here's a list i made of who we're still waiting on to register (some of these people simply haven't registered, some i put down as possible interests, some i just listed out of ignorance...)
ceasar, kerokeroppi, i love smash, shademoneh, the nyc crew from ECSSB (4-5 people), low tier or no tier, megavolt, valoem, smelly cat, parallax, erdos, eliot, smashjesus, hotdiggitydog, banze and his +1, pete's +1, b link, *** vwls, sextc, q, unk, revan and his brother, the other two japanese players, firo, ballin4life, tank, wizzrobe, sheer, nintendude, clubba, sk, a$, the mdva folk they play with like justin and others, brex, atothez, breakthrough, hipstur, the 3 kids from pa from last year, the 3 kids from ohio from last year, rapture, KDJ from boston, yunque, smokey, casey, barbs jr, puff daddy, cleon, moocoow, bawkchicken, hammerheart, prisonchild, armada +1, west covina (4-7 people)
that's like 70 people. and those are only people I AM AWARE OF. not counting all those people i didn't know who registered last year and still haven't.
if all these people registered right now we'd be at 150+ people. good lord.