Lmaooo, please enlighten me on this bit. In what regard does it relate?
Others have asked, but I'm interested as well. Could you flesh this out some more?
not the easiest thing to articulate but I'll do my best. from our (mine and UPs) session playing Among Us together, I noticed that every time you rolled imp, you were 1.) relatively quiet in the early voting phases 2.) were willing to offer info and commentary but never really pushed for anyone that someone else wasnt already pushing 3.) were quick to establish where you were and what you were doing on a surface level but once that basic "check in" info was provided you would not attempt to synthesize what you knew with the other slots to help PoE. Basically, you didn't want to come across as too quiet or unhelpful, but you would put in the bare minimum and try to let the towns natural attention flow away from you and do what you could to help the discourse flow in that direction away from you but only very subtly. Additionally this approach had the benefit of keeping your options open for mid to endgame because you didn't often make early commitments that you'd have to backtrack on. I'm getting similar vibes here. I don't feel like you're scum hunting. I feel like you're doing the bare minimum to allay the expressed concerns people have/had toward your slot and then are just kinda being like "hey guys I'm here doing my thing

dont worry about hey lets talk about this other shiny cool thing instead" and it reminds me of your very "out of the way but look Im helping!" approach to your early game imposter play. Your mid to late game differed drastically because you were fully capable of and did in fact make some serious power plays once the paths to victory had narrowed and you knew you had to commit, but this "wait and see" approach I'm seeing here definitely feels like your early game imposter preference to be "checked in" but "out of the limelight" if that makes sense
What would you do to balance an IC and Masons?
life link the masons, give the mafia 1 time hitman shot separate from their standard NK, make one of the masons a lightning rod of sorts, millerize one of them without telling them if I put a comparison cop in, things along those lines
By traditional I mean not mass claiming Day 1. It's mafia 101. The only time I've ever seen you agree to a Day 1 mass claim was when you were scum.
I can't even remember the last time we did a D1 mass claim, unless you're talking about completely vanilla? In that game I agreed to a mass claim upfront because I didn't want to make it seem like I "didn't get it" re: the roles all being red herrings and I ultimately knew that at the end of the day the claims would essentially be meaningless so I didn't see any risk to myself for doing so, and in fact, I saw a self pres benefit because by agreeing early I would look like I had the town POV of knowing my role was useless as the other leading townies at the time had pieced together. If you're talking about a different game though please do link me because I'm really curious what game that was, I really can't think of why I'd be pro mass claim as scum on D1 outside of a scenario like completely vanilla where I knew the claim would have little to no mechanical impact on the game because there was in reality nothing to really claim given the predictably mountainous nature of the setup. I get that not mass claiming is mafia 101 in a vacuum but we're not in a vacuum here, we have IC and at the time ryker was suggesting more clear potential so not trying to knock Chaco by suggesting he may have had a balance oversight but given the info we had, I didn't feel like we'd be giving the game away to scum with a massclaim by flagging all our PRs. My prediction was that there would be either too many clears or too many other strong PRs competing for the scum's attention that town would still come out ahead on tempo due to a lack of the scum's ability to effectively deal with all the power that would ostensibly be revealed in the claim
what happens in the event of a tie?
04. Days will last for half of the existing player base +1, so 14 alive results in Day 1 being 8 Days. 6 Alive would be 4 Days for that phase. So on and so forth. I am trying this out to see how it works so it allows players more time in larger numbers alive. Nights will always be 48 hours. If a majority is not reached the player with the highest vote count will be eliminated, and in the event of a tie the player who received the most votes first will be eliminated.
re: my Laser ISO, I fell asleep in the middle of my re-read of all of his posts last night (literally haven't slept a full night since thursday, **** being on call -_-) and I'm trying to finish it now but my internet has been ****ed all day and my loading times for pages is taking ages so here's where I'm at so far
the prevailing characteristics of Laser's posts are that he has a little to say about everybody but draws very few conclusions from any of his musings. he responds to other slots asking him questions but ultimately he doesn't actually help people find the answers theyre looking for. he's providing ostensibly helpful information, such as his takes on the metas of sabrar, bessie, vicarin, fonti but he doesn't actually end up getting to the finish line of telling us where he ultimately ends up after processing that information. he's taking care to explore the various possible implications of the way slots are playing, and of how the claimed roles seem to square with one another, but again he doesn't actually end up deciding which possibilities he thinks are most likely which comes off hedgy
some examples here in bold, looking to a lot of his final comments after each take:
Catch up part 1, pages 5-6 + Xivii's reads
If the alignments are randomized, then the roles cannot follow specific alignments. I have zero flavor knowledge and have not made any attempt to glean some, but I can imagine a variety of roles that could easily fit a character who is "ninja" archetype that is not actually the ninja role. Tracker, watcher, vig, roleblocker, etc. Or ninja could be a passive on some normal Town role if that character is Town. I don't think this is ever going to be a fruitful avenue to pursue. Even if they do happen to be mafia, this could just be coincidence.
My recollection is that Vicarin did have a bad habit of rolefishing and I think this was also more or less NAI for him. I don't recall any instance where he was specifically interested in a mass claim though... more like he would just kind of poke people about anything that seemed vaguely role-related. Which actually, mulling it over more, it is maybe a bit weird that he ignored some of the things that look to me like they're people talking about their roles. I don't think bessie's point is entirely without merit, more that we're focusing on different aspects of his meta.
The point that I was making was that Vicarin tends to react with some hostility to unconventional play, i.e. the stuff that you would see BoomFrog or Xivii doing, and his discussion with Ryker more or less fits into that profile.
I have noticed this as well. Wam is one of those players who actually does often come across townier when they are mafia, so he is definitely someone I'm looking closely at right now.
What prompted you to naked vote here?
bessie pinged me initially because she missed my secret townie handshake.
The fluffy posting is a bad sign for her though. She is a very analytical player and thinks very deeply about the game. She usually does not post very much, but her posts are very high quality.
fonti is probably the strongest scum player on the site (she may just be the strongest player overall because her Town game is great as well). I will probably be suspicious of her right up to the point that she either yeets mafia or flips Town. That said, I have a marginal Town lean on her at the moment as I was getting kind of a shady vibe from her for most of our last game (where she was mafia) that I am not getting here at this point.
Xivii's linked meta read on Wam fits well with my impressions of him. He tends to be quite lynchbaity as Town and somewhat less so as mafia.
Can you give me a bit more on this? RR is in my scum pool.
I will ask this on behalf of the spirit of BoomFrog... Why do you believe you can read fonti on tone? (That said, I actually kind of agree in principle with this read).
Why would you expect bessie to be voting at this stage? Do you agree with FF's assessment that bessie's content seems fluffy?
I'm not sure if I agree on Sabrar but I haven't fleshed out my read on him particularly well. I agree about wam though.
Vote: wam
its like he walks right up to the ledge of drawing a final conclusion from the bolded observations, but never actually takes that next step and says "ultimately I think this trends town/scum because..." he's giving us all of his thoughts up until it actually comes time to give us the read he should be deriving from said thought process
also, he has a lot of focus on scumreading bessie but no concomitant effort to push the slot which I find strange. also iirc he overtly said IC + masons would be broken but didn't have a harsh reaction to ryker claiming mason?
I still need more time to really parse #704 which is preceding posts and see if his progression makes sense but I'm too exhausted to do it right now, and then square that with his subsequent reads list to see if the order there checks out as well
also, why do I feel like I never saw any "quick takes" posts from Laser in Things I Like like this one?
Quick thoughts on the last couple of pages since I don't have a lot of time...
Ryu's 442 and following look okay. Guess I can move him out of scum pool for now.
Noting Xivii's defending bessie and hard flipping his Ryu read.
I don't think UP so blatantly sticks out his neck for me for no reason if he's mafia.
I have no idea what to do with Maven.
Ryker/bessie interactions make no sense as masons and I'm baffled at Xivii for suggesting this. bessie would never agree to this kind of theatre.
As I said at the end of TIL (directed at Chaco in my final thoughts), my intention was to take a less confrontational approach this game as I came out too strong last game and it hurt my reads.
I feel her content so far is more consistent with her scum play. I can give you some more specifics tomorrow.
ultimately upon re-read the slot is less towny than I originally thought and am not opposed to a lynch here but given how Laser has been playing I think he will become easier to read as time goes on whereas I don't see that being the case for Wam at all
vicarin ISO is tomorrows project when hopefully my internet decides to start working reliably again