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Alberta Brawl PR[{(()[{}{}}}{December 13th, 2011]BETTER THAN BC{}{})){))))((8======3


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
>Feraligatr google images shenanigans earlier in this thread
>.4 Feraligatr - Arsenal

also mike maybe post the rest of the images and have that as an honorable mention or something so we can see those cool images in all their glory p.s brandons image LOL
there's a reason i was googling feraligatr in the first place .___.

you want me to upload all the images?

i'll probably make one for everyone, just 'cause =x

if you don't have an image yet, feel free to request a pokemon


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Brandon I know, I know, but there was just no way to compare that to anything, and then you didn't enter anything and placed poorly when you did.

Better Jake?
Yeah. Because it was my decision to arrive after work and miss an opportunity for a fair run through pools. That was my fault and mine alone.

And I can't take time off like I'd want to because I'm in my probationary period. I keep doing that just for the sake of playing video games and I'll lose this job. Kind of a shame that for as long as I've been around to play and pull off some decent wins or losses, of which have been against the likes of Kelvin and Mike beforehand (at the monthly where no money was involved, but whatever), I come back for the next monthly after WHOBO 3 and lose to Darren and suddenly I'm yesterday's news?


It honestly shouldn't be a big deal, but I really did take great pride in being a ranked player in Alberta, to be noticed no matter where I stood. Guess the Slowpoke pic kind of irked me in a sense. Like a taunting "Haha sucks to be you". Even if the irony because of who I play is clever.

I'm alone here in Spruce Grove now, in a terrible time when I can't take time off when I want (I got lucky with Genesis 2) because of how understaffed we are and doing so before my 3 months means there's a chance I'd get fired for "not being committed", and though making money is good, I have no one but myself to blame in the end. That's what frustrates me the most about this. I just don't want this waved in my face or anything, that's all.

lol don't mind me though. Just being stupid.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Brandon I am not blaming you for not coming, but I can't just rank you when you don't enter then get next to last place. I can't say much else.

Oh and come on, the picture was funny.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
PRs are jokes. Get at me. Not even the #1 in Alberta wants to be on it.
oh wait, Brawl is a joke srry


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I never said you blamed me. I blame myself because it doesn't matter what I do right now, I'm working and that gets in the way. There's nothing that can be done about that. The others are there to compete and I can't take away from what they've done. I can't take that from them nor do I want to.

I guess the other big thing is, well I don't know, it feels like I'm not taken seriously as a competitor or what I can do if I set my mind to it? Like when you (Luke) and Mike laughed about me saying I was gonna take the fight to RAIN and win (you don't go into a match thinking otherwise, otherwise you've lost already). I'm through bragging, and I love competition. That's why I love things like the PR and what they stand for; the encouragement that comes from it and rising over the others ranked there. Look at Alvin and how long he held that 4inAB tag in Brawl because he was proud of how well he does here.

Mike, I take this PR seriously because of the fact that it's a part of what drives me to be better. It doesn't matter if I'm on it or not at this point, I just don't like being taunted when I'm in a peculiar situation myself. I don't want to miss tournaments or hangouts. I want to be able to play like I used to and go to Smashfests, host like I used to, all that **** but I can't right now. It's all frustrating for me and getting Slowpoke waved in my face, or lol'd at for my notion of beating RAIN, doesn't make me feel any better.

Not much confidence to ride into Genesis 2 on, I'll tell you that much.


I'm not bored of this game. That's why I want to fight to be on this to represent a game that I love playing, to be recognized when I deserve it. And I will when the time is right.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Brandon I take you perfectly seriously in brawl.... But don't be upset that we don't take your notion of beating RAIN seriously. He's the best falco in Japan and one of the best in Japan overall. Falco is sonic's 1st or 2nd worst match-up. I feel sometimes you're over confident, and might take a little bit too much pride.

Pride is not a bad thing; I take great pride in my GaW, as it's most likely the best in Canada, but I am not gonna go and claim I am gonna beat Mikehaze at genesis, because marth ***** GaW and I know I am gonna have to bust out MK (he's gonna know that match-up) or falco (I suck so bad at this). The chances of me winning are really slim. The key it to dial down the pride or at least don't parade it.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
OH SHI-- What's the most pissed off looking Pokemon?


@ Luke

You had no real opinion of me taking the fight to Seibrik either, and what happened there? I took that match from him and took my loss to him like a man. I don't feel as though I'm overconfident either. Nothing's ever easy, but nothing's ever impossible either. I'm only disappointed when I'm not fighting at my best and make mistakes, lose for it. I did none of that at WHOBO 3. And even when facing some of the best in the States, win or lose, I wasn't disappointed at all.

RAIN is no exception. If I beat him it's because I gave it my all and it paid off. If I lose? I want it to be because I was trying my best and made no mistakes, just like against Illmatic, Logic, Nike, Infinity, you name them. I have no regrets if I'm just playing sharp.

I have to go into every match I play with the mentality of winning, no matter who it is. Do I set myself up for disappointment if I lose? Of course, but that's not going to get me down if I gave it my all.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
you've already lost if you go into a match thinking you're not gonna win?

i think you've already lost if you're relying on other people for your confidence, or if you let little things like a goddamn slowpoke get you down. if you need us to say "yes you can do it brandon!" in order for you to feel confident, then maybe you should work on drawing confidence from yourself and your own abilities instead of looking to draw it from the words of others. look at how often people say i'm free, or that i'm trash or w/e. i can assure you that has no effect on how confident i am going into a tournament or a match.

the slowpoke was a reference to the catchphrase of your character - nothing more. get over it -_-

this pr is not MADE to be taken as seriously as you are taking it. you have this misconstrued representation of what it is supposed to be in your head and it's messing with your emotions. a spot on this PR correlates to recognition, but does not equal it. you don't need to be on to be recognized.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
Look at it this way, kick Luke's *** and then have people laugh at him for losing to a guy who isnt on the pr


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Brandon, enough people on smashboards know who you are and think you are a great player. Lots of talk of you being a potential top5 sonic and such. No one is going to look at the AB PR; it's hidden deep within the regional boards of Canada, and no one is gonna give a ****.

EDIT: Mike is trash, I don't know where this confidence comes from. YOSHI'S GHOST PLATFORM CAN'T EVEN HELP HIM RECOVER!!!


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
you've already lost if you go into a match thinking you're not gonna win?

i think you've already lost if you're relying on other people for your confidence, or if you let little things like a goddamn slowpoke get you down. if you need us to say "yes you can do it brandon!" in order for you to feel confident, then maybe you should work on drawing confidence from yourself and your own abilities instead of looking to draw it from the words of others. look at how often people say i'm free, or that i'm trash or w/e. i can assure you that has no effect on how confident i am going into a tournament or a match.

the slowpoke was a reference to the catchphrase of your character - nothing more. get over it -_-

this pr is not MADE to be taken as seriously as you are taking it. you have this misconstrued representation of what it is supposed to be in your head and it's messing with your emotions. a spot on this PR correlates to recognition, but does not equal it. you don't need to be on to be recognized.
That's not it either. I don't need you guys babying me or going "GO BRANDON GO!" for me to succeed. I didn't ask for cheers or anything when going to WHOBO 3, did I? All it took was the encouraging words from one player while I was there and that carried me on, and that became my own confidence (I know that sounds like someone else's confidence to succeed but hear me out.) My mentality was the same as before, that I had to go in wanting to win no matter who I played, and I'd have no regrets and be proud of myself if I didn't make mistakes. When I told you guys of how I was doing and I got your support there? That just solidified that I was in the right state of mind all along and that I could keep going like this.

And you guys are awesome for that.

But seriously, it's just because of my situation. I'm stuck outside of Edmonton and don't get to control when I get days off for our tournaments or Smashfests like I used to. I'm stressed and losing focus, and in the end I'm taking out my frustrations on this thread when it's not necessary. The Slowpoke thing shouldn't get to me, you're right about that. Just let me have this and I'll be done, I promise. Sorry about all this.

Let's think realistically here though, in regards to this PR. Though we're small, we're a very strong community. And amongst many players, Power Rankings show who to look out for within certain locations. It's a motivator to get on it and step up your game. And face it, though you can get recognized otherwise? That's one of the big ones. That's why I feel that it's as important as it is.

To me, that's what it is. And I think there is nothing wrong with that. Telling me I'm wrong in the way I think of this PR is just closed-minded. I'm not gonna shoot down the way anybody else looks at rankings. That's their own thing and I gotta respect them for that.

I'm not sure what else to say here, and you guys can criticize me all you want, but it's just how I feel right now.

PS; It may differ for people, but in my opinion, going into a fight feeling that you'll lose? If that doesn't guarantee you failing it definitely handicaps you at least.


Actually, Luke, the only ones that talk about it are the Sonic players; the top 5 thing at least. And even then the likes of Trent or Meekspeedy are being looked at. Most people in there otherwise don't even know who the hell I am. lol

That and on YouTube someone watching Nike's channel asks if I'm like the best Sonic. When Espy's on the same channel... lol I'm a pretty dece player, but overhyped. And maybe I did that to myself, I don't know. I'm not exactly thinking straight right now.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
i can tell you you're wrong in the way you think of a PR because i see the way this PR is made. i'm not criticizing your view of PRs in general. i'm just saying what you think this PR is and what this PR actually is are two different things. and that's gonna cause problems.

anyways, last response to this from me.




Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
are you SURE brandon? :****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Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I thought that's what you actually intended to post... I was in the middle of deciphering it. O_o


After some extensive research, I have come to the conclusion that Mark did indeed **** that link up.
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