.
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
The plan believed Bessie had a role you could hack and a result you could verify.

I'm curious why you didn't lead a wagon on Wam instead (your other wolf) and use your hack to gain info on Laser.
I did that at first. Then I thought it through and realized that scum!Laser likely really was a Tracker, and short of him catching a wolf making a kill and me seeing it, I wasn't going to be able to clear him mechanically. Whereas Wam could absolutely stop a kill with his ability and get cleared for it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Ok, thanks. One more thing:

You said you correctly thought it was likely Chaco had thrown in a normal investigative role on the scum team to **** with your role.

When Laser flipped Town, and Bessie was the only other investigative claimed, why did you want to build a plan around her?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
How much mafia do you think were on both wagons? Trisscar Trisscar

Unless there was a reason to bus Bessie Day 1, it would be weird (but not completely unlikely) if Ryu or Frozen were mafia. I can see it if they wanted town cred for later maybe though.
The Wam train however, has Vic, Fonti, and Boom. If we assume at least three mafia, then at least one of them is maf due to there being no non voters that day.


As to Day 2...

Vicarin Vicarin Apologies for constantly pinging you, but I'm wondering why you were voting Maven yesterDay? And not just like, no voting or something?

Ryu was on Boomfrog train with Wam.
Fonti is the only non cleared (including myself there) player on the Wam train.
And Frozen was voting me.
Meanwhile Boom and Maven were not voting at all.

Either Fonti has the most s*** luck ever this game, or that is a big pile of susp, combined with the Oceans # style plan to use Bessie's ability.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
I meant your reads on Fonti / Trisscar. Can you list your thoughts on them?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Side note: It has been pointed out to me that I missed the extra number on Xivii for the D1 votecount. My apologies again Chaco i apparently cannot read today. XD


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
Eido Eido : Well, 2 parts: I'm guessing there's at least 2 mafia out of 5 people, and so if I'm clearing 3, the other 2 have to be mafia. As to why they're suspicious in general:

Fontisian - Spent a decent portion of D2 trying to sort out a plan to keep bessie alive by offering to target her during N2, and then only starts dropping it when it becomes clear that they're starting to become heavily scum read for trying to push the plan. Proceeds to say that they were instrumental to getting bessie killed. Hmmmmm. They've also been rather aggressively lynching town each day, and then brushing off the way that they've been blatantly wrong each time.

Trisscar - I mainly really, really don't like how they hammered with the double vote yesterday. I think they may have realised that the people on wam may have been convinced to go elsewhere, and so did the hammer vote to ensure that they didn't need to worry about more protection. Saying "whoops" afterwards is not good enough when the double vote is your main ability in the game, so you should be taking it into account at all times.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
I mainly really, really don't like how they hammered with the double vote yesterday. I think they may have realised that the people on wam may have been convinced to go elsewhere, and so did the hammer vote to ensure that they didn't need to worry about more protection. Saying "whoops" afterwards is not good enough when the double vote is your main ability in the game, so you should be taking it into account at all times.
I do still apologize for that btw.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Ok, thanks. One more thing:

You said you correctly thought it was likely Chaco had thrown in a normal investigative role on the scum team to **** with your role.

When Laser flipped Town, and Bessie was the only other investigative claimed, why did you want to build a plan around her?
Well, one, scum could have been fakeclaiming. And two, if she had claimed watcher I probably wouldn't have planned anything around it. But she claimed parity cop and that's something that should never be a scum role, because it's only use for scum is helping them locate a third party, and that in turn screws the third party player over.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
I think it's also important to understand that when I was talking about that plan I was work shopping it and asking for feedback. I was not saying "this is what we have to do."


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Well, one, scum could have been fakeclaiming. And two, if she had claimed watcher I probably wouldn't have planned anything around it. But she claimed parity cop and that's something that should never be a scum role, because it's only use for scum is helping them locate a third party, and that in turn screws the third party player over.
This is unclear to me.

You believed Bessie's claim should have never been a scum role, and also believed there were information roles designed to fool you.

Bessie claims the only information role after Laser, who flipped Town. Doesn't that give you an implication that Bessie is fakeclaiming? And more so than needing a plan to confirm her role? We see you spend a lot of time work shopping a plan that lets Bessie live / Frozen die. It's why I'm interested.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Trisscar Trisscar , time to put on the adult hat*. Me or Fonti. Choose.

*Originally said adult pants but I realized that's sexist by impling male clothing is the most adult clothing.
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