OK, fellow Meta Mains.
What we have on our hands is one of the coolest techs avaliable. The Cape can now be used as a fantastic improvement to out metagame. However, this tactic could possibly be banned if used for stalling purposes.
If we do not abuse this tactic, we will probably be able to keep it in our arsenal. It only takes one greedy muthrfuker to ruin it for all of us, so here is my proposed plan...
Do not use this technique for more than 3 seconds at a time.
Do not EVER stall with this move. If you need to stall for a short period of time, go fly.
Do not completely abuse a low quality player with this tech. If you can defeat them otherwise, please do so.
I am hoping we can adopt these rules as "manlaws". I am not going to come to your house and attack you if you break them. They are just rules that we as Meta Knight players can agree on so this tech does not become banned.
What we have on our hands is one of the coolest techs avaliable. The Cape can now be used as a fantastic improvement to out metagame. However, this tactic could possibly be banned if used for stalling purposes.
If we do not abuse this tactic, we will probably be able to keep it in our arsenal. It only takes one greedy muthrfuker to ruin it for all of us, so here is my proposed plan...
Do not use this technique for more than 3 seconds at a time.
Do not EVER stall with this move. If you need to stall for a short period of time, go fly.
Do not completely abuse a low quality player with this tech. If you can defeat them otherwise, please do so.
I am hoping we can adopt these rules as "manlaws". I am not going to come to your house and attack you if you break them. They are just rules that we as Meta Knight players can agree on so this tech does not become banned.