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About the Online Link Chat

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
First here's the link: http://xat.com/LinkBrawlers

Ok, i just want to give some info regarding the chatroom to try and increase its use and popularity. Also, hopefully by making this new thread people will use it more for the King of Wifi thread so people can more easily set up matches.

Setting up Matches
Using the chatroom makes setting up matches more efficient.
Ex. "Anyone up for a match? I'll be in the chatroom if anyone accepts challenge" - If someone goes to the chat and accepts it will make a sound so you just need to keep your volume up and wait for the *ding*, instead of waiting next to the computer, constantly refreshing the thread.

So anyway here are the basics of the xat chatroom.....

Profile (you don't need to register or sign up at all to use the chat)
Click YourName at the top of the visitors list on the right to set up your profile. If you are new to the chat box you will have been assigned a silly name like WuggyBunch and a random picture but these are easy to change.
Enter your FC in the "Home Page" section so people can view it. Now you won't have to type it in each time you set up a match.

Visitor List
The visitor list is a list of people that are currently chatting in the room. Each name has a person symbol next to it and the color indicates their status. Green is online, red is off-line, gold is owner, silver is moderator, blue is member, grey is ignored and brown is banned.
When you send a message your person in the visitor / friend list will glow green to indicate you are talking. When others send messages you will be able to see their person glow as well.


You can challenge other chatters to games. Click the 'games' tab and choose between Pool, Chess, 4 in a row and shoot. Then private chat someone and challenge them to a game!

This is a drawing feature. It seems to be where it's at. lol Right now ArdeS, NintendoJoe, Swordplay and Waffles have drawn an exact replica of Green Hill Zone.


You can add smiles but either clicking the mouse on one of the default smiles above the message entry box or by using the code for the smilie. E.g. : - ) is the code for the standard yellow smilie. There are lots of additional smiles that are not part of the standard set that can be found at http://xat.com/help?ss=5

Audies are sound effects that can be added to messages. An audie is sent by using # followed by the name of the sound.

There is also private messaging/chat as well as "marry/bestfriend" which I'm not even going to talk about. Am I missing anything important?

Most of this stuff I just copied from the help section, but yeah, check it out.

Deleted member

Arkive approves of this chat

you can cuss your head off, which is *****ing


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Here are some more Arkive and I drew.

Falcon punch lazer

Swordplay vs Arkivezero

metaknight gets hit by a car and water>fire

Luigi, the tire flower, and catastrophy


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
To bad Aurashade quit brawl, otherwise he'd be getting his ***-ail handed to him right now.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
Paterson, New Jersey
Ich apparently when we post links (lol pun) on the chat people cant see them so you have to make us members (kirin told me we're "guests" so people cant see links cuz of that)

just letting you know

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
Ich apparently when we post links (lol pun) on the chat people cant see them so you have to make us members (kirin told me we're "guests" so people cant see links cuz of that)

just letting you know
Yeah, ok. Each time I show up in the chat I'll make people members. Also, I'll make someone a moderator to help out with this. I'll chose someone that spends the most time in there.

Edit: Ritch, Linkspecialist, ArdeS, NintendoJoe, and Aurashade have been made members (you will see a blue icon next to your name.

Actually I will make two mods: One person who spends the most time in there and one person by vote. Aurashade said he's already got some people for him becoming a mod, but yeah just vote here I guess.

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
Here is a good idea that I think KirinBlaze came up with (unless he got it from someone else first?)...
When you click on your name to edit your profile in the chat it has an section called "Home Page" where you can put in a link to whatever you want. Instead you can put in your FC to make setting up matches easier.

Others can now place the mouse pointer over the home icon next to your name (when you post a message) and they will be able to see your FC. Much better than typing it everytime you fight someone new.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2008
Western Aussie
Deva and I's drawing sessions

had some fun with deva ;)

I.E Deva challenge poster (with my random link drawing)

Deva's MK Burger, (he has a deformed thumb, but he wouldnt be low tier without it :laugh:)

Kirby laughing at links triumph over MK

Link triumphs over all

hope you enjoy our drawing session

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
I will mod you up next time I see you in there. In the meantime, everyone enjoy Arkive as a mod. If you want to get member status ask him (this lets you post links in the chat). I'm sure mods can do other things, but I don't know what.

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
So I'm in the xat chat and everyone says that a mod is never around so I guess it needs another one. Someone who is in the chat often is what i'm looking for i guess.

Fino and cyner nominated themselves. Does anyone have any recommendations (Besides Arkive/Aurashade)? I'll give this till monday, then after reading people's comments here I'll pick someone.

Let me know.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Haha great stuff in the chat last night. I was totally right about Deva. xD

Blubba's prediction powers are now over 9000.

Also... WTF at our personal tier list being closed. I don't give a ****ing **** if it violated a dumb rule, we had a thread that we loved and Buzz just pops in and closes it for that! >_>

I might just go through all my Podcasts of SMYN now and delete every single one that had Buzz in it.

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
Nice to see I'm loved, but someone didn't pay the internet bill... so I had to get it reactivated and it should be back on today.
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