People are killed, maimed, or heavily fined for lesser evils in other countries. Take Singapore for example, i.e. spitting law.
And... what? Is this good? Is this model? Is that how you think things should be done? The fact that more ridiculous things than the persecution of smokers exist doesn't negate the ridiculousness of as much. That's like saying having a good friend OD isn't bad just because there are whole villages in Africa that eat less than you do in a sitting.
Fact of the matter is that you're probably just used to certain freedoms and thus live the lifestyle you do.
And again... what? Your point is... we shouldn't have freedoms of personal choice? That committees should be able to shove what is essentially their own brand of doctrine down your throat, even if your actions affect only yourself? Tell you what. Why don't you go ahead and do a little research on the Soviet Union, and tell me how much you'd like to lose freedoms like what to eat for dinner, what kind of drink to wash it down with, what kind of clothes to wear, or hell, even WHERE you get these things!
That's part of the reason why America's in the ****ter as far as cultural values go.
The idea of America being in the ****ter culturally is entirely your own subjective opinion. Culture is not a science that can be measured ala the economy, with "US greenback is down yet again" every day on the news. I can't argue this with you, not just because I ain't American, but because I recognize the subjectivity (and thus irrelevance) of cultural debate.
In general, humans tend to do better for themselves if forced to do what's right rather than find that out for themselves.
Alright, Mr. Realist. I can't help that you've read too much Hobbes. All you're doing here is spouting philosophy, and not even your own (or particularly coherently).
As far as what's right, that's entirely relative. However, most of us prolly know what's the good/right thing to do as dictated by a society/alternate culture.
I'm sorry? Did you just say OTHER HUMAN SOCIETY'S are a good reference for right and wrong? The same societies built of these weird creatures called homo sapiens that built the freedom-based nations of North America you so despise (hey, you said we shouldn't get to make our own decisions)? That's utterly absurd. There are probably some guys in India having this same debate, with one guy equally flabbergasted by the other guy's suggestion of looking to a society, be it internal or external, to decide moral values.
Societies are but distributions of power and wealth. They're organizational dichotomies, ways to get things done via overseers and underlings. I don't trust the weighing of moral issues to a system. That's the kind of thing the human mind was designed for in the first place.
Oh yah and y'all smokers are complaining about us whining, that's all fine and good but this thread seems to be your own outlet for similar effect.
Oh Christ, are you really playing that card? To people who are typically whined at daily, often by complete strangers? People who have to decipher propoganda every time they read a magazine or turn on the television, or even open their next pack, before they can get hard facts? People who have been lumped into a subculture and bombarded by the hatred of god-knows-how-many for no personal reason whatsoever?
You're gonna complain about under half a dozen people using a tiny outlet that will be read by perhaps a hundred people before disappearing to politely say how much we hate this persecution?
And just because it's America does not mean what you do is necessarily the "right" thing to do.
In that vein, just because it's America, and you're entitled to say we shouldn't be allowed to make our own decisions, doesn't mean saying as much is necessarily the "right" thing to do.
Laws change fool, they don't reflect what's right or wrong just what's currently acceptable.
Laws are written by men and women. If we shouldn't make our own decisions, why are they made by other men? If only we had some kind of deity-like beings to blindly throw our faith in...
Following the current trend, smoking, cigarette smoking will likely be banned within the next 1/2 century.
So? In fifty years people are going to have this debate. Just because it's America, and smoking was outlawed, doesn't mean it was the right thing to do.
Good Luck continuing that habit, unless of course you plan on breaking the law as well as contributing to a sadistic industry.
Well supporting organized crime instead of a heftily-taxed and legal industry that as such contributes plenty of money to infrastructure just makes all the sense in the world.
Try being so bull-headed in places like'll go real far, so far that the you probably won't be coming back for a long long time, if ever.
I don't plan to. That's kind of why I enjoy my current residence. Putz.
I shall, and might I say that you are a genuine portrait of maturity.