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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
1. Pikachu
2. Kirby
3. Ness

4. Fox
5. Captain Falcon

6. Jigglypuff
7. Mario
8. Yoshi

9. Luigi
10. Donkey Kong

11. Samus
12. Link


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Link kicks ***. Why? He kicks *** by virtue of being a knight. Knights, as we all know from history class, kicked ***. They came in hordes, rode horses, and slashed people up good. Link does all those, and more. What killed knights? Longbowmen. Longbowmen were little crappers that had the annoying ability to shoot arrows right through the thickest of armor. Imagine rushing at the enemy, resplendent in your ***-kicking armor, and then the guy next to you falls down. Then, another flash of movement and there's an arrow through your chest. It went through your armor like it was paper. Those ****ed archers and their ***-kicking bows. While you're bleeding there, you realize that your ***-kicking was not superior to theirs, and if you had a bow of some sort you may have had superior ***-kickingness and then blazed through those little archer-men like they were nothing. Link, however, is like an Archer-knight. He's got a sword, arrows, and a shield. He doesn't have that crappy armor that barely lets you move, he just carries a shield and then pwnz stuff hard. All his junk kicks *** too. He's got an Ocarina. The name Ocarina just kicks ***. But this isn't any Ocarina, its an Ocarina of Time. He can friggin travel through time with it, and he can do all sorts of cool stuff. He controls the planets rotation, changing day to night and vice-versa. This Ocarina kicks ***. He has the help of faeries. In the rare event that he falls, they revive him. So you're all like, "YEAH! I killed him, and overcame his ***-kicking power!" and then he comes to life and then kills you, because he just kicks that much ***. His arrows aren't just regular arrows, they're all sorts of crap. They can be infused with fire and never burn up, they can freeze people, and they can even vanquish evil with a few well-place shots. Not just that, but his bow-and-arrow isn't just a BAA, its a friggin missile launcher. THOSE ARROWS CAN CARRY FRIGGIN BOMBS! So this guy has the equivalent of a freeze-ray, a flamethrower, a gun-of-holiness, and some sort of rocket launcher. Just with his friggin arrows. Therefore, he must kick ***. Lots and lots of ***. But it doesn't stop there. His shield kicks ***. It doesn't just defend him, it absorbs magic and THROWS IT BACK AT THE ENEMY. What the hell kind of attack is gonna get through that? You're all like, "Feel the wrath of my Hadoken-style magic beam of deathness, Elfie!" and then he catches it and flings it back at you. Then you die. His shield kicks ***, but so does his sword. Not only is it a sword, but its a special sword. If Link isn't hurt, IT SHOOTS FRIGGIN LASER BEAMS. He has a sword that SHOOTS LASER BEAMS. I'm going to say it again, the sword SHOOTS LASER BEAMS! You're all like, "w00t! I'm 20 feet away and running faster than Link! I may not kill him, but he won't kill me!" Then he shoots you. Not with an arrow, which is cool but expected, but he shoots you with his sword. With his laser-beam firing sword. He also uses magic. Invincibility-inducing magic. Teleportation magic. ***-kicking fire magic. His sword charges with magic and shoots it outwards in a circle around him. So Link is like Samus, nearing the ***-kicking threshold. But he already has a hat. Unfortunately, he has a very hard time of taking the ***-Kicking Beam of Light form, whilst Samus just puts a funny hat on top of her helmet. That is his one weakness.

man i love this essay

it fits in so well with how we've been talking lately


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Fang, that wasn't me saying that. It was a quote from the interbutts, as evidenced by the quotation marks around it.

And actually, I'm 22 today ;P


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Fang, that wasn't me saying that. It was a quote from the interbutts, as evidenced by the quotation marks around it.

And actually, I'm 22 today ;P
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, you and your ability to buy beer... i dream of a time that one day, i will be able to buy beer, where i can walk into a bar and order a Blackberry Vodka Collins, a day where i can pop open a cool refreshing sam dams boston lager after an awesome steak for dinner, I dream that ONE DAY i will be able to purchase a keg and drink the majority of it later that night... and here i am stuck having to sneak around to parties and such. GAH!


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Hey guys, why do they call it the Xbox 360?

Because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees and walk away!
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