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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2009
Phenix City, AL
Raf, had fun at the smash fest Friday night. I hope we can do it more often.
We definitely should! We just need 1 more wii, so we can get more matches in.

I'm playing R.O.B. in tournament matches at AUSOM.
I'm excited to see this!

janitor laets play tommorow ok? i have an essay due tonight.
ill text you and **** when i can play.
I get off work around 3:00. Hit me up and i'll play with yall.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
Butthole, B'ham, Bama
Hey Cheap.

How was getting out of your car this morning?
Did the ice cream cone make it better?

I jokis

edit: I want to play some more smash, though I fear wifi is my only hope for now. Anyone?


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
Butthole, B'ham, Bama
Anthropology. 4 views on if it's right for them to intervene or not. Which boils down to imposing one's morals on other people. Different culture, different morals, but where is the line? If indeed there is one...

Maybe I should've gotten another topic hahaha


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
It doesn't sound like youre being asked to find anything 'factual'. The word "views" implies that you just need to find opinions/criticisms on the topic.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
16 year olds' live journals are the most credible source available


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Morals usually tend to deal with laws. Weed deals with the law. Weed is a moral <3

I love lnui logic x3


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
we don't "need" morals, per se

if our goal is a development and survival of a society, we need rules that work towards this end.

"good" and "bad" is subjective, and many "moral" questions are arbitrary

and the only ones are not can more accurately be talked about in terms of "does this action benefit me or my society", rather than "is this a good or bad thing to do"

like in our society, cannibalism is considered immoral. in some other tribal societies, however, it is an honor to be cannibalized in certain circumstances.

some people think weed is a moral issue. that's one of the major reasons marijuana remains illegal (among several other reasons), is because of the widespread moral objection to it.
even though tons of money is wasted on drug litigation, and smoking weed doesn't kill you, and harms you less than many things that ARE legal (like double cheeseburgers and cigarettes)

but then that begs the question of why does there need to be a law against me doing something that harms myself? why do you care?

[/ex-philosophy/ethics major]


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2010
NC; get at me.

Funny how so many Al convos turn into opinions on weed.

I have an even more lame subject we could talk about...

Lucario mains are campy *****es.

Falco is broken...sidedodge, jab, combo into grab, combo into grab, combo into meteor smash.

Snake's disjointed hitboxes, tilts, and high priority doesn't mean he's broken...just unbalanced :p

I like Pit 'cause I'm a girl.

MK should not be banned, I like his spinny thingy and it's kinda useful when beasting through projectiles...Wolf's going down holmes.

What is more lame than reading the same crap over and over? Me posting about the game
which you just lost btw.

hehe, suckas.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
Hey Cheap.

How was getting out of your car this morning?
Did the ice cream cone make it better?

I jokis

edit: I want to play some more smash, though I fear wifi is my only hope for now. Anyone?
how....how do you know these things? If you are spying on me, we should smash sometime.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i dont think weed should be legal i dont think many people are ready for that.
it is dangerous in excess and is psychologically addictive... which is basically the only kind of addictive that really matter. i can recall like a couple times ive gone so long without smoking a cig to where i have a nic fit but almost 100 percent of the time i have one before i actually NEED one so i am giving into pyschological addiction.

its very very easy to become dependant on weed. espicially if its legal. and not to mention im sure companys will hype it up to be this thing that makes you smarter/cooler and tell you that it helps you see through thing etc. etc. it already is and its illegal.

btw it doesnt.

i was way more adicted to weed than cigs and i have been smoking cigs for like 4 years. i quit ciggerettes because it wasnt enjoyable to smoke them while i was high. but then i stoped smoking so much and now i smoke cigs. blah blah anyways i have seen all my friends fall waaaaaaay harder than me. i actually am by a long shot the most controled and least vulnerable person in every druggie circle of friends i have ever been in. and even i got very very addicted for a while.

blah blah but honestly i hate it when stoners say that weed should be legal. im like "cant you tell that this isnt making your life better and you are wayyy too dependant to normally function?" they just want other people to be as "chill" as they are or w/e but honestly that gets VERY old after a little while if you have half of a brain.

and i was trolling about the morals things although i do agree with janitor that we live in a nation of control obssesed creepers. americans in general are.

why am i talking about this? i dont know dont ask me i kind of felt like it. i am a rational person despite popular beilefs around here.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i just dont see why there are no stoners speaking out against weeds legalization. i know i would be. but i think they just arent concerned about the public and are just far more concerned about not having to chance getting arrested and wanting to change society so they can fit in better.

both are dumb and selfish ideas.
most stoners are dumb

the only reason why this is still a debate is because of a lack of experiance with the drug on the opposed side so they somewhat believe the teenage hype engine fueling these horrible ideas.

X the Derp

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2008
Anyway.... who got first at Siege? I didn't see it if it was posted among the results for people we know that went.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I like T1J about 20% more now, that puts him like top three on my tier list.

There isn't anything worse about weed than cigarettes and certainly alcohol. In fact I think booze is far worse than weed on a couple of different levels. Don't forget a long time ago in a galaxy far far away Alcohol WAS illegal, and the country just went into distributing it anyways illegally in many clever different ways. So that didn't last.

People are going to do what they want to do, and there is a lot of **** in this world to use for harming yourself or others. If a person doesn't smoke weed, they can just be an alcoholic and ruin their lives with that instead. Or, they can partake of both with responsible moderation and be fine.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
i'm not a stoner
but the reason i think weed should be legal has nothing to do with how it makes you feel.

if you get addicted PYSCHOLOGICALLY to anything, you have psychological issues, its not the thing itself.

no offense :)

people get psychologically addicted to anything like sex, or porn, or WoW. these are personal issues and have nothing to do with the thing itself.

at the very least marijuana possession should be decriminalized for the simple fact that states spend WAYYYY too much money prosecuting 17 year old stoners on a victimless crime because of some archaic notion of a 'war on drugs'.

just like with alcohol, personal responsibility comes into play. alcohol is potentially worse than any illegal drug on the market. if you have too much alcohol, you will DIE. in a matter of hours.

but its personal responsibility.
nothing should EVER be made illegal simply because "it can hurt the person who uses it, who is fully aware of its effects". especially in the case, where practical, common use, causes this 'hurt' to be negligible or nonexistent. (this is why i am still in favor of things like crack and heroine being illegal, because even with standard common use, the bad seems to far outweigh the good)

but the thing is, weed doesn't even really fall into that category lol

X the Derp

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2008
Well Her-chan, that either makes you gay or a girl, both concerning many, many blowjobs.

Which is it?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
Initial NBA Jam impressions: Who the **** are these players? Oh wait, did I just unlock Dennis Rodman? Sweet.

The game feels ridiculously different from TE on SNES. The players are either bigger or the court is smaller.

No customizable controls. No GC controller support? Classic controller is all right. R buttons do nothing. It's actually a 5-button game instead of 3 now, which is weird. They actually have jump/shoot and steal/juke bound to the y & x axes of the right stick; it actually works really well considering I laughed at it at first.

Shoving got nerfed hard. It's slow to come out, there's like a whole second of lag on it, you can't lock people on the ground with it, players can pass on the ground after being knocked down if they held onto the ball, you can't shove on offense when you don't have the ball, and you can't shove shooting or dunking players. That said, it's still really good.

Stealing is good. It takes about a quarter of the time it takes to shove, a player with a decent steal rating seems to be successful pretty often. It works on pump fakes, and can actually recover in time against some shots to block.

Blocking is broken and really easy. It's even pretty good against dunks. Just watch for the pump fakes. On the other hand, a player that's on fire with a good block rating will actually let dunks get by him occasionally, and it's not as easy to abuse lack of goal tending while on fire. Alley-Oops also beat that tactic anyway.

Crossovers and spin moves will be the determining factor in a good player and a bad player. Crossup beats steal, spin beats shove. They lose to the other. Crossups and spins at the right time give easy open paths to the basket. Reading what your oppent is going to do basically gives you a turn over or free points.

Someone MM me at this at AUSOM.
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