Pikaville returns 10 years later.
My answer to that would be.One last thing. If one were to ask, What do you want people to acknowledge/take away, concerning this argument ? Then, how would you answer ??
It's y'alls habit and thus I'm assuming y'alls reason for argument as well.
To acknowledge that myself and my fellow smokers have made a choice in life to smoke.That we have taken up this "habit" as you like to call it,that is pleasurable to partake in.Why should any person tell us we shouldn't smoke because they personally don't like it.I mean drinking is a "habit" that is also pleasurable and that causes a lot of violent unnecessary deaths.(Not to mention other problems in many aspects of life)
I want people to take away the fact that smoking alone can get you laid.Seriously how many times have you gotten with some random chick just because you asked her for a lighter in the smoking area eh?
Give me have this one freedom you ba****ds!
Are you smoking yet?!