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An interesting conversation (or why fanboys suck)


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1445]An interesting conversation (or why fanboys suck)[/drupal]

"So do you have Live?" asked the man I was speaking with. "No," I replied, "I don't own a 360." He looked a little confused, as if you either owned a 360 or you didn't own anything at all, "Then what do you have?" he asked.
"A PS3."
"Why would you own that piece of ****?" he said.
"Because it can kick the *** of the 360 any day."
"Shut up, we have better exclusives."

Okay, lets stop there for a second. The list of 360 exclusives is pathetically small. Most of them are crappy games like Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball 2 or Naruto: Rise of Ninja. Plus, most games that are supposed to be 360 exclusives are ported over to the PS3 anyway. Like Time Shift or Eternal Sonata. "exclusive" is the worst way to describe the 360's library.

"We have Ratchet and Clank." I said, smugly. "Ratchet and Clank is stupid. It used to be cool but now they have a stupid robot named Sony in it. Like ripping off the company."

Raise your hand if you've played Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Okay, now put down your hand if you remember there being a robot named Sony. I looks like everyone's hand is up, I wonder why?

"You can't prove that." I said, somewhat disgusted by his stupidity. "We have Gears of ****ing War!" he said, quick to raise a point. "Yeah, and we have Uncharted. That kicks Gears' ***."
"No it doesn't!"
"Have you played Uncharted?"

I doubt that.

"Then what was it about?"
"**** you! We have better online!"
"Yeah, I would just love to pay money to join the most dysfunctional community in the world. And besides, at least our system doesn't catch on fire if you do so much as look at it funny!"
"**** YOU!"

I hate fanboys, I really do. Yeah, I'll admit that I was showing my fanboyism for the PS3 a bit, but hey, at least I kept calm. But seriously, how can you say a system is awesome when it breaks down. "Yeah, dude! The 360 is so awesome! I just got the Red Ring of Death!" "DUUUDDDE! So did I!"
"EXCELLENT!" And before anyone yells at me for being a PS3 fanboy, I want to say this. I don't hate the 360, don't be stupid! There are 360 games that I like, such as Halo 3 or... um... er....


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
LOL, Agree, fanboys suck. In theory they should know enough about their consoles to put up a good argument seeing as how they spend ALL there time arguing how awesome it is.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
lol Fin.

He is the one that started it though, OWNED HIM!
What is it with fanboys these days "sighs".
That just shows that they need to shut up if they do not even try it.

Its like me saying that Choclate sucks without eating it before.

Hope you do not think everyone who owns a 360 is a fanboy.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
This only makes me thankful that all the Nintendo fanboys died when the Wii came out.

If you think the 360 fanboys are bad...


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
lol Fin.

He is the one that started it though, OWNED HIM!
What is it with fanboys these days "sighs".
That just shows that they need to shut up if they do not even try it.

Its like me saying that Choclate sucks without eating it before.

Hope you do not think everyone who owns a 360 is a fanboy.
My girlfriend does that ALL the time.
she wont' try something but she assumes it's bad and has like an Iron will :\


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
That's actually hilarious.
That Jon fellow posted something similar online, about dealing with a PS3 "fanyboy". But... it's a Halo Machinima.

It's best just to ignore him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmvcP71A-Wk, if you wanna watch some lolmachinima.

PS3 starts at about 3:20.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
That's actually hilarious.
That Jon fellow posted something similar online, about dealing with a PS3 "fanyboy". But... it's a Halo Machinima.

It's best just to ignore him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmvcP71A-Wk, if you wanna watch some lolmachinima.

PS3 starts at about 3:20.
I clicked the link to that vid, skipped to 3:20, shook my head and posted "PS3 > 360" in the comments. And so the flame war begins...


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Lol you like Halo 3...
Don't mistaken me for a mainstream lover. I didn't find Ocarina of Time to be anything special, nor did I enjoy Final Fantasy VII. I thought that Gears of War needed some heavy changes before would be able to enjoy it, oh, and should I give a link to my Street Fighter II review?


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Halo is really starting to tire me. Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST. What's next? Halo Monopoly?
No, that one isn't going to be coming until after Halo Golf and DDR: Master Chief's Dance Club.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Street fighter 2 is amazing. I spent countless hours on it.

Just thought I'd bring that out there :p

I usually enjoy mainstream games. Not just because there mainstream but because I usually just find them to be a lot of fun (though there are the odd exceptions).

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I think what's a lot worse than being a fanboy is being a hater. That was NOT fanboy-ism, that was a guy trying to hate on the PS3. And you were essentially doing the same thing to his console.

Honestly, is it so terrible to love something? Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else why you love it?

What IS terrible is when people start to criticize your passions, telling you that they are not worthy of your attention. THAT makes you feel like ****. THAT is elitism. You are proceeding as if the SUBJECTIVE has become OBJECTIVE. "Why would you own a piece of **** PS3?" is an elitist's question, NOT a fanboy's question. A fanboy's question would be something like "DUDE don't you just love playing Halo online!?" Note the lack of antipathy in the ladder statement.

No one can prove that any interest is better than any other, but people can certainly feel that way.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
What really bugs me is when people play the mainstream game within a series and then claims to be the series' vivid fan.

Take for example, Street Fighter. Everyone knows Street Fighter II. So when a guy was going on and on about how much he likes the game and how he is obsessed with SF, I asked him "Have you played Street Fighter I?". Obviously he hadn't.

Don't get me wrong. My first Zelda game was OoT, overrated game number one. But I didn't stop there. I kept playing the rest of the Zeldas until I would let myself be called a Zelda fan.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2009
East Coast
Maybe he didn't play Street Fighter 1 because you only play as Ryu ;) Besides, that's kinda like saying in order to be a mario fan, you have to play Mario is Missing and all the other ****ty mario games that came out under the mario name. However, I do see where you are coming from, but I think there are exceptions to that. Street Fighter 1 being one because nobody really considers it when talking about the series because of how limited the game was. Just my opinion.

Besides, people can claim to be fans based off stuff they read on wikipedia


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
What really bugs me is when people play the mainstream game within a series and then claims to be the series' vivid fan.

Take for example, Street Fighter. Everyone knows Street Fighter II. So when a guy was going on and on about how much he likes the game and how he is obsessed with SF, I asked him "Have you played Street Fighter I?". Obviously he hadn't.

Don't get me wrong. My first Zelda game was OoT, overrated game number one. But I didn't stop there. I kept playing the rest of the Zeldas until I would let myself be called a Zelda fan.
Hm, I don't know. I think this expectation can get a little out of hand, too. For example, Phoenix Wright. I played the first game and not even halfway through I fell in love with it. Started looking at all sorts of stuff involving the series and such. Shortly before I beat the first one, so I'd have it to look forward to, I bought Justice For All. Due to not having enough time to get very far in the Justice For All, and because I don't have a whole lot of money to blow at the moment, I don't have Trials & Tribulations or Apollo Justice. Of course, my friends will occasionally harangue me because of something to the effect of, "You can't be a Phoenix Wright fanboy until you've played all of the games." (Fanboy...not used in the regular context.) I don't understand that, as I'm going to get every game eventually, just not quite yet.

You can't consider yourself an uber, hardcore, totally dedicated crazy fan of a series until you've played a lot/most/all of the games, (so I can consider myself one for Metroid, having played every single game and only lacking a separate copy of the original, but owning it in digital form on Metroid Prime and Zero Mission) but that doesn't mean you can't consider yourself a fan. Once you've played at least two non-spin-offs that shows that it's not just one fluke game that you like.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
What I meant to say is that people who play only one game, most of the time the most overrated, and start boasting about being a fan and such. Another example. FF VII fanboy. I asked him, "Hey, have you even played the other FFs?", to which I got an Uhhhh and those games blow anyway.

You liked the series Phoenix Wright, and you want more. That's different. You don't ride the overrated bandwagon. I used Street Fighter II cause it was widely popular. A true fan would at least look at the roots of the game, and try playing it, even if it were unbearable.


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2009
Ontario, Canada
PS3 is getting Tales of Vesperia. ("Was" a 360-only game.) But it's being imported to PS3, whether it's coming out in other countries, or just staying Japan-only, but heck, I think of 360 and PS3 the same. Although I got a 360, but no ps3, I'd buy a PS3 anyways. =D


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
While I do enjoy making fun of fanboys, I do have a little bit of one in me when it comes to Zelda. I mean, in my eyes, which are blinded by the golden radiance of the Triforce, Zelda can do almost no wrong. The last time I doubted Zelda was cel shading for WW, and its awesomeness owned me so hard that I've given it all the benefit of the doubt since then. I do make an effort to keep it in check though.

My biggest problem with fanboys is when they start complaining about things like games being non-exclusive. I mean, why was there any outcry when FFXIII was revealed to be coming to the 360? I guess people were ticked that they'd bought a PS3 for it, and didn't have to anymore, but really. Once-exclusive games being spread out is not a bad thing for anyone.

Man of Popsicle

Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2008
Redlands, CA
The 360
"Hey, I think I'll break for no reason. Oh wait, I have to utilize a special light that shows I'm broken, I won't just not turn on or anything. Hey I'm ****ing broken! Awesome."
Why take the time installin a fail-safe redlight that means 'broken' When you could work on making the system not break.
It's okay I know when my system is broken.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I clicked the link to that vid, skipped to 3:20, shook my head and posted "PS3 > 360" in the comments. And so the flame war begins...
Posting that just show's your as almost as bad as Jon. He has good arguments to back his claims.

Sony fanboys by far are the worst kind of fanboy yet. Really one of my friends is the biggest sony fanboy yet. He doesn't even have a PS3 yet he claims its better. Or maybe that's just him as he says if any thing is doing better he goes beserk.

"You can't prove that." I said, somewhat disgusted by his stupidity. "We have Gears of ****ing War!" he said, quick to raise a point. "Yeah, and we have Uncharted. That kicks Gears' ***."
"No it doesn't!"
"Have you played Uncharted?"
I personally never plaid both, but doesn't Gears have online? That's enough to get a leg up in today's "hardcore" community.

This only makes me thankful that all the Nintendo fanboys died when the Wii came out.

If you think the 360 fanboys are bad...
The real ones are all in hiding waiting for the day they yell " I TOLD YA SO" Which i won't see for another 10 years.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Posting that just show's your as almost as bad as Jon. He has good arguments to back his claims.
The only reason why I did that was to evoke a meaningless flame war on youtube to see how many 360 fanboys pop out and try to bash me. Besides, it's youtube. Being a Jon there is like being drunk at a toga party. Nobody cares.

Sony fanboys by far are the worst kind of fanboy yet. Really one of my friends is the biggest sony fanboy yet. He doesn't even have a PS3 yet he claims its better. Or maybe that's just him as he says if any thing is doing better he goes beserk.
You don't know very many 360 fanboys then. I'm guessing that that's just your friend, I'm a PS3 fanboy (but not a Sony quite a Sony fanboy) and if someone claims that one system is better than it, I'll be interested to see why that is. Just so long as they're calm and intelligent, that is. And the 360 fanboys I know... well, just look at their community.

I personally never plaid both, but doesn't Gears have online? That's enough to get a leg up in today's "hardcore" community.
Oh screw the hardcore crowd! A bunch of bloody *******s who can't help but zealously **** because the media over hypes a game that's always about some manly guy who's stuck inside a suit of powered armor and is Xenophobic against aliens! Every "hardcore" game is about a space marine shooting aliens! And they are always shooters, so if they aren't about aliens getting shot then it's about someone getting shot because hardcore gamers can't comprehend anything more than "shot, kill, teabag!"


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Oh screw the hardcore crowd! A bunch of bloody *******s who can't help but zealously **** because the media over hypes a game that's always about some manly guy who's stuck inside a suit of powered armor and is Xenophobic against aliens! Every "hardcore" game is about a space marine shooting aliens! And they are always shooters, so if they aren't about aliens getting shot then it's about someone getting shot because hardcore gamers can't comprehend anything more than "shot, kill, teabag!"
Notice how I said


Meaning most of the "hardcore" are little 15 year old kids who swear over XBox live.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
...All 3 systems have a limited exclusive list.
Especially because they seem to concentrate so much on a specific demographic. I don't see how one system > another when a good portion of their good games are on multiple parties.

Examples, the 360 is flooded with space marines and gory ****, but a portion of them actually succeed in being good games, like Mass effect, Fable 2 and... that other one. The Wii targets the casuals, but still have some great exclusives like Galaxy and Mad World. The PS3, so far, has the most variety in their good exclusives, from LBP, Ratchet and Clank, and that one movie, Metal Gear Solid.

But most of the games worth getting aren't even exclusive, and that's why no one shoud give a ****.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Although.. Well, the non exclusives tend to be better on the PS3. Tales of Vesperia is now going on the PS3, with one more character and added content. Final Fantasy XIII will be shorter on the 360 due to the DVD disk's capacity.

And funny that you say "little 15 year olds" when I'm 15 lol.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
^ Well, I think at that point, personal preference is a must. Exclusive content is basically the new best way for companies to attract more people to buy their products. It's absolutely game specific in this context.

You can't generally say the PS3 has better exclusive content, because games like GTA4 and Fallout 3 have addition downloadable content that's equivalent to an entire new game that are 360 exclusive.
Also, if I'm if I'm looking for a game that's predominantly multiplayer, but are on both consoles, I get it on the 360, basically because I'm forced to. The 360 has a much more people online, and overall it's more rewarding because of that, even if the millions of *******s and fanboys plague everywhere. Not to mention close to none of my friends even own a PS3 (or go online for that matter -_-) There are some obvious exceptions though.

Also, not all 15 year olds are annoying, just the ones that think they're badass because they have a mic + anonymity...


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
I'm actually choosing the PS3 because of it's exclusives. I don't care much for Halo, tbh. Nor any other exclusives they have. In fact the only one that actually catch my interest is Fable 2, but I do have an xbox with the first fable so I can just hook that up any day and play the game. I want PS3 for MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, and some third party games. I also need a good entertainment system seeing as there is only one dvd player in my house other than my computer, which isn't good for watching movies tbh.

I don't care for fanboyism much and don't expect to argue with them, but I do tend to want to punch people in the face when they try to say "PS3/360 graphics are better than PS3/360 graphics". I own a Wii, and now people want to talk about graphics to me. >.>


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
It does, actually, let me quote the exact words that relate to it.

looks more like a '360 sucks' thread
And to why it looks like it, it's because we started a small discussion on which console we thought was better, and most of us liked the PS3 over the 360, simple as that.

Yeah what made me buy the PS3 was MGS4. Period.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2008
fort worth
this whole blog is fail; you claim on hating "fanboys".

sure he started with the whole "that piece of crap.." statment
but you could have just said "thats your opinion"
not f**king "it kicks the 360's *** anyday"
dumbf*ck hypocrite...


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
this whole blog is fail; you claim on hating "fanboys".

sure he started with the whole "that piece of crap.." statment
but you could have just said "thats your opinion"
not f**king "it kicks the 360's *** anyday"
dumbf*ck hypocrite...
Grow up. If someone attacks you then you're going to defend, I'm not the kind of person to weakly say "that's your opinion." That's for wusses who don't want to "offend" anyone. He strikes me first, I strike back. Easy as that.

And yes, I know I'm a vindictive *******. I also understand why I am that in terms of psychology, but I won't get into that for the sake of staying on-topic.

And go ahead and call me a hypocrite, but we all are at some level.
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