First of all, yes I like this thread! Yes I do agree with the first post! And I right now AM voicing my opinion and know that I will not be banned or get an infraction point!
SEE guys? You CAN voice your opinion on these boards!
Do I agree with the first post because the poster happens to be a moderator? No, if I don't agree with a moderator then I'll let that person know all the same. If the original poster was a "smash n00b" I'd still applaud this thread!
So, obviously I just expressed an opinion without whining.
"How did he DO this?" You may ask yourself.
Well, since I'm a nice guy and all that, let me help you out.
First of all, one needs the great art of understanding that there is a clear difference between whining and expressing an opinion.
whine (hwīn, wīn) Pronunciation Key
v. whined, whin·ing, whines
v. intr.
To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.
Ahah! It says "in a childish fashion."
You can complain about something and express general dislike in a more mature fashion as well.
Here's a step by step guide how to do this:
Step 1 - Back your opinion up
This is very simple. Instead of saying "I hate this, this sucks" you say "I hate this, because: [insert argument here]" and there ya go! You managed to explain yourself!
Step 2 - Make sure you think out your arguments before you post them
This is done by applying logic to your statement. A bad example would be "I dislike snow because chocolate is brown". This is a statement that doesn't make sense and you want to avoid that. A good example would be "I dislike snow because it makes for slippery roads and it's cold. This sucks when I have to drive to work, and I generally prefer the warmth of the summer."
Step 3 - Don't bash
Yeah, don't do it. Criticism is okay, but when you criticise you do this because you think it could be better, right? Then feel free to tell people what exactly you think would make it better! That would be expressing YOUR opinion EVEN MORE! And you love to express your opinion, so why not express all of it? Only pointing out flaws while adding nothing to what could be improved makes you "very" whiney.
There, by applying this guide next time you post your complaints, you are less likely to get flamed, less likely to get your thread closed and come off as more intelligent.
A few more important things: If you share the same opinion with someone, just tell them that you do and don't post a new thread about it, you agree on the same subject anyway and all opinions are of the same value. Your thread is not gonna be the better one because you have the same opinion but "you" made it.
If your opinion would fit inside an already existing discussion, then add it there instead of making a new thread. That way you're adding constructive (assuming you apply the above guide) criticism to an ongoing debate! You'll really seem that much more intelligent!
Have a nice day y'all, and once again, I applaud this thread! (Or at least it's first post and some others)