you want me to be serious, fine.
intention doesnt change action.
great example is hitler, he thought he was making the world a better place, was he though?
no matter what your intentions are, your still a very rude, unpleasent person to be around, and untill you change that, no amount of 'trying to make things right' is going to mean ****.
and you cant change that because your in denial of it, your not socially aware.
stop being a ******.
and 'trying to change, give me a second chance' dont mean **** either
ted gave you a second chance, these last few months he's been like, nah luke scoots allright. then the other day you were your usual self and he mad snapped and I was like, told you so, and he was like yeah, you were right.
so thats your second chance blown
as for the pedophile thing, what you just edited in above is a clear indication of you usual denial stupid ignorance where you dont even realize what you do, as you clearly dont remember or have any idea what thats alluding to, but you did do it **** head.
the depressing thing is your life.