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Alaska(friend codes in first post)

adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
hey guys

my parents r getting a divorce and im moving to flordia with my mom in like 2 months or possibly sooner.so ill miss u guys.

P.S this is not a joke


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
what the ****...
dude adrian.. **** dude im sorry
ill ****in be missin you bro u better come visit sometime **** man and u better post here and play WoW on tichondrius with me and xanskarr
**** dude

also u gotta get in touch with all the pro smashers down there like dashizwiz and tell us how hard u get *****
also if dereks better than them
me too

inb4 dashizwiz ***** u


adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
i know it sucks i have to leave you all so soon on such quick notice,but i cant live with a bi-polar father anymore and i might be leaving as early as this friday. we should have a smash fest sometime this week before i leave cuz i might not be here next week.

0mg this **** sucks!

at least theres smash in flordia, and ill get to play shiz, xelic, lambchops,colbol, ect... lol

if my dad agrees to marrige councling then ill be moving back up here so i cant really say the move is permanent yet.

you guys lose me but at least u get rina lol


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
ok i know i have something to do for the remainder of today and also i just got up, so todays not an option
for tomorrow, i feel like theres something i need to do but i dont remember what
if there ends up being nothing, ill call up derek, xan, tomo/ whoever for ur fest adrian
sucks that rina isnt up here yet and mike is gone
and *****s like riggamortis, capt. alaska and TCP quit..


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
unfortunately i just got up as well
but ****, seriously? **** man, everyone's leaving this sucks


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
well why don't you guys do something about it then? start getting more competetive and put together more tourneys and events. Thats the only way to get better, you guys can't keep playing each other at smashfests and hope to get better that way, you need to expand your scope of players to you can really play diffrent styles and skill levles.

You are only as good as your competition, but seriously, if one person is waaay better then the rest of you thats shows that you guys dont really have many people to compete with. I've been thinking about this for awhile now, and I dunno I just wanted to expess my opinion about this so bear with me, lol.

Let's say Rina goes back up there and arranges more tourneys (I'll just use smash for example, SF4 and the rest might be diffrent becasue I know you guys dont really play those games). People who never really went to tourneys before, or people who want to start going, or people who never really became familiar with the"Smash Community" up there would start to go. At first yeah of course you guys would prolly take the top spots, but maybe someone you never knew before might have a few upset victories. Thats really good, someone to look at besides your friends for competiton. This might motivate you to look up their character or their particular style on smashboards or what not, learn stuff about them, then come back the next following tourney with a game plan in case you play them. That by itself if one way you guys can level up.

Even with your own friends and people you play with all the time you can level up. If there are more tourneys let's say you have a friend who uses a character you have a bad match up with. Generaly in friendlies or in smashfests you lose more then you win against them. Well in tourney you need the win, so you'll try everything in your power to learn the match up and try to turn the tides in your favor, you come in and beat the friend or you lose, which gets you wanting to train more, or when your opponent loses they will think "****, I thought I had the advantage, I usually win. . . .I better see what I can do next time I come across this situation." and he will start to train and try to level up.

Those are just instances the might happen if more tourneys happen up there. For me as a competetive player these are proven ways to improve the community and general skill level of a region (I'm a TO, so I see it happen more then others).

Of course living in SoCal is a huge advantage by itself, the best of the best here are usualy the highest level of competition in the country. And personaly I have it so good with who I play with, I play SF4 at AI and play with people like Ed Ma, Alex Valle ect. Playing blazblue at Denjin training with Bang Camaro and Mike. Z (Who im learning my tager from), Smashing with the best players on a regular basis (DSF, Tyrant, JonT, DEHF ect.) I mean it is a lot easier to get better down here, but don't let that make you think you can never reach the level of a region of something like SoCal.

We get good here by playing each other and trying to get better then the other guy. There is no "God Of Smash, or God of Gaming" down here, it's always a heated battle between players that gets our level as a region even higher, and i know you guys up ther are more then capable of that. The best players from SF4 here used to be 3s scrubs (cept. Valle) who looked up to top players and were convinced they were the Gods of SF. Well they took it upon themselfs to get better and improve themselfs when it came to SF4, they didnt let something so small as someone being a pro from the previous game get them down. Eventually the old pros couldnt even keep up with them, and now they show everyone that even how bad or scrubby you were back then, if you work at it you'll get there.

I dunno this is just an opinion from someone on the other side of the country, but u seem like cool guys who just enjoy playing the game. I just wanted to say some things, lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
give me a tl;dr version pls
oh yeah and i just got the hookshot in ocarina of time, **** yeah

edit again: fairy bowwwww
now im stuck in 2/4 miniboss poes dead QQ


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
didnt read all of that wall of text, but
we have tried having our own tournaments and advertising when no on else did, and the same people always showed up, and those people gradually became less and less. it seems no one has the willpower, reason or want to get as good/better than the people who play up here.
as for the god of ___ part, you wouldn't really understand until you had met lunaris, and thats all im going to say about it. But, there are and always have been a select few who can hold their own against him, however yes he is better. Maybe this is because he is about 6 years older than me and 3-4 for the otheres, or maybe its because he invented the term SHFFLing, or maybe its because hes been competetive at the game since 2002.
Whatever the reason, theres no really trumping him.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
well if you guys are really contempt with your level up there I guess there's nothing I can really say.

But about you feeling hopeless against your best player, I really hate to use this example but. .

mango is as of right now 17 years old, He first started to go to tourneys in 06, which made him 13-14 when he started. Back then he was still learning but with hard work he beat people 5-8 years older then him who have been playing the game for YEARS, who had larger amount of experience he had. Is he a genius who found his game? No. Mango worked hard at it, he wanted it, he leveled up til he was happy with how good he got, he practiced everyday and wanted to get better then people better then him before. WIth hard work you can beat ANYONE and become better.

Just cause someone invented a AT (As in ur case SHFF) doesn't mean they are the best at it, though I dont know the guy I'm pretty sure I know people way more tech skilled and generally better at the game then he is (There were some stories Hugs and DSF told me about when alaska came down. . . lol , i'll save those for later).

like I said I dunno the guy so I may be talking out of my ***, but no one is THAT good (Especially with what I've been told by other smashers when the guy came down). No offense to him BTW, its awesome someone can be that good up there.

But what Im really wanting to see is for you guys to step it up for yourselfs. Something I don't wanna see is Rina moving back up there to expecting to get better, start playing with you guys, then get into the whole "We have a god player and we are all under him." mentality. There is no room for growth in that environment. And when she think she's gotten "Good" and comes back down here only to find out she still cuts it too short in smash or w/e game, it's gonna hurt.

I'm just saying don't feel so hopeless, it's depressing. And if you really feel that way about yourself theres really nothing I can do.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
yeah, they aren't embarrassing stories, but non the less they are stories. ur good man, i'm not gonna doubt that, lol.

can't wait to get up there and see the difference between Alaska and SoCal in SF4 and BB (Not melee, I suck at that. . . )

its gonna be fun. . .


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
xanskar, where are you

need to do 2s to get my rating for furious gear


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
hey guys

my parents r getting a divorce and im moving to flordia with my mom in like 2 months or possibly sooner.so ill miss u guys.

P.S this is not a joke
ADRIAN WTF?!?!??!?!?! i leave to ****ing europe and ur gone? no worries ill be back by friday afternoon.

i know it sucks i have to leave you all so soon on such quick notice,but i cant live with a bi-polar father anymore and i might be leaving as early as this friday. we should have a smash fest sometime this week before i leave cuz i might not be here next week.

0mg this **** sucks!

at least theres smash in flordia, and ill get to play shiz, xelic, lambchops,colbol, ect... lol

if my dad agrees to marrige councling then ill be moving back up here so i cant really say the move is permanent yet.

you guys lose me but at least u get rina lol
we're trading you for Rina? what a ****ing ripoff, why cant we get both like a 2 for 1 deal?

ive devised a scheme, live in the UAA dorms, there, done, now adrian can smash with us for the next 4 years.

unfortunately i just got up as well
but ****, seriously? **** man, everyone's leaving this sucks
I'm gonna revive Alaska Competitive Gaming *****es! There are big things in the works ;)
dereks gonna win all of them, any tournament u start might as well be renamed to "come give derek 100 dollars"

alaska was never competitive
at least not compared to the lower states
qouted for truth

well why don't you guys do something about it then? start getting more competetive and put together more tourneys and events. Thats the only way to get better, you guys can't keep playing each other at smashfests and hope to get better that way, you need to expand your scope of players to you can really play diffrent styles and skill levles.

You are only as good as your competition, but seriously, if one person is waaay better then the rest of you thats shows that you guys dont really have many people to compete with. I've been thinking about this for awhile now, and I dunno I just wanted to expess my opinion about this so bear with me, lol.

Let's say Rina goes back up there and arranges more tourneys (I'll just use smash for example, SF4 and the rest might be diffrent becasue I know you guys dont really play those games). People who never really went to tourneys before, or people who want to start going, or people who never really became familiar with the"Smash Community" up there would start to go. At first yeah of course you guys would prolly take the top spots, but maybe someone you never knew before might have a few upset victories. Thats really good, someone to look at besides your friends for competiton. This might motivate you to look up their character or their particular style on smashboards or what not, learn stuff about them, then come back the next following tourney with a game plan in case you play them. That by itself if one way you guys can level up.

Even with your own friends and people you play with all the time you can level up. If there are more tourneys let's say you have a friend who uses a character you have a bad match up with. Generaly in friendlies or in smashfests you lose more then you win against them. Well in tourney you need the win, so you'll try everything in your power to learn the match up and try to turn the tides in your favor, you come in and beat the friend or you lose, which gets you wanting to train more, or when your opponent loses they will think "****, I thought I had the advantage, I usually win. . . .I better see what I can do next time I come across this situation." and he will start to train and try to level up.

Those are just instances the might happen if more tourneys happen up there. For me as a competetive player these are proven ways to improve the community and general skill level of a region (I'm a TO, so I see it happen more then others).

Of course living in SoCal is a huge advantage by itself, the best of the best here are usualy the highest level of competition in the country. And personaly I have it so good with who I play with, I play SF4 at AI and play with people like Ed Ma, Alex Valle ect. Playing blazblue at Denjin training with Bang Camaro and Mike. Z (Who im learning my tager from), Smashing with the best players on a regular basis (DSF, Tyrant, JonT, DEHF ect.) I mean it is a lot easier to get better down here, but don't let that make you think you can never reach the level of a region of something like SoCal.

We get good here by playing each other and trying to get better then the other guy. There is no "God Of Smash, or God of Gaming" down here, it's always a heated battle between players that gets our level as a region even higher, and i know you guys up ther are more then capable of that. The best players from SF4 here used to be 3s scrubs (cept. Valle) who looked up to top players and were convinced they were the Gods of SF. Well they took it upon themselfs to get better and improve themselfs when it came to SF4, they didnt let something so small as someone being a pro from the previous game get them down. Eventually the old pros couldnt even keep up with them, and now they show everyone that even how bad or scrubby you were back then, if you work at it you'll get there.

I dunno this is just an opinion from someone on the other side of the country, but u seem like cool guys who just enjoy playing the game. I just wanted to say some things, lol.

i ran a 25 FL last night
how many towerz?


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
addendums to that, Adrian and me have been smashing for like ever, seriously who the hell is gonna be my teams partner now? i cant read anyone elses mind here! he's like a war buddy, grrrrrraaaaaa!!!!!! why didnt u tell us sooner?!?!?!?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
0 towers, just wanted to get badges for my alt

also jason, you missed the algalon event in dalaran


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Well, I want to make tournaments more than a "come give Derek 100 dollars" or whatever, I want to have something where people keep coming for the community. At SoCal tournaments, people are used to the fact that their money will probably go to DSF or Fiction or Tyrant, but they still come because of the experience. Competitive gaming has to be about more than just the competition itself. I already have interest from a couple of people in coming to Alaska and I got a lot of motivation from talking to the EVO staff. I know that realistically we cannot recreate the smash experience of somewhere like SoCal because of the simple fact of where we are located, but I am planning something quite big for early winter that will hopefully redefine Alaska gaming. The only glaring issue right now is ensuring enough pot money to get the hype spread to lower 48, but I am also interested in figuring out some sort of sponsorship thing like a small-scale MLG. xD Before you say this is too ambitious or I can't pull it off, consider that I did start Senshi-Con by myself in high school back when Alaska had no such thing as anime conventions. You can also expect Smash/Street Fighter/Guilty Gear fests and perhaps we can try to save money to travel to EVO next year, because every fighting gamer needs that experience at least once in their lifetime.



Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
You can also expect Smash/Street Fighter/Guilty Gear fests and perhaps we can try to save money to travel to EVO next year, because every fighting gamer needs that experience at least once in their lifetime.
smash isnt a fighting game !!!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
algalon was cool

the sky turned all dark when snocone turned in the quest item

then rhonin said our lives were worth living

i've never been so moved by a video game.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Well, I want to make tournaments more than a "come give Derek 100 dollars" or whatever, I want to have something where people keep coming for the community. At SoCal tournaments, people are used to the fact that their money will probably go to DSF or Fiction or Tyrant, but they still come because of the experience. Competitive gaming has to be about more than just the competition itself. I already have interest from a couple of people in coming to Alaska and I got a lot of motivation from talking to the EVO staff. I know that realistically we cannot recreate the smash experience of somewhere like SoCal because of the simple fact of where we are located, but I am planning something quite big for early winter that will hopefully redefine Alaska gaming. The only glaring issue right now is ensuring enough pot money to get the hype spread to lower 48, but I am also interested in figuring out some sort of sponsorship thing like a small-scale MLG. xD Before you say this is too ambitious or I can't pull it off, consider that I did start Senshi-Con by myself in high school back when Alaska had no such thing as anime conventions. You can also expect Smash/Street Fighter/Guilty Gear fests and perhaps we can try to save money to travel to EVO next year, because every fighting gamer needs that experience at least once in their lifetime.

wrong, i took the time and read all of that. and imo, if we want the experience, why not just have regular smashfests? if we want a real competitve gaming experience we can always fly down there and play with the "real pros". but i can understand the part where we try to expand out community, what with adrian gone, we're down a comrade, and i have a few people at UAA who is interesed in competitve smash. cuz im really getting tired of going over there and beating them at the majority of games, the only play i find challenges now is when i face you guys or online. there i responded with my own long post.

but most of us do play fighting games like Street Fighter

no johns
smash is the only fighting game i play, and according to jason its not a fighting game, so i dont play fighting games.

algalon was cool

the sky turned all dark when snocone turned in the quest item

then rhonin said our lives were worth living

i've never been so moved by a video game.
i wouldve cried. i cried when grom hellscream died in W3


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
i stand by my statement of snocone

water temple down, i hate that place
now i need to get the eye of truth but i cant remember how to open the well


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
k got the lens of truth and the hover boots but now im stuck on a part with a ship in the shadow temple

oh well ill beat it tomorrow
fang you're wrong kthx


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
we're havin one tuesday bro. Rina's gonna be back, also, you should face rina, she's umm... whats the word... proficient? anyways, it'll be a good game. check it
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