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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I know triss was saying IRL **** was slamming them but that vote is so ****ing impulsive and suss given the fact triss knows theyre a double voter and wam had been at L-2 for awhile, if wam flips town taking hard ****in looks at triss/font
Yes please ff
bro I promised you a hard look ok Im trying my best I hope you appreciate it homie, not tryin to get local font'd turbosnow style like that horrow show things I like


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
little weirdchamp with boom pushing triss over town!maven

this **** just makes me want to turboyeet triss even more tho
Worth noting that the order Boom was modifying was Boom->fonti->Maven and he was already trying to link himself or pocket Maven, so throwing Trisscar in there doesn't really hurt a Boom/Triss team at all?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
If Wam /is/ town, then it's probably just Boom/Triss.

Frozen, Xivii, Eido and Ryker are obviously town, Maven's "this is dumb" thing when Bessie was getting running up was town, Mala's clear, Vic made the save. The only other option is Ryu, and, his interactions with Bessie are good (I don't think the shot itself is actually all that relevant, as scum!Ryu would probably feel like he has to shoot her there, but maybe he would have capitalized on the Frozen push and shot him earlier.)

Fonti out, Boom a wolf.
sell me your best order of operations pitch on boom/triss, you've been wrong on a lot this game, redemption arc plz

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I just feel like a town double voter would have been really careful about voting there. You could have been voted on someone irrelevant and then immediately switched to wam if you didn't want to count double.
Fair, but that did not occur to me at the time either, and theoretically I'd want to keep the double vote if mafia stood a chance of avoiding the lynch by one vote.
I feel like I'm not sure if you can be trusted with the double vote after that...
Vic cmon man you know triss cannot go to endgame lets just deal with the slot now while we have a semblance of tempo, if you're telling the truth about your claim you should know we have the NK tempo advantage and want to push that advantage

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
In your own words, without looking back, what were the points of failure.
Nothing to do with what they were. Has to do with how many.

Granted you seemed to be planning for every eventuality you could think of, but if the plan does not go off exactly as you expect it to, it's going to cause a lot more confusion than it's likely to give information.
And confusion tends to work better for mafia than town.
Trisscar, you're saying "how many" without being able to give a single example.
Fonti, greatest respect for you as a person.

Still didn't have time or brain space to memorize your plan that day. XD

The points of failure include the number of people involved, the (reasonable) permutations of how each could act, and how that would affect everyone else in the plan. In this case, to my memory, you had like... five people involved? At least one of whom was unlikely to tell the truth about what they saw or did?
how did triss wriggle out of this half baked pot shot at fonti?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Rereading the end of D1, most of the initial votes on Bessie are from confirmed town, the only exception being Red Ryu. Frozenflame and BoomFrog voted as L-2 and L-1, while Maven and Fontisian were strenuously arguing against switching the wagon late.

Is it just a Bessie-Maven-Fontisian Mafia team with Red Eye as SK? I really don't think scum would have settled with bussing so late in the voting order D1, given how much info a Mafia flip gives us.
how does the maven flip inform you here

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Frozen is voting me. Inherent bias on my part now. Could also think I'm easy lynch tbh.
triss obviously not reading here, even a glance at EoD1 makes it obvious that I was screeching like a spoiled child for the UP lynch and no one would give me the time of day, characterizing my push on the slot as "going for an easy lynch" is literally spreading FUD


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
triss obviously not reading here, even a glance at EoD1 makes it obvious that I was screeching like a spoiled child for the UP lynch and no one would give me the time of day, characterizing my push on the slot as "going for an easy lynch" is literally spreading FUD

Vote: Trisscar

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I've been cautious of Fonti since I replaced in because she just royally played me last game and proved she can fake a townie tone. I'm really surprised that LaserGuy thought she was townie even as he was being passionately yeeted. So far my mental list is:

Scummy points for Fonti:
Pushed LaserGuy and wam yeets, both town.
Calling me wolf repeatedly as OMGUS for my suspicion. (I do think fonti should think my suspicion is reasonable.)
Role doesn't make sense with the setup as we know it.
was both verbally suspicious of Bessie while enacting a plan that would keep her alive. Feels like distancing someone who was likely to be shot soon while still trying to save her.

Townie points for Fonti:
Claimed role last and after Red announced that he was definitely (and defiantly) going to shoot Bessie. If Fonti was buddies with Bessie it's weird for her to tie her role so closely together. That's high risk is Bessie is shot, and the smarter play would be to cut her lose.
Not attacking me immediately D3. Scum!Fonti knew I'm coming for her, knows I made a persuasive case last game and would expect me to not back down. The only good defense would be a strong offense against me before I can make my case on her. I was trying to goad her into it at the start of the Day, but she didn't take the bait.

I still think there's pretty good odds Fonti is scum, but I'm going to look back and see if a Maven-Saboysscar team is believable. Scum has to be 2 of those three though. Frozen's attack on Bessie was ligit and not bussing. Ditto Red. I'm not willing to yeet Vic today, but I guess I should include him in the analysis.
@Trisscar So you think Frozen's attack on Bessie was a bus? Their tone was pretty aggressive.
@Trisscar You think Vic faked his role? What do you think the explanation for the kills is?
this feels like scumhunting, some of booms bests posts imo, but Boom is also good enough to fake this, gonna gas him the same way he's gassing fonti here

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Like, look at these reads. The scumreads aren't great obviously, but the townreads on me, Wam, Vic, Ryker and Eido are all solid and the only one that can possibly be wrong is the Vic one, and I don't think it.
dont you think the accuracy of his scum reads are more important? informed scum can easily fake accurate town reads


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
how can anyone like legit believe an all-in case at such an early stage of the game barring exceptional circumstances?
I mean, I do. Or at least, I can get into this headspace where I believe an early case as I drive it forward.

I think the points about reads and cases are relevant, but there just not as strong as the reasons for clearing you, Vic and Ryu. And you're right, Trisscar isn't really trying to figure you out she's just ... saying things that she thinks will sound good.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Also pretty sure that the reason that scum killed Ryker before me was they thought a bessie-ryler-eido scum team would be a tad difficult to push compared to just trying to push on me and murdering Malakandra after. Watching people do backflips to try to justify me vanillizing an IC as scum while also ensuring a no kill for a bit of town cred is quite interesting.
shrug Wasn't kidding when I said I liked complex plans.
triss what did you mean by this?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
fontisian fontisian This wagon is 100% Town to you. Do you have anything to say about Mafia's intentions in the way they dealt with this wagon?
if triss is scum and it is true that everyone else on the wagon is town, scum would be salivating to have their double voter "accidentally" hammer the jailer to get free tempo back at the trade of essentially condemning that slot to being pilloried the next phase


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
Vicarin Vicarin What was that thing you didn't want to say?
I'd been paranoid yesterday about the possibility that given that we hardly any investigative roles on town apparently that we might have had one false claiming a bulletproof ability to protect themselves, which would explain the weird similarity between FrozenFlame and Red Ryu's claims, and the way that apparently Town's entire info was a Tracker to go with the IC + Mason group (ignoring Boom's self watch and Fontisian happening to copy one of the few info roles). Would also mean that Fontisian's ability would have had more sensible targets to work with as well.

However, given the double kill, I'm inclined to think one of the bulletproofesque claims is just an SK, which makes my speculation less relevant. Still not sure about how little actual info roles we have.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Cool cool, there it is.

Vote Fontisian

I followed you D1 because you were likely town, the comment was mostly just a reference to last game.

100% do not let her wiggle out of this in any way. Let her get her final reads list out just in case we all suck, and then auto yeet her. This was exactly her MO last game. Hard town-read everyone except a group that is just the right size to fit a mafia, then after a missyeet reevaluate and find one more possible scum.
I wish boom was this motivated to talk about any other slot

still no reads list from boom at this point btw and we're well into D3
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