for those of you wondering about the slowness/non technicalness of the game. check out these threads.
orr i've summed it up below..
Movement techs.
^some kind of fox trot dash dance
^not too advanced, but will be beneficial to characters with good bairs. (better bairs than fairs or nairs)
was possible in melee but in melee your momentum was slowed down alot more.
IC's desynch is back, albeit done differently, apparently (which pretty much confirms that I will be playing them)
Falco's SHL is back, in fact he can SHDL.. but its nerfed heavily. (it was kind of a broken tech anyway right?) you can't fastfall it nor can you move forward or backward while shooting. (you can just beforehand though)
Luigi's taunt does damage again, and its much stronger
however, it has set knockback and will never kill, most likely. not sure if its a meteor smash
Jump-Cancel grabs is now replaced by Shield Cancel Grabs.
you can missle cancel still.
and you probably knw it by now, but the game has made it really easy to grab the edge, for edge hogging
as you've seen you magnetise to the edge pretty much if you're anywhere near it. it seems like you can grab the edge during any frame of any move. this could lead to some crazy edge stalls and mindgames. also it seems any character can grab the edge from the back as well.
Then there's all this talk about Ink Dropping, which they're still trying to figure out apparently...but there is a way to dash past your opponent and immediately turn around and grab.
but people are saying the whole ink dropping thing is really not the big deal. in fact it is what they are calling Braking, which is a nother move their trying to figure out
somehow mario comes to a complete stop and attacks. no CC or anything.
also, you've probably heard of "hugging" Gimpy and them do it alot in their videos. Basically you can just walk or dash right off the edge and immediately grab the ledge. most likely related to the "magnetizing" effect of the ledge that i mentioned earlier. Will probably replace the old method of reverse wavedashing onto the ledge for edge hogs. You can also roll off the edge to do this.
Guys they've figured all this out in a matter of a couple of months or less. imagine what they will find in a year. Much less like 5 years.
I think people are just expecting "Melee 2.0" so much they find themselves unimpressed with the game. It's just different.
One thing I find depressing, however, is apparently there is "host advantage" in online play. I'm not sure what extent.