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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
lets see here.

Oreo. dont let other people pressure you into playing a character, mk, sonic or otherwise. gotta do whats best for you son.
Also, Trent is right in that coney has probably increased his skill more in the last 6months than anybody ive ever seen improve in 6 months.

FNB = First Name Basis. Speeds crew.

Trent is right, gotta make them goals big.

I think a lot of you would benefit from picking up more traddy fighters like blazblue and SF and applying the fundamental concepts from those games into smash. As of now, a lot of you dont really have any basis to work with, so you dont fully understand the different facets of spacing, risk management and option selecting, to name a few.
Heck yes. I used to play tekken a lot, like it was my favorite game ever before melee and brawl. I still play it sometimes and I think it helps a lot to try other fighters, maybe tekken isn't the best choice for everyone but I know it was for me. I quit tekken for a little while and tried going on just smash and like some shooters cuz that's that's what my friends play a lot.

Anyways before I got back onto tekken I got read crazy hard, couldn't read people, and couldn't react very well to certain things. But I started back again and since I started I really could see a difference in how I play. I got better with little tricks and mindgames and stuff like reading because you needed that in tekken. The way I played jin improved my sonic a lot in the mindgame department since I liked to try to make my opponent miss or I'd react to moves and parry the crap outta them.

After some time in tekken I actually started getting compliments on my sonic, one dude told me I had " ridiculous mindgames" and "had crazy reads". Basically I'm saying what kid said about traditional fighters help a lot. I think it has helped me very well.

even though I still have a lot of work to put in :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I have been doing the same thing but with Melee. Unfortunately, it's worse because the CPUs are terrible and I have nobody IRL that takes it (or anything that isn't the latest CoD) seriously.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You don't know what went through my head after Coney scraped me. Aside from "Damn, he's good." All that went through my head was "Trent took him to game 3, I got 3 stocked and then 2 stocked. How?" Then I lost to Cook, an Olimar that Trent has beaten before. I was beside myself. I know how to fight Olimar, I know what I need to do and I blew it and I'm done with it. There is nothing I can do about it other than to keep coming up short. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Let's face it, I'm bad.
Hey. Let's both be bad together, eh?

But on a much more serious note:

I've made up my mind. I'm sticking it out with :popo:/:metaknight:. I've tried and tried and I've gotten next to nowhere. I don't even feel like my Sonic has improved any. I ask for critiques but I hardly get any. I'm just falling apart with Sonic. SiiS4 was like the one last opportunity to make a name or something for myself by getting into brackets and showing people what I had going with Sonic. Clearly, I had nothing to show outside of mediocrity.
W-wait a minute now!

I wasn't told this before! ;~;

Excel, why not talk to me whenever you get new videos online?


I try to be active on the boards, but with all due honesty that's easier said than done. I could help you if you ask me "take a look at these vids plz now/whenever you get a chance." or whatever over the Instant Messager. I am on AIM all the time, to stay in touch with people. I also tend to leave my computer on throughout the day if I go do something around the house so unless I'm like really into D2 ATM (since I can't have the window minimized and play it at the same time unfortunately), I will eventually notice the IM and take a look at whatever it is you said.

... In the rare case I don't respond other than the previous condition, I probably left my computer on to listen to music while I sleep. This is usually only past 2 A.M. PST though, and I think I will be idle. Unless somebody comes in, since this desk isn't really resistant to movement...

I really do my best to not ignore people. Jerry and Michael are the two exceptions since I talk to them everyday and really I think the three of us can agree that every other day is just meh.

... This is all assuming it isn't too late. If you've already made your decision, good luck in your future endeavors. I have a feeling I have some idea of what it's like to lose to players you could beat if you didn't limit yourself...

Goggles, help me out here. I am terrible at traditional fighters, which is why I've been playing MMOs and Brawl/Soku. Soku can only be related for having similar concepts, like reversals, supers, etc., but I'm not aware of any other game that allows you to practically dash through projectiles like Soku does.

I've tried Melty Blood, and that's probably much closer, if not an actual traditional fighter. I really cannot stand how "stiff" the characters feel. Teching is virtually non existent, and pressure stops when the opponent messes up.

Then again, maybe not even MB, since it puts a heavy emphasis on corner pressure... like to an (un?)healthy point. Unless there are some reversals in that game I'm not aware of, there really is no way to deal with blockstrings except wait for a reset.

That's really my only experience post learning about competitive gaming. If you'd allow me, I have played Melee, Smash64, Tekken, Marvel, Street Fighter, but I was young and hadn't known about this type of scene extensively; which is why I don't count them.

And lastly:

@Speed - You know where to find me bro.


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
i dont understand what you are asking of me right now, and i swear to god, im going to be sooooo pissed if you respond to this before I go to sleep.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
i dont understand what you are asking of me right now, and i swear to god, im going to be sooooo pissed if you respond to this before I go to sleep.
How exactly is skill from one game suppose to translate to another so easily?

Everybody I know talks like it's true, but how does it work? I cannot see it, TBH.

... Or maybe it's just because I have a linear view on things. The way I play Sonic I don't think can really carry over to another character in any other game or any other engine. To me, that's like saying I could be a good psychologist but I cannot see myself being a psychiatrist, or a plumber. Either extreme, both different sets of skills.

Also bleh, don't count on me being online anytime after 2 A.M. PST on weekdays. That's when I have school and I need to sleep so I can wake-up at 11 to noon.

BRB barber shop, If I'm still not clear/made any grammatical errors I'll fix them when I get back.



Pinnacle of Projectile Placement.
May 17, 2009
Intergalactic camping with mjg.
Out of 32
13th in singles. Sonic/PT
Last in mid tier doubles
Last in regular doubles

First match was Denti's Olimar. After losing to him 2-0 twice in the past I decided to go pokemon trainer first round. I lost about the same as with Sonic (1 stocked, low percent). I'm still pretty bad at the matchup but I feel like my PT does better. I did CP with Sonic ftl again. 0/3 with Denti.

I beat ToSM 2-0, he is a decent Ike main, but he went Marth first round (not as difficult as his Ike). I definitely need to improve my gimp game so I don't have to kill Ike at 200% every stock.

Beat P4 (mk/lucario) 2-0. MK is always a fun matchup. I'm about 95% certain that Lucario doesn't beat Sonic as badly as MK.

Lost a close set with ShadowPJ(Toon Link) 2-1 , 3rd game last stock last hit. I felt like I could have won, but I need work on this matchup.

Doubles was kind of a pain. All my sets were close (2-1 I think), but there were crucial moments that really took the game away from us. I lets my partners get gimped a couple of times and failed to properly momentum cancel game 3 for 2 of the sets.

And thats all for now. I don't expect many videos.

1. judging a mu off of p4 is a horrible idea lol.

2. Remember the match after the set thats how i could play if i wanted.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I'm not saying P4 is a great Lucario. I just feel that someone at Trela's skill level would give me as much trouble with any high tier character, not just Lucario.

I don't remember our matches alot, but I'm a bit more reckless in friendlies (for better or for worse). Which is probably why I lost the set anyway. In any case, even if you were sandbagging, I DID almost beat you in the set. You did choke on a couple of good reads that would have made your win more comfortable though. *shrug*

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I updated the results post, and separated each year into quarters. I considered doing it player by player, but the tediousness of going through the list, fishing out every single players results (not to mention that some players are under different names), and putting them in another giant table similar to the one in the second post of the thread is just too much, not to mention unnecessary for the most part.

Sorry Trent, but it's just something I'm not willing to do right now. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
its better to have it designatd by time, that way when somebody says something stupid in the tier list thread, i can come here and know exactly what sonics results are for a given time frame.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2008
Bellevue, WA
No one probably remembers me, but I used to hang out here.

Anyway, I was at MAGFest which is a big gaming convention in DC so i entered in my first brawl tournament in over a year. There were 50-60 entrants so they did a single elimination 1 game sets. It was pretty intense.

I won the first 4 rounds as all sonic and then lost to a pretty good lucas in the 5th round. I ended up getting top eight and since the lucas got third, that puts me at 7th I believe.

Was a pretty fun experience considering i have been away from the game for so long. Sonic really isn't as bad as I used to think he was. If you think he needs "priority" then you could use some patience and timing.

Anyway, I'm not sure if results will ever be posted, but if it is I'll let you know. Keep rocking your sonics!

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I'm back from a teeny tiny in town tournament. Ended up getting 1st. Lost to K Prime in Winners, then managed to beat him twice in Grand.

Nothing got recorded, but our first match in GF was one of my favorite games vs. him of all. We literally devolved into SDI+DI'ing each others hits and countered for about 6 consecutive attacks on each side starting at very low percents.


Frosty 3 & Knuckles
January 15th
Out of 13
1st - Espy (Sonic)

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Oh Snap 6: Smashing Mad
January 15-16
Out of 32
13th - Joshua (Sonic)

Yay, I'm in the top half of the placings again. I'm really surprised by ALSM's placing though, I didn't know he climbed his way through Losers like that, so good for him.

I really wanted to play MJG and Denti while they were there, but they were either doing matches or nowhere in sight. Ah well, I found myself having a ton of fun playing Boom, shame he had to play a MK (I think) and a DDD back to back.

I'll find a way to beat Meta Knights and ROBs soon enough so I can reach Top 10 in a 32-man bracket.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson & Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
Some of the people told me that they stop coming to tournaments because of Meta Knight. Since I'm still working out some rules and junk, I'm allowing the players to vote on the issue and the majority said they wanted him banned for this tournament. I didn't vote and if I did vote, I would probably have him banned for this one tournament, but that just me being bad against Meta Knight...no more johns.

Speaking about johns, Kinzer got mad at me for having a broken controller john. I had all this time to get it repaired and I've been lazy do do so. It's my fault for having a broken controller. I promise him, no more johns and I promise him I'll get the controller fixed.

Right now I don't know where my mind is at the moment. I had so many screw ups which I may explain later or Kinzer will. I'll edit this post or if someone else post before I do, I'll just do a new post.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
There was a spur of the moment tournament this weekend when a Smashfest managed to get 16 people to show.

I ended up winning again, but I went random the entire way except for three or four matches here or there.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2010
True Area 53
Better late than never...

Adventures of the Prima Vista


December 11, 2010

Out of 41

33rd, Da1AndOnlySonic, :sonic:

Didn't make it out of pools, all but 1 of the people in my pool were not from SoVA. It was nice to face some different people for a change though, iirc my worst match was against Logic's Olimar where I got 2 stocked high %. My poor performance aside (and unmentioned johns because I'm not the type to john), I was able to get some game time in with M2K which was nothing short of interesting and fun. :awesome:

Other than that tourney, it has been pretty much SoVA bi-weeklies. Results haven't been posted yet, but ToD 11 I got 4th out of ? (can't remember), ToD 12 was turned into a fest due to low turnout (the TD was in the hospital at the time, but he's fine now :)), and ToD 13 I got 1st out of 24.

I feel like I'm better now than I was back at that MD/VA tourney, but I still have much room for improvement. Two more bi-weeklies, then it's hello Pound V. Maybe I'll be able to get in some matches with some of you guys depending on who is going.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
You know what's not good?
Counterpicking to Delfino vs. Olimar.

In any case, good stuff, X. Keep that WC on lock down.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I don't know what to do against any one ^_^;!!
guess I should read up on stuff :OO
You'll be fine. You haven't needed this board for information so much, and I'd hope that you learn well from your experiences.

Since I haven't said it myself already, congratulations X!

Oh hey, I was suppose to say how the tourney here in Vegas went.

Eh, what is there to say? I think I got a little bit better at the Falco MU, and I now have a good reason to practice the GRCG on Ness now. Stupid FOW, goes all Ness outside of NV but he can't use Ness against our own.

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