lol@ DACUS is safe. try it against a competent opponent plz (being that they aren't wide open)
Also Sheik's put too much emphasis on needles imo. Know that when you run away and needle you're most likely giving up advantageous situations, especially if you already have him cornered. it's an anti-camp tool. sheik isn't a camper... she attacks.
also >_> @ the reverse needle cancel into bair. why not just RAR bair? no point.
sheiks needles are indeed used to just stop camping. Although I have a theory on whether sheik should be a camper or not which i will get to in a moment
@the reverse needle cancel into bair
the point of that technique, or at least what I use it for it basically to out space my opponent. I assume that you know that when you RAR you just continue your momentum forward or just stop moving the middle of the stage, doing your bair animation. <--- This = easily punished by any good player.
So let me give you this scenario. Your fighting a marth and you he's in the middle of the stage waiting for you, or even just slowly approaching you from the other side of the stage. You have 2 options, you can pelt him with needles as he slowly comes towards you, or you can try to catch him off balance by approaching him in return with your approach of choice. The needle cancel bair, allows you to dash towards him, short hop reverse needle cancel, which draws him out either causing him to upB, fair, f-smash, or dancing blade. But since you reverse needle cancelled you are out spacing him, instead of the other way around which is one of the main problems in this match up. And the bair is simply the punish of choice for me. You can also just land and DACUS him instead out of it if he throws out a laggy attack.
In conclusion its simply a spacing technique.
lol when i wrote dacus spamming/camping in my april fools post i was still being serious
its too legit
its just way too hard to execute
seriously, you know how useful it is if you're spacing with snake? it's situational but there are poitns in the match where it is just godly with snake
it's the same with sheik. sort of a mid/long range spacing, if u hit someone's shield they can't punish it (unless they're another sheik, or falco or pit or something and they reverse B a projectile out of shield)
sheik *****
i can beat any character w/ her
step it up foolz just play the game dont think too much, ur knowledge and good habits will come from just using sheik over and over and trying to win
with sheik, shes fast so u can kinda play like ur playing melee... aka doing stuff so fast ur opponent cant react
hence armada getting first
i didnt read this thread btw but my name was the first word in this thread so its TOO GOOD
DACUS spamming, does not work. I play against BadNewsBear all the time, who plays pikachu,metaknight,marth,snake,DDD,wario and some others. He knows that when a sheik is using DACUS all he has to do is throw out almost any attack and he will win, he can jump aerial, he can smash attack you, he can throw out a projectile, he can grab. It doesn't matter. All he has to do is stand there, or jump and throw out an attack. Its that simple. The DACUS is only useful in setups or mindgames and even then can be punished if they think it is coming. It is not a safe thing to do back and forth at any time.
Sethlon mains sheik. it beats light and places better. watch seths
sethlon no longer mains sheik, he has switched to marth, how many times do i have to say this.
also my sheik > sethlons (i love him though, he ***** me in tourney, but only with falco)
the DACUSs real use is a ranged punisher for ppl coming back to the ground (someine jumps over the needles u didnt throw>DACUS, opponent full hops and tries to land>DACUS etc.) maybe useful as a Fair/Bair follow up but it SHOULD NOT BE USED AS AN APPROACH
also to anyone saying that sheik's grabs are worthless, I believe your wrong in this whole heartedly. Sheik's grabs to punish are too good and can wrack up a lot of damage, also it isn't too difficult to set up mind game "chain grabs" by simply following beneath the opponent as they come to the ground.
So my thoughts on a potential new metagame for anyone with the mental fortitude to try. I know some people might have a problem with this type of tactic so don't do it if you don't want to, but myself and Dr. Mario Guy, an extremely smart wario main and one of the best players in texas, believe this tactic could work out extremely well.
A little backstory first. So I don't know how well people know this, but not so long ago in the metagame, wario was not considered that good a character, and hold on before everyone assumes that I'm equating sheik to wario. DMG and a couple others thought to themselves for a minute, I can rack up damage pretty well with wario, but I can't seem to finish people off very well, or even approach that well, and by the time I do actually do one of those things, I myself am at kill percent or behind. So he came up with the strategy to just do neither of those things. He would jump around, air dodge, spot dodge, do whatever it took to avoid taking damage and always forcing the other player to approach by making it hard to read where he was going to be. Thus the new wario metagame of floating around and being annoying/running the timer if necessary was born.
Now, what I'm saying is, that why can't sheik do the same thing??
Sheik is a master of low percentage combos, and taking the lead, the only problem is her killing abilities can be hard to perform sometimes, and can get her in a lot of trouble/rack up a lot of damage/deaths on her. So I thought to myself, I bet sheik could be really gay to catch if she wanted to be.
So what if we, as a collective whole/aka. the sheik boards, come up with some strategy of playing keep away and only throwing out punish's when the other person messes up and always making the other person approach.
I believe that one of the main problems sheik mains have is that they go for their punish attacks too quickly, and try to pressure too hard. Say someone is falling down from the air, instead of just flying at them as quickly as possible and trying to catch them by surprise, why not just wait for them, shield whatever attack they throw out, then go for a grab? Also say your fighting a diddy kong or someone that's recovering from off stage, instead of always going out there for some kind of gimp, why not just wait on stage, let them try whatever they want to to get on, then just fair or nair them off again.
These are all just thoughts I've been toying with, but I do believe that if the sheik boards collectively came together and people actually wanted to try, that running away and only punishing mistakes and then backing off again, could be a viable and worthy way to win with sheik, just as it was with wario.