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An unfortunate story


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
yeah... BL, Knorr doesn't like Bill and wanted an excuse to beat the **** out of him.

some cultures approve.

but the Smash one doesn't. no matter what, it is NEVER acceptable to physically attack someone like this. this is like Red Marth 2 but not funny.

i used to think Knorr was real similar to like Matt or something... lbut Matt would never do anything like this cause he's not full of hate.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Yea the melee community is too tight to have fights breaking out
Juss ends up making a lot of people uncomfortable on both sides
There's juss not enough of us to be having divides amongst each other


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
Knorr better be glad I wasn't there. When reading his quotes from Bills recollection all I could picture was 8 yr old throwing a tantrum. Seriously... grow up knorr.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2008
North Carolina
After reading over the whole thread there are a few things that I've I realized.

~Bill you should of paid him his money.

~Knorr is a mentaly unsound hothead with the reasoning of a child.

~It's a good thing I had to leave early.

Seriously..... This is the most ******** thing I've ever read..... Knorr should without question be banned from all NC tourneys from this point out, we already have a less than upstanding rep on the smash scene without this kinda stuff happening.

Knorr, you are ten kinds of lucky that I had to leave early due to the flu, I don't condone violence at these tourneys, but the second you laid a hand on another human being, you would have became a threat to everyone and I would have neutralized you.

Lets try not to let this kind of the thing happen again guys, its one thing to rage a bit or throw a controller, but it's something else to put your hands on someone. If it happens again, myself and another larger built NC bro wont hesitate to personally escort you out of the tournament, with force if necessary.

I saw where somebody wrote something about putting the money on the system or tv before you mm, this is exactly how it should be done every time. It ensures that everyone is paid and happy after every mm.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I'm gonna play devil's advocate cause I can.

Remember, there's ALWAYS two sides to every coin. One side different from the other. As unbiased as Bill tried to make his side seem, there is still a bias to some degree.

Until Knorr feels he should come in here and tell his story, it would be fair only to hold our tongues and wait.

But do as you please, I am only saying this cause I feel it should be said.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I'm gonna play devil's advocate cause I can.

Remember, there's ALWAYS two sides to every coin. One side different from the other. As unbiased as Bill tried to make his side seem, there is still a bias to some degree.

Until Knorr feels he should come in here and tell his story, it would be fair only to hold our tongues and wait.

But do as you please, I am only saying this cause I feel it should be said.
next time i see you, i'm going to choke you and spit on you.



Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
lol, some people are hilarious.. Sucks it was flooding around here then... I would have 20$ MM'd him with kirby right after, told him to kiss my ***(assuming I lose), then offer the chance to get 1$ of his winnings back if his girlfriend sucks my ****.

It sucks we missed your tourney though, billbro. I practiced a lot in hope of making it to a tournament in october/november and the one that I actually got off work for it floods here...inopportune circumstances.
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