Hey Falco, thanks for taking the time to write that, I enjoyed reading the history from your perspective. I found it interesting that you were involved with the people who made the hacking scene what it is today over on that other forum, such as nuke, pw, kic, etc. Also, the fact that you asked for the tripping code is cool too.
The only thing you lacked was talking more about PW's HUGE affect on the hacking scene throughout these years. I mean, he made many of the most important codes: l-canceling, MAD, HAD (which wasn't really needed in the end, but it was cool that he could do it), the file replacement code, etc, and lets not forget the utilities that he's responsible for that have utterly changed the hacking scene for us: PSA, CSS Modifier, etc.
Think of PSA alone, and the door it has opened. We're now capable of doing many of the things we needed a hacker to do-- if anything, because of his tool, we are more capable than writing codes alone without it. Then there's a slew of custom characters.
BrawlBox is another HUGELY important utility that was birthed through those years.
However, I think the point of your story was to focus more on the subject at hand; Brawl+.
Anyway, nice write-up!