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An unfortunate story


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Ok guys a pretty unfortunate/serious thing happened Sunday night after the most recent billfest. I have wrestled with myself for a while about whether or not I should tell people and I decided that since it was probably going to get out anyway I might as well just tell people so that everyone knows exactly what happened.

After we got back from dinner Sunday night Yay decided to $10 money match Alex (Karn) and Knorr footed the cost of Alex's entrance. Alex ended up winning so I decided, **** it I'll try also so I money matched Alex also once again with Knorr footing the cost. I ended up losing to Alex, rather handily, and so myself and Alex preceded to discuss the match-up afterward. I took to my usual (admittedly embarrassing and something I am still working) method of complaining about match-ups and de-sycing. Alex on the other hand took to his usual method of analyzing the match-up as objectively as possible. So admittedly I was in the wrong within the method I was discussing but this is unfortunetly not really related to the issue I am working up to.

So while we were talking Knorr interrupted me and said "so let me get my money". I responded "hold on a sec. I'm talking to Alex" to which he responded"give me my ****ing money" and I responded again "hold on a sec. I'm talking to Alex". Almost immediately Knorr jumped out of his chair and began yelling at the top of his lungs, "give me my ****ing money". Before I could respond Knorr had gotten within and inch and a half of my face and was yelling the same thing. Within a few seconds someone (I do not recall who exactly) pulled back Knorr and he spit on me while they did so. I got off the couch and backed up. Knorr was yelling the whole time. I reached for my back pocket to get the money I owed him but before I could get my money, perhaps even before he could see that thats what I was trying to do, he tackled me and began to choke me and head-butt me. At that point I was yelling (through fainted breath because I was being choked) "get off me so I can" or something similar. Eventually people pulled him off me again and eventually after some yelling we met in the hallway with him being held back still and he got an elbow off on my nose coming just shy of breaking it. Shortly afterward he left and went to David's (Tho) I presume. Not really anything has came of it so far and since I decided not to call the police and I have decided not to sue him for assault likely not much will come of it.

The part that makes this the most ridiculous is that outside of the 3 to 5 seconds of "disagreement" about whether I should give him his money right away or have the right to finish my discussion, he attacked me rather unprovoked and perhaps unfortunately I never responded with contact.

Again I have decided to post this story so that people know exactly how it happened. As you may have noticed I have tried my best to be unbiased and call myself out on my complaining. I hope that people notice how unbiased I have attempted to be even though I believe that the violence was in no way necessary or acceptable. I am not trying to call Knorr out or anything just to tell the story as accurately as possible; In fact before posted this I have had Alex read over it to ensure that I haven't left anything out.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC

was knorr drunk as **** or something? he doesnt seem like the type to flip out so suddenly


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC

That's seriously messed up. Wtf

Are you okay, Bill?
Yea I'm good. My nose is a little sore but other than that I am fine, a little shaken and pissed off but fine. I am trying to be mature about this though and just be the bigger man.

As far as Knorr being drunk or not. I cannot say for certain that he was not but I don't think that he was since no one who was there has said anything about him having been drinking and I don't remember any bottles or anything anywhere.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
well ****. that's seriously ****ed up.

"During fall, you set your clock back at 2:00am making it become 1:00am again. What this means is that there's two official 1:00am's with no way of telling them apart. So during one hour you murder the guy (cover the obvious traces like fingerprints and whatnot). Then during the 2nd time around is when you go out and get your alibi.

Now if you're a suspect when they ask "What were you doing at 1:20am" you have documented evidence as to where you were."



Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
lol yelled at top of lungs

but honestly, this situation sounds ******** as hell seeing as how it was over nothing.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
All of this could have been prevented if u just.

It's a MM, he could have thought U were trying to get away w/ out paying. Although his actions WERE uncalled 4 it oculd have been avoided if U jus paid him ASAP


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
These guys are friend since i dont know beginning of NC Smash.

maybe longer.

Everyone in NC knows everybody.

This was really unexpected and if you know Knorr this is not like him at all.

smash brawl player 99021

I gave that man a cat. I don't see how or why he would do that.



A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
i have never met knorr

but if i ever saw a smasher attacking another smasher

i would jump in

and knock the **** out of the assailant.

because i am like that.

and i watch a LOT of karate and kung fu movies, so it makes me think i'm tough.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Why hesitate about posting it on the boards?

Calling out ******* smashers is too good. I do that **** all the time.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
He is, unfortunately.

On the thing of banning him from tournaments: Knorr hasn't entered anything since early 08 as far as I know.

Ummmm....we should probably not pay as much attention to analogies in this thread.



Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
or you know... have some god **** patience... it's 10 dollars.

sorry to hear that Bill, and he should be thankful that you didnt call the police or anything.
Regardless... If the money was given away immediately after the match then NONE OF THIS COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED. It's Respectful and it gets the person out of your hair. How would you feel if U worked 2 earn a paycheck and then the lady @ teh office is on her phone telling you 2 hold on rather than giving you ur money. It's not that hard of a concept. u lose the match, u give away the money afterwards. How about we have an experiment. U MM people until U lose 1. After U lose a M then U go talk w/ a friend and see what happens. 'm really sorry about this situation tho. It's really messed up. It's jus that once again if the money was given immediately this could have all been prevented...


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
AWAL, the main problem with your logic is your analogy.

At the bank, you're there for one thing, and that is to have your paycheck cashed. In the clerk's case, he/she's holding you up where you don't want to be.

In Bill's case, he was at a tournament with this Knorr guy all day. Waiting 5 minutes is nothing to get angry over, especially when you can just go play a game of Smash real quick and come back and ask.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
knorr should be banned from Tournaments/smashfests/etc. at least for along time, why?

1. If he was drunk as people in here are suggesting then he needs to seriously consider seeking professional help for his substance abuse because it's severely affecting his better judgment and he shouldn't be drinking (that much anyway) at a smash gathering considering there might be a younger audience present so that's reason enough to break away from the scene for a good while. Imagine if it was a 14-17 year old that lost the MM and didn't pay him right away for whatever reason. What if there was no one there to stop him when he hit NC-Echo? This brings up my second reason.

2. Those of you that know me know very well that I have a Zero Tolerance for Physical Violence. The moment he laid hands on NC-Echo he is automatically in the wrong, provoked or unprovoked. What he should have done was simple: wait until Echo was finished his conversation or if he was in a rush to leave... Explain why he needed his money as soon as he did. Even if Echo told him that he was not going to pay him for some reason. THAT STILL DOES NOT GIVE HIM THE RIGHT TO HIT ANOTHER PERSON FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY. The both of them agreed on a gamble and to put their money on the line in a video game and it's expected that the loser complies. He shouldn't be forced with physical violence or even threatened if he does not decide to pay up. There are certainly other ways this situation can be dealt with.



It's a MM, he could have thought U were trying to get away w/ out paying. Although his actions WERE uncalled 4 it oculd have been avoided if U jus paid him ASAP
Moral of the story...

Hand over money ASAP and problems like this will NEVER come up
Regardless... If the money was given away immediately after the match then NONE OF THIS COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED. It's Respectful and it gets the person out of your hair. How would you feel if U worked 2 earn a paycheck and then the lady @ teh office is on her phone telling you 2 hold on rather than giving you ur money. It's not that hard of a concept. u lose the match, u give away the money afterwards. How about we have an experiment. U MM people until U lose 1. After U lose a M then U go talk w/ a friend and see what happens. 'm really sorry about this situation tho. It's really messed up. It's jus that once again if the money was given immediately this could have all been prevented...

OK so what if you were the lady at that office and you weren't able to pay immediately because ..maybe your boss was on the phone forwarding important information to you that couldn't wait. I'm sure you can explain to that employee what's going on and you don't want to multitask with such important info while sorting out something also important like his paycheck. You as that lady would not want to screw up any side of that situation and I'm sure the employee understands that and can wait.

your analogy fails and you fail if you seriously believe it.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
This would have not happened if Melee was on Saturday...

also Knorr is still my boy and stuff.something must have tooken over him.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Knorr was not drunk. Also, Knorr and Bill have never like each other much at all, with Knorr having a pretty strong dislike for Bill.

I'm not trying to defend Knorr or anything, I definitely think he went out of hand attacking Bill, even though Bill should have given him the money when he was asked. Even if Bill was wrong in not paying up, Knorr should not have reacted with violence. Just trying to clear up the misconception that Knorr was drunk and make it clear that there has always been at least some mild antipathy between them.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
AWAL, the main problem with your logic is your analogy
your analogy fails and you fail if you seriously believe it.
Yeah yeah yeah, I look bak @ it and it DOES fail. :laugh:

Apparently it failed so bad U 2 missed the point completely and HAD 2 make unnecessary comments on it.

However, the point that I'm trying to make is that U jus need to HAND OVER THE MONEY IMMEDIATELY AFTER. and then there will NEVER BE A PROBLEM.


Knorr is still a **** 4 attacking him tho. @ da end of the day, BOTH of them were kinda in the wrong
However, it's kinda disrespectful to make sum1 wait so U can give them money cuz 2 them U could have easily been trying to NOT pay up. Its also the fact that U brushed him aside which makes U even more disrespectful. I see Y Knorr acted like that although I thought it wasn't necessary.

Once again, jus pay the money immediately after U lose a MM next time. It's respectful and it prevents any drama....

edit: Rayku U use IKE NOW!?!

Mike - I don't condone violence either and I def see Knorr as in the wrong but jus outta curiosity wut wud U recommend if some1 decides NOT 2 pay up in a MM??


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
not at all. bill is not in the wrong here at all.

you act as if it's important to have to pay immediately afterwards. no.

bill asked knorr to wait. any reasonable response would be to wait or provide a reason that waiting is not an option.

you're basically condoning mob hits from loan sharks and that's NOT an extreme extension of your logic or lack thereof.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
good rule is to put the money on the cube 64 Or Wii before the match starts
lol Fixed :-p

not at all. bill is not in the wrong here at all.

you act as if it's important to have to pay immediately afterwards. no.

bill asked knorr to wait. any reasonable response would be to wait or provide a reason that waiting is not an option.

you're basically condoning mob hits from loan sharks and that's NOT an extreme extension of your logic or lack thereof.

No matter WHO ur dealing w/,
No matter WHEN ur dealing w/ them,
No matter Y ur doin it,

IF u jus payed the money then THERE WON'T B A PROBLEM.

There are some seriously F'ed up people out there. What if a random kid wants to MM U. U somehow lose and the kid acts all hard like he's got 2 prove his manhood or sumthin? Trust me, there are lots of players out there who like to act hard. People like us might not get into fights over this game but lord knows all the players that would. So if U jus put the money out there b4 hand or pay them right after then no matter what it prevents ALL POSSIBLE BAD SITUATIONS.

I'm not saying I'm a b an azz and fight some1 if they make me wait to give me my money. I'm jus sayin that if I lose I'm a pay up asap and get that person out of my hair. or if I win I wanna get my money so I can go play matches and not have to worry about coming back to get my money.

I'm not condoning the violence. If u read my entire post u'll see that. I'm just saying that paying the money asap prevents all the bad situations that could ever come up. Am I right?


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
b awal your an idiot,your argument is terrible and the dude that attacked the other dude was way out of line,he should have just waited a minute or two to get his money.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
I'm not going to get into this but there are a few things to clear up. It wasn't a random kid; It was a guy I have known for about 4 years now and while I wouldn't say we have known each other particularly well, I think thats kind of irrelevant. I didn't give him the money when he asked because, 1. I thought he was being rude by interrupting me and 2. I've known him for a while and he was staying in my apartment so it wasn't like I was going anywhere and therefore I didn't see the harm in waiting. Perhaps I should have given him the money right away and perhaps then this whole thing wouldn't have happened. Please notice though that at a couple points I did try to give him his money but I was not allowed to, apparently it was too late. I am trying my best to stay out of this but there were points being made that I feel needed to be addressed.

Something to point at. The tournament was also well over when this happened. The only people left in my apartment were my two roomates, myself, yay, knorr, and dshep.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
b awal your an idiot,your argument is terrible and the dude that attacked the other dude was way out of line,he should have just waited a minute or two to get his money.
So answer my question....

If the money was given over immediately would any of this have happened?

Not only that, BUT I'M F@CKING AGREEING WITH YOU!!! :laugh:

I'm not going to get into this but there are a few things to clear up. It wasn't a random kid; It was a guy I have known for about 4 years now and while I wouldn't say we have known each other particularly well I think thats kind of irrelevant. I didn't give him the money when he asked because, 1. I thought he was being rude by interrupting me and 2. I've known him for a while and he was staying in my apartment so it wasn't like I was going anywhere and therefore I didn't see the harm in waiting. Perhaps I should have given him the money right away and perhaps then this whole thing wouldn't have happened. Please notice though that at a couple points I did try to give him his money but I was not allowed to, apparently it was too late. I am trying my best to stay out of this but there were points being made that I feel needed to be addressed.



Now I think Knorr was a jerk 4 not chillin out seeing as HE CLEARLY WAS STAYING W/ U AND THERE WAS NO WAY 4 HIM 2 NOT GET HIS MONEY BAK.

I hope ur OK and that this ish doesn't happen @ any tourney


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
Still doesn't mean bill was wrong. just because that would have avoided it doesn't mean that the decision to not do it was wrong.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
You're missing the point B_awal. I think you just read that one line of what I wrote and that was it.

I really am going to try and stay out of it now. The story has been told and I don't wont to say any more because I may throw it in my opinion more than I care to.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
I say again.

This would have not happend if Melee was on Saturday.

Slightly serious slightly not.
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