Is this when I finally submit Frieza? Yeah, this is when I finally submit Frieza. Frieza, the biggest villain in Dragon Ball History and one of my personal favorite villains of all time. I have an interesting idea for him, so I’m just going to get this one out of the way now. He’s a Fighting Game Character, meaning he brought over DBFZ Mechanics. Not too many, mostly inputs, but I do think Frieza could very easily bring over the Magic Series as well, with Lights, Mediums, Heavies, and Specials being able to link with each other, just like Dragon Ball FighterZ.
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Frieza’s Neutral Special and Down Special are meant to match the Special Button in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Death Beam on the Ground, Blasts in the Air. Point down and you get Eye Lazers. Simple as that. There are no inputs.
Frieza’s Side Special is “Next Time You’ll Die!” He shoots a ball along the ground and it explodes on contact with anyone, but is very blockable. Input is

Frieza got a Back Special baby!!!!!!!!!! Death Saucer is a Boomerang Attack that can hurt Frieza, just like in Dragon Ball and in FighterZ. Just Block or Dodge lol. Massive Stage Control too! Input is

Frieza’s Up Special is Super Dash. Works just like DBFZ, but more up lmao. It has a slight homing property as well, but only when very close and in a 1v1. No input.
Frieza’s Final Smash is Golden Destruction. He shoots a Death Beam. If it hits, he goes Golden and does a Dragon Ball Combo, including a Nova Strike, ending in a Death Ball. If Stage Morph is on it will transition the Stage to the other Stage early. After this he reverts back to Normal.
Oh would you look at the time! INPUT TIME!!!!!!! Frieza has a

Special in the form of Warp Smash, where he warps forward shooting an energy blast, just like in FighterZ. And just like FighterZ too is that of he’s Close Enough to the opponent he just warps behind them lmao.
Frieza also has a

A Special in the form of Earth Breaker. He fires two blasts right in front of him with Upward Knockback. Perfect for all of your Ladder Combo needs!
Frieza’s Alts are references to other Frieza Race Members, such as Cooler, Frost, Metal Cooler, and a reference to Golden Frieza, which changes the Final Smash to have Normal Frieza’s Colors. He also had the FighterZ Black, Blue, and Orange Alts as well. Overall, Frieza is basically one to one with his FighterZ incarnation, down to some of his Weird Normals, such 2/3 of Smash Attacks being Projectiles. But overall, he’s very complicated, just like in Dragon Ball. Like, unironically one of my most wanted, and one of my favorite villains of all time, so yeah, this was going to be very detailed lmao.
His Stand is Made in Heaven. Reset the universe why not. It increases the Game Speed and changes the Stage if Stage Morph is on. It also gives Frieza a huge Power Boost lmao. Lasts 15 Seconds. His Favorite Food is Liver Dumplings. I mean, Frieza is clearly Space Hitler, and Frieza has literally NOTHING Else to use, so sure why not. I also have a concept for Plankton, but it’s a Clone Set reusing from SpongeBob for the most part, so if we ever have to submit clones or SpongeBob Characters I will go into it more then, but for now, I really like Frieza lmao.