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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
so olimar is the gayest thing ever.
regardless of skill level ALL olimar mains enjoy at least a reasonable amount of succes simply due to the fact that NO ONE can learn how to fight against that dumb character.
i am convinced it is an impossibility. cuz he is just that stupid.

he needs to be a stupid top tier...
im so sick of him...

i hate marths and olimars. marths just because of the matchup. so its not a really justifiable hatred. but olimar... is just too dumb. and it pains me to see so many people maining him. its too ****ing easy to win.
I don't mind playing against olimars...bwahahaha....
except for dangr


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
its not really because its metaknight, its because metaknight ***** olimar. much worse than he ***** most other characters

if olimar is ever in the air, mk can basically upair forever..and obv he gimps olimar anytime he's remotely on the side of the level

i dont understand the peach vs. olimar matchup. or the sheik vs olimar matchup. i play peach and sheik, but i can't comprehend how they beat olimar


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
Butthole, B'ham, Bama
I'm hopefully going to LS, if I make a 3 or higher on my AP Chem test, then thats definate, of course im getting my own rides, but I hope to see you guys there!
Also I'm partially convinced my Lucas DI is garbage, and i'm having trouble with smash DI as well.
After studying it last night I Smash/Tap DI'd > Wall tech out of a luigi dtaunt spike on BF.
Too fun even, if I never use it.


Apr 10, 2008
its not really because its metaknight, its because metaknight ***** olimar. much worse than he ***** most other characters

if olimar is ever in the air, mk can basically upair forever..and obv he gimps olimar anytime he's remotely on the side of the level

i dont understand the peach vs. olimar matchup. or the sheik vs olimar matchup. i play peach and sheik, but i can't comprehend how they beat olimar

The main crux that both Peach and Sheik share is that they've got quick, more-longer-lasting-than-usual attacks that don't have much landing lag, great shield advantage with these attacks, and they're easier to use to eat through Oli's pikmin attacks. This makes it really easy for them to attack Olimar with an aerial AND jab before he can retaliate with anything out of shield- including shieldgrabbing, which ties with a shield dropped jab for his fastest option out of shield (11 frames and no grab armor as opposed to the regular 6 or 7 frame grab, correct me if I'm wrong). Peach has her 2 frame jab that interrupts everything Olimar does up close and sheik has her infinite jab that prevents any shieldgrabbing. (Most characters can either shieldgrab the first hit of her jab or just DI out of the jabs and use a quick dtilt or something. Olimar has neither option really.)

One may ask why the Oli player couldn't just shield both the aerial and the full jab combo, and then shieldgrab. Technically he can. Some Oli players do that. I don't like it because of the various safe, mixup options these two have after the aerial. The opponent doesn't have to use their jab all the time. They've got other options. THIS is the MAJOR, MAJOR thing people MUST realize if want to beat Oli players with one of these characters. They've got to be good at mixing it up too. When they do that, it's a nightmare.

Ex. Let's look at some frame data. Oli's quickest option out of shield takes 11 frames to do. (11 for his grab, and for his jab out of shield it's 7 for shield drop+ 4 for jab=11 as well) That's ridiculous. Peach's fair, when autocanceled, has a shield advantage of -2. This means that she can fair and do one of many things before Olimar can do squat out of his shield: jab(2 frames), spotdodge(2 frames), roll forward(4), roll backward(5- Cheap correct if I'm wrong. I believe it's 5), dsmash(6), ftilt(6).

If she uses her nair (-7 shield advantage) she can do all of those above except roll backwards or use any tilts or smashes. This isn't even to mention jab canceling into a grab, which for Oli is pretty hard to defend against. She's also got a bair and upair has a frame advantage of -6, so they're even better than her nair against Oli's shield, and I think her dair is -7 or 8. One of the two, so it's not as good.

Ok, so they can use an aerial, land on his shield, and do something to Oli before he can retaliate. So what?

It's not just that. They also both have at least one long lasting aerial that goes through the pikmin. Peach has bair, nair, and fair, and Sheik has nair. This helps combat against Oli's pikmin attacks.

Ex. You're Sheik and you're trying to approach. You anticipate that if you short hop at Olimar, he may run and upsmash from underneath, space an fsmash, or just shield. A short hopped nair covers all of those options. Nair will eat through the pikmin in the upsmash (as will pretty much every other attack), you don't really have to time the nair to hit the pikmin because it's long lasting, your nair will eat through any other smash attack including fsmash, and Olimar can't shieldgrab nair because of her many mixups afterwards- including infinite jabbing.

This is just one of the many reasons I feel Sheik and Peach do well versus Olimar. They've both got some other things including great edgeguarding, reliable retreating options, and some good approaching options. Neither has a huge advantage, but it's moreso than most. Most people I play against that use one of these characters don't know how to use what they've got against Oli. These are advantages that are pretty unique and specific against Oli, so I'm not so surprised.

edit: umm... that looks confusing.
tl;dr- nair->jabs > shieldgrabbing


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
Yes, peach's d-smash does come out extremely fast, and not only hits olimar's shield, but pokes through it and throws him and his pikmin about. Also, a down-smash will kill ALL pikmin on Peach. That, jab, and roll away are the only viable options out of an aerial. F-tilt just leave peach too open, and even jabs can sometimes.

BTW, I can't really confirm many peach techniques or frame data etc. I honestly don't play much brawl except for the 2 tournies I went to and the two times George, Nu and others came over. (Don't expect me to know things lol)


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i dont kow technical talk.
i am more of a visual learner lol.

i could never read into that stuff.
i just watch ALOT of videos.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
Butthole, B'ham, Bama
60 fps right?
Knowing frames just seems like it's not 100% need to know to be better, I mean ya knowing when to use certain moves to to anothers lagtime helps, but not to the fact of exact frames.
I'll know if I miss something by a couple of frames but that seems as good as it could get for me. To know frames exactly doesn't seem like it would help me.

I'm like SLAM, I like videos.


Apr 10, 2008
yeah 60.
Because of frame data, I now know that it's impossible for Olimar to shieldgrab MK's dtilt used in succession. >_> But if I drop my shield and press "R" again and powershield the dtilt, I'm able to drop my shield (0 frames instead of 7) and use any smash attack. All the little things help.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
I just use trial and error to see what works lol. I suppose frame data could help though =p

Also, i can for sure not go to last smash, but maybe game-galaxy if anyone is going...


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
yeah 60.
Because of frame data, I now know that it's impossible for Olimar to shieldgrab MK's dtilt used in succession. >_> But if I drop my shield and press "R" again and powershield the dtilt, I'm able to drop my shield (0 frames instead of 7) and use any smash attack. All the little things help.
i know you cant shiled grab MK's dtilt :D
eventually if i want to become a great player i will need all the help i can get though.
for now, im still learning. there is always something new to learn.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
Yes...that was quite painful.

In other news, I am succeeding in convincing my parents in letting me go to game galaxy, but do not yet have permission. Who all is going anyways? I heard there will be Brawl AND MELEE =D =D =D


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
Yes...that was quite painful.

In other news, I am succeeding in convincing my parents in letting me go to game galaxy, but do not yet have permission. Who all is going anyways? I heard there will be Brawl AND MELEE =D =D =D
Game Galaxy was three weeks ago. Has another one already been announced?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2008
Sure. AIM me when you're ready.

And joot... sorry I missed the IMs yesterday. For some reason, pgrew bought Mario Party 5 and 7. We played two rounds of Mario Party, which took forevvvvvver.
****ing mario party games take ****ing forever.

And then somebody lands on a chance space and takes all my stars.

**** that game.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i got a warning for double posting -_-

t1j wanna go on a mod rant again? please?

lol i use may in GG.
im a tier ***** sometimes in that game.
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