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Adventure Time Mafia | Game Over: Aren't You Cold...?

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
Apologies for the delay, I was busy being good.

RF has some scumminess, but my main gripe with him is that a lot of people have town reads on him, and he wants them to. Something's not right with that.
Well, with people as dumb as you in this game, town needs a hero.

I believe in RF.

Me neither, Bardull :[The fact that I have a not-scumread on OS
So you're scum and think he may be indie? Interesting.

They're honestly on an even petastol right now mang and whatever way the petastol leans is the way I'm cool with going if Overswarm is getting heat cool cuz he's scummy as fuhh and SOME townies realize this but if Kosha gets heat cool cuz he's fuhh and SOME townies realize this.
Hilarious, this must be a typo.

Whatd you drink homie? Like, I've never drank but like all I know is I had like five cups all 1/3 of scotch 2/3 of orange soda, in like red plastic cups and I'm pretty freakin drunk.

What happened to the Kosha Boy lynch? No one has answered me on the reasoning for it, but I assume it had something going for it, in which case a movement to OS on Swiss' reasoning is a poor choice. Which he's aware of.
Well, moving lynches based on Swiss' choice, historically, has been a very good idea. I could give examples, but I'm sure he'll give them himself.

He just came in, buddied Nabe/Asdioh because they weren't on his wagon, worried about the wagon on him, and left.
Amusingly true. OS also tried to start the mindgames, but they were pretty shallow. Was hoping for something smart from him. Shame.

If this OS wagon falters because OS reacted nonchalantly I'm going to rip town a new hole.

I think I explained both of these things in the past couple pages. The OS wagon is hardly better than if you were wagoning an inactive, and the speed and ease at which it formed is disturbing. Rather than scumminess, this might be indicative of sheepish town play.
Interesting, to try and curb the wagon, instead of calling people helping scum, you call them townie sheeps, not just 'sheeps' - better to clarify you hold them no ill will. After all, you need them, scum.

There no case on Kosha Boy that isn't completely nullified by "Wait, would newbtown do this?". Look for things newbscum WOULDN'T do, such as giving clear reads continuously.

What do you think OS is most likely to flip?

Statistically, town is a majority so a toen flip is more likely on pure numbers.

Anything about his play that makes it better than a lotto game?
Yes but each player, statistically, has the same probability of flipping town.

QUOTE=Asdioh;13874167]I've only played with OS once before, but I know a little bit about him.
I know that he's smart, I know he enjoys playing as scum, and I know that, as scum, he doesn't mind getting lynched, as long as it creates a slew of confusing connections that will most likely help his scumteam win.

He wasn't here for the first half of this Day phase. He hasn't put much effort in since then. He doesn't seem concerned with the wagon on him. And perhaps most importantly, the fact that he's done so little means that there is barely anything in terms of 'connections.' I would think that, as scum, there would be a ****load of WIFOM surrounding a number of players upon his flip. As it stands, if he flipped scum, what would we have? We'd have the fact that he seemingly gave out townreads on Nabe and I, and that's just obnoxiously obvious.

Yes, and thanks to dumb**** reasoning like this, he can AVOID the lynch purely by NOT POSTING because it doesn't fit the extremely limited meta you have. This way, he can create connections and die at a better time!


RF: What say you to switching toDay's and toMorrow's lynches? Asdioh is soooooo scum.
We would agree, if necessary. Provided OS is dead upon the morn, which he will be. I'm positive our vig is smart enough to shoot him.

He dunked one of the enrobed hazelnuts into his glass, eying the Swiss across the room all the while. Slowly and repeatedly, he dunked the orb, and watched it float back to the surface. Finally, he bit it with a squelchy crunch, and after some amount of chewing and swallowing, he opened his mouth to speak to the Swiss, pieces of nut and chocolate spitting from his lips as he spoke.

"your a dumb buttface"

The figure grinned, grimaced. The irony of the insult and the tacit implication that it was infact, the other way round, proved almost too much to contain.
The figure's eyes twinkled, praying to himself that Nabe were allergic to nuts. Alas, he knew this not to be true since he had been sucking on OS' all game.


Null on RF. Very curious as to how they could actually think Vlade was scummy. Need to question them more about this later. Reread comes first. Attack on Sang is understandable. Her early posts were too defensive over the answers that people gave in regards to her.
We should likely admit we had Vlade as town for the majority of our pressure. Stubbornness and that.

RF explain to me why you had Asdioh and Raz as town reads in you 126/127 (can't remember which one it was).

Vlade explain to me why you were so certain of RF town in 137 at the time.
Asdioh because he was being townie, as in open, clear - progressive. That rapidly changed.

Other half needs to answer Raz. Also, I guessed the Asdioh reasoning. Probably true though. Definitely Scum Asdioh though.

I do wonder if anyone will read this closely enough to....

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
RF, lynch Raz, have OS shot or copped, look into Asdioh/Nabe toMorrow?

By look into, I want to read an Asdioh case made by someone. =D

What makes you of Kanty with his reads post dilemna?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kosha Boy I think it's best you don't worry about what roles town has, or anything involving RF alluding to them.

Besides, they're confident a role exists if they need that role to exist. Don't concern yourself with it.

Kosha Boy

Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2011
I fail to see how that question was anti-town. RF seemed pretty damn confident that there was a Vig, and I was pressing as to why.
Your trying to silence me doesn't sit well either.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
You're an idiot.

Realize who you're talking to. Ask yourself, what the **** kind of answer do you expect to get? What, do you want RF to claim mafia day rolecop and say they found the vig? Don't be dense for just a moment, please.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I fail to see how that question was anti-town. RF seemed pretty damn confident that there was a Vig, and I was pressing as to why.
Your trying to silence me doesn't sit well either.
KB, what does town achieve by you asking RF why he was so sure there was a Vig in the game?

You're either phishing for PRs or you're asking questions that lead to dead ends. No -good- comes from that question being answered.

But for what it's worth, I'll tell you that Vig is a very standard role in Mafia games that have PRs.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

Overswarm [4]: Radical Fiction, Gorf, Bardull, Vlade
Kosha Boy [2]: Asdioh, J
Kantrip [1]: Raziek
Raziek [1]: Sworddancer
Gorf [0]:
Sworddancer [0]:
J [0]:
Radical Fiction [0]:
Vlade [0]:
Bardull [0]:
Asdioh [0]:
Nabe [0]:

Not Voting: Overswarm, Kosha Boy, Nabe, Kantrip

With 12 alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Oh yeah you reminded me Overswarm. Your post earlier had a few things for me:

Your anti-town nature lies in your refusal to do anything even when it is apparent you are being asked to. I mean, I did place my vote on you because RF said, and I quote, "Overswarm will not talk without the votes". You can call it a "proxy vote" if you want, but I'll say now that you being the lynch toDay is not something I support.

In fact, if Radical Fiction really supports your lynch, I will need to see quite a bit more before I will get on it for real.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh yeah you reminded me Overswarm. Your post earlier had a few things for me:

Your anti-town nature lies in your refusal to do anything even when it is apparent you are being asked to. I mean, I did place my vote on you because RF said, and I quote, "Overswarm will not talk without the votes". You can call it a "proxy vote" if you want, but I'll say now that you being the lynch toDay is not something I support.

In fact, if Radical Fiction really supports your lynch, I will need to see quite a bit more before I will get on it for real.
What the fuhh.

What the fuhh what the fuhh what the fuhh what the fuhh what the fuhh what the fuhh.

You JUST came out and stated that you found OS to be scummy about a page or two back, and unless I'm terrible at putting things together, I'd assume that means you would be in support of his lynch. Your play is REEEEEEEEEEEALY making zero sense dude...

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I mean, WOW. Badical Description mentioned that nothing Kosha does wouldn't be done by noob town... I DON'T SEE NOOB TOWN WITH AS MUCH EXPERIENCE AS THAT HYDRA HAS (and I use the term "experience" loosely) TRYING TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE VIG SHIZ, OF ALL THINGS... Yet you're just so willing to just accept it? I mean I'm not calling you scum yet, but come on dude...

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
KB, what does town achieve by you asking RF why he was so sure there was a Vig in the game?

You're either phishing for PRs or you're asking questions that lead to dead ends. No -good- comes from that question being answered.

But for what it's worth, I'll tell you that Vig is a very standard role in Mafia games that have PRs.
Noob. Town. At. Its. FINEST.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Overswarm could very well be scum.

His actions have been anti-town.

His lynch gives us nothing an, on a townflip, puts us back at square one.

If I was saying he's scum before then it was either A. Pressure or B. For bad reasons as he's only null for me.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
gorf, i'm under the impression that the KB hydra is comprised of mega noobs at this point in time.

if they have experience worthy of merit that would discount my read, i'd love to hear about it and, if it's compelling, switch to a KB lynch right on the spot. haha

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
gorf, i'm under the impression that the KB hydra is comprised of mega noobs at this point in time.

if they have experience worthy of merit that would discount my read, i'd love to hear about it and, if it's compelling, switch to a KB lynch right on the spot. haha
There's not good, but they have a fairish amount of experience, one moreso than another. They're not good, not at all, but they've been exposed to the game more than some people are giving them credit for.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
RF, lynch Raz, have OS shot or copped, look into Asdioh/Nabe toMorrow?

By look into, I want to read an Asdioh case made by someone. =D

What makes you of Kanty with his reads post dilemna?
I would support a Raziek lynch only if there was a guarantee he would be in here in time to claim. I don't want another Awkward Moment.
That said, I have seen him post in places like the Social or something since his last post. I think.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Gorf has a point. Inferno was playing in queue games before I even knew what mafia was, and he's been making the majority of the posts.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Overswarm could very well be scum.

His actions have been anti-town.

His lynch gives us nothing an, on a townflip, puts us back at square one.

If I was saying he's scum before then it was either A. Pressure or B. For bad reasons as he's only null for me.
The third line isn't true, there's always something to look at. Hell I think there's less information in the Kosha lynch but I'm totally willing to go there, as were you until recently.

The last line seems very much so like a backpedal.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
How come you sound so positive of a Vig all of the sudden? And even moreso that OS will be killed by one?
Now what the **** response is this?
You're trying to dodge around the question, and that doesn't sit well with me. Any particular reason you seemed so positive of Vig?
@Kantrip - you ninja well, but ignoring anything in mafia is a good way to get screwed.
@Kantrip - Now another question for you - why so fast to jump in when I'm trying to get an answer from RF?
I fail to see how that question was anti-town. RF seemed pretty damn confident that there was a Vig, and I was pressing as to why.
Your trying to silence me doesn't sit well either.

Such weakness.

vote: Kantrip


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I was just saying "between you and J based on first impressions." I also wanted to make sure Raziek and I felt differently about that subject, which we do. Not sure what that means yet, other than maybe we read into things differently.

Then there's the benefit that I get to see what your reaction is. Did I think you were scum? No, regardless of what vibes I got from an RVS vote, it wasn't nearly enough. Is the post I just quoted a scummier response than I was expecting? Yes...

The towniest thing you could have done was ignore my "attack" completely fyi
I read this differently when I first saw it and I thought it was an Asdioh/Raziek connection more than it actually is. Asdioh/Raz is still farfetched at this point after all.


"Interesting" eh? That's cool.


He responded to Rfiction's question (twice) which doesn't really help and just makes it look like he's saying something of value. I could forgive this though because both halves of the hydra are fairly new.

I disagree with this, and my RVS vote on Kantrip has stayed for that reason. Not only that, but he just says "vibes" and doesn't explain it. His only other stance is a FoS on you which is fairly weak.

Asdioh's original response to me in early game is that he found me incredibly scummy. Scummy enough to scoff at anyone who thought I was townie, even if that someone has played with my more than Asdioh has.


Daykill: Kantrip

The audience gasped.
So, this choice makes sense then. However, I've seen Asdioh pull this gambit numerous times. Not to mention the fact that it's telegraphed and obviously fake to begin with. I feel like Asdioh is blending a bit of continuity with his other town games by including this gambit. In other games, it actually worked because his target was well picked. This game?

Yes, otherwise I wouldn't use it.
Nabe, I'm somewhat inebriated right now, but it took me about 2 seconds of researching to realize what character you were crumbing. Is that a legitimate restriction or are you just being annoying?


Daykill: Radical Fiction
Not so much.

so i'm pretty sure kantrip is town even though he's really freaking scummy.

that leaves Sang and Kosha Boy. Kosha Boy is guaranteed scum, my daycop (which I used on Overswarm and got Town) confirms this. As much as I hate to have the same reads as radical fiction, I have to agree that Sang is probably scum.

And then suddenly I'm town even though I'm really scummy, all from my reaction to his faked gambit. As I have said, it would be really for me to fake that reaction as scum, and I feel like Asdioh is going for town points by initially saying I'm probably town.

Buddy: Gorf

@Kantrip: I'm not sure anymore. On my first readthrough, I had Raziek as quite townie. Currently, I'm not as confident. That may change when I finish my readthrough tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are the reads I had earlier in the game, which I held off on while watching what other players did.

Impressions 1.0:
Between Vlade and Kantrip, Kantrip is scummier.
Between Sang and J, Sang is scummier.
Between Gorf and Raz, Gorf is townier, though they're both pretty townie.
Overswarm hasn't posted, Kosha Boy is scummy and stanceless and will probably remain so as long as he can, Bardull is abrasive but possibly town. Postponing a read on Radical Fiction until later in the game when I can give a definitive read. Nabe's posts have been utterly forgettable, aside from them being in different colors.
This will be a good post to look back at after an Asdioh scumflip.

Because like I said, the OS lynch is hardly better than an inactive. The only thing I will do if he flips town is say "why the hell did RF encourage this?"

Regardless of my opinion on connection stuff, it seems like a legitimate question for KB to ask... as if he were a townie that's concerned with mislynching. hmmm
Asdioh's stance on the OS wagon has bee apparently made clear, as I asked him what he thought and he said he has been pretty strong on his OS town read. Rather than asking RF why the hell he's encouraging the lynch now, his plan is it wait until after it happens. Look at this ****!

RF is pushing a wagon.
Asdioh firmly believes it is on a townie.
Asdioh says if the lynch causes a townie flip he will ask RF why the hell he was encouraging it.
Asdioh is going to wait until after the flip, even though he already firmly believes it will yeild a townie.

So, Asdioh is buying townie points by calling the lynch a mislynch and opposing it, but he is putting forth no effort to do anything about it, and even admits that he will only be on RF AFTER the lynch happens.

- - -

Why Asdioh it scum:
-A vast majority of his posts have been fluffy and empty, holding literally no content.

-His questions are all similarly empty, and mostly just ask rhetorical questions or questions that the answer to will not give him anything as town.

-He has not done any pressuring or questioning of his scumpicks. Like, he's had this Raziek read of mafia traitor, along with RF and KB being scum, yet the only one I can recall him doing ANY scumhunting with is Kosha Boy, and that could easily be because Kosha Boy is the easiest to make look scummy and misliynch.

-He has shown intention to allow a mislynch to occur BEFORE he reprimands the instigator for it.

-His play has been off, and while this is a weaker point, people who have played significantly with Asdioh should reread all the posts he made that have SUBSTANCE and realize they don't look like townAsdioh. Disregard the posts that are just Asdioh being Asdioh, as those are easy to fake and say nothing of his alignment.

-On several occasions, Asdioh has gone against the status quo and called people town when others weren't. While this can often be a townie move, Asdioh has really had no reasoning behind doing so when he has done it, which is really scum being caught doing scummy things if you ask me.

Vote: Asdioh

I'm completely fine with my vote here, as I have yet to see anything solidly townie from Asdioh, and I have seen plenty empty things (which is scummy if it's on purpose), and a couple scummy things too.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The third line isn't true, there's always something to look at. Hell I think there's less information in the Kosha lynch but I'm totally willing to go there, as were you until recently.

The last line seems very much so like a backpedal.
I'm still okay with the Kosha Boy lynch. Sure there's something for Overswarm, but there's still very little and I'd say there is more to gain from a Kosha Boy townflip.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Since my reads seem to be getting convoluted and unclear:

J, Sang, and one of Bardull/Vlade in the town boat.
Radical Fiction, Gorf, and the other of Bardull/Vlade leaning town.
Nabe and Overswarm null.
Kosha Boy and Raziek leaning scum.
Asdioh scum.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm going to let Asdioh respond to the case but I have to say I heavily disagree with the case as I find a lot of the points actually not true to what I have seen Asdioh done. I also find quite a few of the points to be a reach for a reason to call Asdioh scum.

I do have one question regarding that one quote you brought up that I can ask and not step on Asdioh's toes.

Asdioh said:
Buddy: Gorf

@Kantrip: I'm not sure anymore. On my first readthrough, I had Raziek as quite townie. Currently, I'm not as confident. That may change when I finish my readthrough tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are the reads I had earlier in the game, which I held off on while watching what other players did.

Impressions 1.0:
Between Vlade and Kantrip, Kantrip is scummier.
Between Sang and J, Sang is scummier.
Between Gorf and Raz, Gorf is townier, though they're both pretty townie.
Overswarm hasn't posted, Kosha Boy is scummy and stanceless and will probably remain so as long as he can, Bardull is abrasive but possibly town. Postponing a read on Radical Fiction until later in the game when I can give a definitive read. Nabe's posts have been utterly forgettable, aside from them being in different colors.
This will be a good post to look back at after an Asdioh scumflip.
You said this would be important to look upon an AsdiohScum flip, why not just tell us why instead of just say it is important to look into? =x Can you please do this?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Because it has a lot of stances, J. It could be WIFOM to sort through, but it is notes where Asdioh categorized a lot of people amongst each other.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

I need you to explain why you have Bardull/Vlade as "one of them" and group them together. Also why one but not the other? It seems very weird that you have them like that.
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