People, people... let's back up. I'm simply asking the question: What justification is there for older men, or women, to swoon over teenage counterparts in fantastical adventures, without coming off as obsessive?
I only ask because any fans I know of Twilight, Harry Potter, and now Hunger Games, are not just fans, but obsessive. My curiosity is not in the stories itself (either good or bad to begin with) but more so the fascination the now older generation has with the old. Is this right, wrong, situational, irrelevant? I'm now curious is the more receptive and seemingly polarized responses.
Just to clarify, I'm a near 24 year old, who openly loves Medabots, Pokemon, Digimon, with little to zero shame that I still collect (and used to work for) Lego. That said, to me I consider myself a fan, but not obsessive. Still its perplexing how some people become engulfed in such worlds, but at the same time, to me irrelevant.