From my experiences playing olimar, pictochat actually favors him. Granted that I don't main olimar (he's a semi-main for me), but I've never lost a match when I'm olimar on pictochat. Most of the time, it's flat and simple, which is what olimar likes. Some of the drawings give more stage space, which allows olimar to recover. Some more helpful aspects of pictochat are the spikes, the boat, and the box-like pyramid. All of these make brawling difficult, as such, most people will just sit there and wait for these things to disappear. When I'm olimar, these give me excelent opperunities to gather all my pikmin, pluck more if I need to, and figure out what order they're in. All in all, pictochat generally favors olimar, and should at least be a middle stage, if not one of his best.